There's an odd thing I've noticed recently...

There's an odd thing I've noticed recently. When I encounter males online they repeat the same things: "I bet you have blue hair." "I bet you slit your wrists." "You should go back to the kitchen."

I have included a token image of human mammary glands for your consideration but what I really want to know is, who is programming our white male youth to hate women? It is very worrisome.

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Other urls found in this thread:


niggers tongue my anus

You have to time stamp the tits you dumb blue headed whore.

>who is programming our white male youth to hate women

honestly i bet you do slit your wrists

tits or gtfo.
don't forget timestamp

Please. I'm begging you. I'm really concerned and I need to understand. Yes, I get that most women are dumb as fuck but who is programming young men to HATE them? It's rampant.

Feminism. The destruction of the natural order. Women aren't doing what only they are biologically capable of doing. They are failing in being feminine.

Checked it out

Attached: 1581253876245.png (800x840, 57.2K)

So sad kween.
DM me on twitter.
I'll make you laugh if you send me more tiddy.

Built for bbc

The odd thing I've noticed is your unrelated to politics kike shilling. FUCK JANNYS

Wow girl boobies me clickie on thread

>who is programming our white male youth to hate women


Timestamp you vapid whore

Personal experience with your degenerate kind.

>I have included a token image of human mammary glands for your consideration
timestamp, faggot

You are. You have created a society that gives you special privileges while claiming that you're still "oppressed" at the cost of men and you still demand more.
You may leave now.

i dont enter into the conversation immediately hating the femal i am talking to, but over the course of even a short conversation i can come to find myself hating their basic and irrational way of thinking. all the good girls were taken by high school, and the rest have some fatal flaw or complete dealbreaker and yet they see themselves as this invaluable item whereas their desired mate that is 6'4 and fit and has ahuge penis and makes 300k a year is still not good enough because yasssss slay queen.

i have met only a handful of females in my life that didn't immediately fall into the above category, and so I will remain skeptical because your sarcastic attitude is already poisoning this conversation.

made for bbc

I get that feminism sucks. I do get that. But why are young men so angry at women before they even get to know them? Surely they have to know we are not all like that, right?

fwiw I'm married, have a gorgeous white child, and own my own property. I work in IT and graduated with honors. I voted for Trump and will do so again. There are many women out there just like me. So why when I meet a young man in a video game do they so often cry out "You must have blue hair and slit your wrists?"

It's always the same thing and it frightens me. I am scared for our future.

Let me get my hands in your mammary glands and let me get your head on the conjugal bed

>implying that's actually you

This. It isn't men that have turned me off on the idea of marriage. Men have never betrayed me like women have. Women have almost never been trustworthy.

Built for bbq

This but unironically

Why are women attention seeking whores?

Timestamp with TITS or GTFO

dailystormer and weev are responsible

Here's your (you) and an honest reply. Women are doing it. You pushed third wave feminism too hard. You scolded men and got the entire mainstream media and corporations to play along. You turned many men into pathetic, weak, hopeless beings, drove many to suicide, homosexuality, and even transgenderism. Some of us are fed up with it.

>special privileges
imagine being a beta faggot that screams about special privilege. men have all the opportunities they need and real men take them. pussies cry about unfairness.
so what the femoids, aka your mom, did was create a society filled with pussies that moan and cry about useless shit

That's a young Jennifer Hewitt Love.

No one is programming the men to be any different from what men always were, aside from the faggot brainwashing. It's that women are being taught that they are our equals. Feminism breaks the natural order.
Women have their place as mothers. Men have their place as providers. Men aren't getting paid enough to provide. Women don't want to have children.

ill bite
dumb ppl hate in general
the minority of white male youth you refer to in specific feel attacked and insulted by the minority of women they asume you are a part of

Bet you suck a mean dick

God damn women are beautiful, God really did design a creature for a man to mate with and cuddle.

Listen you ignorant fucks. Put aside the feminism, and show tits or gtfo, and have a real fucking conversation with me. There is something weird going on. I play Rainbow Six: Siege every day (degenerate I know) and most of the time people act normally but sometimes I get groups of very young men who say the SAME THING: "you must have blue hair. You must cut your wrists." And I want to understand where that programming comes from.

