He's a man older than 25

>he's a man older than 25
>he still plays video games

What's the solution to the manchildren problem , Yas Forums ?

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Gas is always the final solution

Manchild behaviour.

>she's a woman older than 25
>she already has slept with more than 50 guys

What's the solution to the roastie problem Yas Forums?

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but what if like shitting on normies and niggers with my trickshots?
I always hunt down chinks and niggers when I see one online :D

videogames improve your IQ

I’m 47 been divorced twice and I’m still a gamer. Gaming doesn’t make you a man hold, don’t listen to the losers who say otherwise

>What's the solution to the manchildren problem
Pandemics and world war
There will be no time for games
There will be no time to argue
Death will come swiftly

Starting families. It has amazing Manning up capability.

Hahahahaha absolutely based

Go back to the times when gaming was hardcore bullied, remove all thr "toxicity prevention" from online games and stop handcuffing devs into making politically correct content. Those soilent guzzlers wouldnt handle most shit made between 1990 and 2000s, or voice chatting during the halo and cs 1.6 era.

Wow they’re built for BBC

what a complete faggot thread
how old do you think the devs that made these games? that still make games?
fucking retard

>he's older than 26
>he still watches sports were people play with balls like a fucking child
What's the solution to the manchildren problem , Yas Forums ?

If you don't play video games in this day and age you're honestly just a retard. It's the most immersive art form to ever exist.
If your whole life is video games (and you don't get paid) you're also a retard
I can't wait to see the shit we have 10 or 20 years from now

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why are most sport freaks fat?

Israel-lite isn't entitled to opinions. Why are you supporting the genocide of your brethren in Palestine?

I replaced video games with music composition, researching geopolitics and fucking my girlfriend

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>He's a man older than 10
>He still believes in ~~Santa Claus~~ god.
What's the solution to the christcuck problem?

Based and truthpilled as fuck. Shit talking used to be a goddamn art form, it was fucking beautiful. In halo they even purposefully would enable the person you killed to briefly hear your mic
The graphics might be better now but the culture is shit

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Military service, state imposed religion,no social policies for the unemplyed and social stima and shaming.
Just look at the thread nu-Yas Forums is full of manchildren sois.

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Have a society that isn't so nightmarish that escapism is necessary to function

I'd be delighted to read any research papers you have on the matter that agree with this notion.


>What's the solution to the manchildren problem , Yas Forums ?
Creating a society with a goal worth working towards instead of just lining Shlomos pockets.

you can hear the mic of you victims in CoD warzone

hearing the screeching rees of little kids you kill, the impulsive swearing of older fags you kill, so sweet

I make shitty music, code shitty apps and fuck my gf too. I also still watch movies on occasion and other normie shit (mostly because of gf, although she plays vidya too). Still play vidya at least twice a week. It's good shit.

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Just make them watch TV instead. It's boomer-approved entertainment.

t. mentally weak ex incel who had to consciously mold himself into what he thinks other people think is cool


Thread is, I think, naive. Women need to be fixed.

This , bring back the old Spartan days.
Video game are so intellectually unengaging , that you have to be borderline retarded get any enjoyment out of them.

Fun to an extent, but not the same as all 4 of you shouting random insults directly into their ear while they watch you quadruple teabag their dead body

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dude honest I want China gone. GONE.

well ofc that is pretty fucking brutal but in the era of sjw cuckoldry ill take what I can get

More like higher iq ppl are drawn to videogames.

You can play videogames as a 70 yo if you have time for it. The important thing is that you learn to put your family, job and well being above that, which is the thing most manchildren can't seem to grasp.
>"B-b-but muh vidyas! I should be able to play as much as I want, who gives a shit if I am alone and don't even look after my aging parents, I can fap to virtual tiddies all day!"
This is the problem, not the hobby itself

That's like reading a children's book and declaring that reading, in its entirety, to be for retards
Maybe stop being a faggot and still playing fortnite and play actual good games

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If you think video games are for children you are out of touch with reality.

That's like saying movies are for man childs. Some movies are for children and some are for adults. Same for Vidya.

if she slept with 49 would it not be a problem?

Answer is god plus lower age of marriage. No man will turn down a good, pious loli wife for some Vidya, but every man will turn down a fat, naggy roast. It's matter of demoralized men giving up on the normal rat race as they have no more reward for keeping up in the real world.

ask yourself

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At least I don't watch capeshit and hang out with niggers

nothing wrong with video games but things like twitch and esports were a mistake

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video gaymes were a mistake

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This, I'll never understand the appeal of watching other manchildren sit there in their own cheeto dust for 12 hours a day

Fuck off. 95% of people here know all flags are bullshit and simply look at how people talk and what they say anyways. Now suck my big American balls

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And for Final Solution!! Holy Krap!

I'm older than 25. And I play videogames. With my son. I want to be there and assist him in this. I know that videogames are his first aventures for him and I want him to know that his father will be there helping him in his struggles and celebrating his victories.

>raising his son to be a beta male,like his old man.
Good Job EuroSpic!

What problem?

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All hobbies should be made illegal, everyone should spend all their waking hours working.

I've never seen an incel being so jealous. I'll pray for you so you can have a family too.

All the gamers I know have kids.

There is no escape.

Shut the fuck up you faggot ass nerd. you aren't special and if would beat the fuck out of you for being such an arrogant cunt.

He looks white

Wtf am I supposed to do sitting in my house all day?

Boyfriend makes over 100K now and is under 25. fuck off, he's earned his stupid shooters.