The one girl I've ever loved basically admitted she was using me our whole relationship, texting other guys behind my back and cheating on me, then she dumped me and blocked me off everything. I was bitter for a few years.

only if you put breastmilk in it

>have a gorgeous white child
>I work

You're not helping your argument at all. Also, I feel you are very nu here and have absolutely zero idea what tits or gtfo even means....We don't actually want to see your fucking tits. I also get that you don't know how to give (you)s, please lurk moar.

lovely tits

Kill yourself roastie. Don't even try your "lol man up" shit.

Stop playing video games and get back in the kitchen you stupid bitch.

Designed with bbc in mind

And FWIW I did my time. Been coming here since 2007 and showed my tits with time stamp plenty of times. I want to actually talk to you, you fucking fucks, not your FBI handlers. So have a real conversation with me and admit some of you are brain washed.

I've not met any available women who are willing to be mothers. I know they exist but in my experience they are always married. Men are reacting that way because decent women are rare and it has made us bitter and angry.

Reported - enjoy your ban

Newton's 3rd law.

Since you're either a brainlet or a woman I'll save you the Google search and add some Reddit spacing.

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

never did i think i would be in my 30s hard as a rock because of some fat tit having slampig

Remember what your ancestors did my sons.

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Fake and gay.

>Rainbow Six: Siege

Lol, there's a good chance my ten year old son is the one trolling you. Lmfao!!!

Also you don't even understand what tits or gtfo means...they don't have to be nudes that's not the point.

Where is your penis?

OK listen up you dumb fucks. Who is our common enemy? Those who would program us. So who is programming you to hate women and not procreate or have a nuclear family? You morons are falling for it, hook, line, and sinker.

>No timestamp

And she wonders why people hate women.

you aren't a girl, and you definitely aren't hte girl you posted.

>Man says something that hurts my invalid feelings
>They must hate women
Nah. You're just not very smart.



Have a famous Yas Forums infographic to guide you

Attached: indograbics.png (800x600, 11.9K)

stuff like Yas Forums mostly.

they somehow decided women were the blanket enemy and then wonder why they're alone/incels. lel.

go slit your wrists dumb bitch

Women themselves. You're blinded by your love for them, that's why you don't see it yet. Remember love is just a feeling, an emotion, a chemical molecule(s) in your brain -- just like any other, sadness, anger, happiness.

Control your feelings first, then you can think critically about women.

>Who is programming our young men to hate women.
Nobody hates women, calm down Karen.
It’s simply locker room talk.
Which is why you should not be in the locker room.
Now go back to the kitchen, stand in that foot soaker, and work that stove wench. Daddy’s dick likes soft feet.

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Nonsensical to hate women.
Women are like dogs, and good dog loves you more than it fears you while fearing you still. You should yourself love, not fear

Stop fucking lying.

Put on a modest shirt then post a pic of tits with time stamp or gtfo, it's that fucking simple.

How many of you are real people having a real conversation? I'm starting to wonder if Yas Forums is really just a fucking honey pot. Fuck you FBI.

I mean the reality is the weird talk about male privilege supposedly permeating the entire discourse, males being brow beaten over weird and obscure cultural shit and DSA nerds doing bodies and spaces like anyone would actually follow it in workplaces and factories, but then suddenly the economic opportunities to flex that privilege don't exist while the social and cultural space seems to still want to punish men for things they didn't do.
For real though please stop slitting your wrists, my 4k VR porn gets really weird when those marks are staring me in the face and its pretty much an instant deletion of the video and if I ever get laid with an actual woman again I don't know if I can stay hard if I see them again.

I assume you know about the jews, being here and all. They ask, "why am I being persecuted? The hate us for no reason." And yet they have been kicked out of 109 countries. No introspection, just victim mentality.
Modern women are the jews of gender. It's not all jews, just like it's not all women. But there are enough to overpower the good ones.
If you are seriously getting these responses with every interaction, you might want to see if you are the problem.

This article is just a coping mechanism by a woman who is deeply enveloped in regret and misery, it's feeble attempt to emotionally justify her mistakes.

OK so enlighten me you virgin fucks. Why do you hate ALL women? You truly don't believe there are good women out there? Sad!


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>I'm starting to wonder if Yas Forums is really just a fucking honey pot

Ok now I know you are definitely a nufag.

of course there's no timestamp, it's not her and she didn't suggest that it was

and people wonder why you seem like someone who can't read

Flag checks out.

The BBC is inciting hate

>Put aside the feminism, and show tits or gtfo, and have a real fucking conversation with
This is fucking chatbot.

No, THIS is an article by a woman who is deeply enveloped in regret and misery. The other one is by a woman who managed to land a beta cuck provider after riding the cock carousel and therefore thinks it's a good idea to encourage every other woman to do the same.

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You say you've posted tits with time stamps before and been here since 07

I dont want your tits just GTFO you shitty bait

Women themselves. They are garbage. I really care for them but they are absolutely nothing but slags. You can see it in them.

women are whores, gold diggers, and liars one only needs to look around at the degenerate state of the modern woman to get a clear and obvious answer, false allegations, divorce court, child support modern society is completely gynocentric women are handed the world on a silver platter.

You are programming men to dislike a large portion of women with your ignorant, hatefully-biased opinions. Men have since spotted a trend in appearances and think it's funny to generalize cunts the way they generalize men.

Also, post YOUR tits or gtfo, idiot.

I can see why you get accused of having blue hair and slitting your wrists now.

Another nufag who doesn't understand the term tits or gtfo. Shut you fuck head.

It's true, I swear it. Not that it matters. I don't think this board is a place for real conversation any more. And that scares me.

Social Justice Warriors. Fake Gamer Girls and attention whores. Both known for colorfull hair and fragile psyche.
That's where it probably comes from.

>I work

>When I encounter males online

"Males", male what? Male pandas, male zebras? You sound like an alien contemplating the best way to harvest human beings (but if you're a Jew I apologize, I don't want to take coals to Newcastle or anything)


So then you have all answered my question I suppose. Are you all 12 years old? Sad! And FWIW this is a real female laughing at you.


Take your meds schizo. You keep saying FBI like it's some sort of meme here. It's actually glow niggers, but you don't seem to know that either.

Looking for the answer in the wrong place lady, the answer is in how you didn’t talk to/ignored/rejected/made fun of ugly betas in high school and how that is happening in a much uglier fashion now, all of it amplified and magnified and accelerated on social media

women are stupid whores.
dumb cunts who are 5/10 are demanding 20/10 status, making everyone see how useless they are

you're a whore

Most women should not be respected. They're almost all attention whores, they behave badly and immorally with no one to call them out, they dehumanize men (and women) as their default behavior, and hate any man who is basically not a Chad.

you sound like a fucking cunt, you know the rules fag.

Women. The women are being programmed by the kikes.
Yes. We know that. Still, where are the good white women who don't listen to the kikes and aren't niggerloving shitskin fucking whores? We cannot find them. We have no experiences of them existing beyond a few that post here sometimes. They are out of reach.

Then stay home stop playing vidya and raise your kid.

My personal mentality has evolved to just not give a shit about much of anything and to not worry about anything and just be happy from within. But I used to be angry, usually it was to do with the perception that people (and in this case women) are angry and/or hate you and thus want you dead. If you're looking for a who look no further than the media that messes with people just for fun.

Real woman ?

Tits or GTFO

Woman are. The system for divorce is pretty shitty for us. Never mind you can't be drafted.

FBI, glow niggers, doesn't matter. You are all brainwashed. And I guess after all this time I should know that. I just feel so sad to leave this place. I remember the NYC card stand back in 2011. Those were good times. And now there's nothing but you shit virgins sucking your handlers' dicks. It honestly breaks my heart.


i hate this mentality in my mom. she's like, "at least i raised you and now you're there for me bla bla". no you didn't do shit, leave me alone and get a man if you need company.

You're not even having a conversation, yourself.
I've been answering honestly but you're just being a typical cunt who won't accept that her gender is full of worthless cunts.


it's why women don't get "gamer culture"

I scored in the top 10% for the ASVAP you cuck!

When will all the redditors and pizza face zoomers stop posting this shit?

Can I see your real tids


Generations of people breeding because they find someone fun rather than a good fit to raise a family with, then passing it on.

because most good women dont play video games

>who is programming our white male youth to hate women? It is very worrisome

>play video gaymes with young boys

fuck this clown world

Who? Women and their shitty personalities. sage this retarded ass thread

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I guess that's the closest answer I've gotten and I get it. I've been playing CS since 2008 and all the other games out there. You name it I play it. I'm fine with locker room talk and I throw it right back no problem. But the whole reason I'm making this thread is because I'm noticing a fucking pattern you idiots. "Your hair must be blue." "You must slit your wrists." What does it MEAN?

You're a funny dude

>who is programming our white male youth to hate women?

White women. The girl in that pic was 15 btw.

Yeah it doesn't feel right and I think it's time to quit. You're absolutely right.

why are you pretending to be a man instead of being a proper woman

OP is a jew nigger faggot.

Attached: titsgtfobugs.gif (200x142, 791.18K)

Maybe if women were worthy of respect you wouldn't get this kind of abuse.

If you don't like it stay off social media, end of.

i bet you slit your blue haired wrists

1/10 larp, faggot
On the off chance you actually are a woman - stop telling people on the internet that you are one and enjoy your games/shitposting, you attention seeking whore. There is absolutely no reason to say “hurrr I really am a guuurrrl” on the Internet unless you are thirsty for attention. It adds nothing to conversations or gameplay.
>not all women are like that
You are exactly like all other attention seeking dumb bitches. Yes, all women are like that.

Time stamp your tits or gtfo blue haired whore

it's a bot


Hilarious, I was here for the card stand as well but that was on Yas Forums. You throw around insults like a petulant child btw. Maybe you are part of the problem?

I'll also add the media fucks with the minds of women too to become man haters, it's a tedious game and I can ask your original question but just switched the sex roles. We're all being played and being slighted into living unnatural, slavish, and unfulfilling lives. If you aren't asking questions about everything, thinking for yourself and coming up with your own solutions to our own problems now is the time to start.

>to hate women
Women are happiest as homemakers.
Wanting you to be happy is the opposite of "hate".

Contrarily, most leftists/women have a completely violent reaction to the notion that they should be "limited" to homemaking and marital partnership, as if such a vital role was a "limitation".

Ironically, if you want to see hate, look no further than the violent response to what you CALL "hate".

Did you mean ASVAB? lmao


Hey how’s it going are those mamma your mamma ma’am?

OK so the take away here I guess is:
As I already knew, video games are degenerate and I should quit. FWIW I have tons of other hobbies including raising sheep and knitting their wool, raising rabbits for meat, etc.
Young men treat women this way in video games because it's locker room talk and it's fine.
OK but why do they all say the same things? Maybe they taught each other.
Women are dumb: having spent a lot of time around women I do agree that most of them are really fucking dumb and do need a male leader. It makes sense as it's in our DNA.

Women are the gateway to Hell. Now go masturbate for hours fisting yourself and wonder why a dude "isnt gettng u there"

>Guys keep calling me an SJW

Well, what did you say to them?

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nigger, I bet you're one of those do nothing cunt managers with a spic husband. Just know that every young man resents working with you and secretly plots to undermine your success through subtle sabotage


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i said they have smol pp


Why wouldn't you assume it's because women are insufferable cunts? Everything is duh patwiarchy to you slags.

Makes sense.
It's not responding to anything, just saying shit that seems preprogrammed.

>Women are dumb: having spent a lot of time around women I do agree that most of them are really fucking dumb and do need a male leader. It makes sense as it's in our DNA.
Stop hating women.

OP, most men don't give a shit. You just take note of the men who do. The regular folk are found in those who don't give a shit.

So you've been on Yas Forums and playing video games for over a decade, but type a newfag, and don't understand where basic memes? Feminists having blue hair and cutting themselves has been a stereotype for at least 5 years. How can you not have put shit togetheru yourself just by simple pattern recognition?

This thing is a fucking chatbot. I'm almost certain of it.

Most of the "mean hateful things" are bantz.

All right all right. I get it. Your points are heard. Women are dumb, women belong in the kitchen, etc. I've been playing video games for over 10 years and this has never bothered me until I started playing Siege and noticed this trend of saying the same shit like they are being programmed and it worried me. Maybe it's nothing. I just wish humans weren't so fucking dumb. To generalize is to be an idiot.