/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2755

► Detected: 785,826 (+1,111) ► Died: 37,825 (+42)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 203 countries and territories infected —
— 2.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,425 different strains have been sequenced —

French nurse calls out French government

Lawsuits being filled against Bill of Rights violations

CBC investigator calls out Canadian government

28 year old doctor dies in Spain, no previous conditions

WHO official pretends he can't hear Taiwan question

27 year old in Britain dies without previous conditions

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Virus spreads through pipes

33 babies in Wuhan were born with COVID

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

H1N1 only had 18,500 DNA-confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

"Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist

05:53: 136 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
05:34: Joachim Yhombi-Opango, the former president of the Republic of Congo, has succumbed to coronavirus at a Paris hospital.
05:01: 127 new cases and 1 new death in Thailand.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 37,944
lol, still only 37,944.
How many days has it been stuck at 37,944? Four days? Five days?

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Niggers Tongue my Anus.

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I'm running out of rations. Pic is all I have left, unless banana peels are edible.

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Check out this tweet. USA speed racing everyone to the fucking top.


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You’re quick today Gazza


500k coronachan for those wanting it

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Time 3:30 Video about a disease that kills everyone that shows zero symptoms. It is only 4 minutes long, just watch and realize how bad it really is.


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Watch how no high profile individual dies of this.

It is actually time 3:16 my bad.

U.S. just recorded its highest daily mortality/surge in deaths. I see the deaths peak in the U.S. estimated at anywhere from 2-4 weeks from now, usually. Probably where they're getting the 100K - 200K numbers from, but will depend on our actions heavily.

>0.01% of the world is infected
>0.0005% of the world has died
>NOT a nothing burger

This is your brain without your schizo meds.
38,000 people aren't even enough to fill a small NFL stadium.
Call your psychiatrists, ask them to help you.

happening back on in nippon

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I like this tweet better

its almost as if more people live here than those third rate shitholes

What was the total for the 30th? Missed it, thanks bros.

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Am I hung over or do I have the kung flu

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Any Slav anons mind telling me how cringe this is... It was in my YT recommend for some reason.

>tfw you won't get a goodnight from midwestfarmfemanon

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>barely 2000 new cases today



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it's all down hill from here anonerinos.

>38,000 people aren't even enough to fill a small NFL stadium.

This is with the entire goddamn Earth being on some form of quarantine/lockdown or similar orders for fucking weeks or even months now. Actual doctors said at the beginning deaths would be low IF we did that. High estimates were if humans acted like retards and didn't take expert STEM advice.

gee man thank you for reminding me that channel exists


Have you started testing people yet?
It must have been spreading around Tokyo at a low level for 2 months now. Only a matter of time before it explodes

>tfw put off getting a hair cut until it was too late now all barbers are closed and have been wearing a beanie all the time
Should I shave my head bros?


Looks like the anti-malaria+anti-biotic treatment is working with all these new first hand accounts.

Happening cancelled.

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Nothing...still fucking nothing. Not one fucking non-white death. Wake me up when a nigger or chink die. Whitevirus2020

There are at least more than 5 high profile people who died in my country.

So how do flu seasons work? If it's most common around a certain time of year, how's it spreading during other times of year? Is it just being passed along asymptomatically until it mutates into something that has symptoms?

It will most likely get better from mid-April - earliest June unless we throw another round of fucking parades and drunken Spring Breaks and shit.

We are hitting 820k today right?

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Rate my PrEP boys

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wakey wakey

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flu is always around, the only reasons 'flu seasons' exist is that in winter, more people are indoors and more likely to spread faggot little viruses

it's not cancelled yet
it will be vanquished in America when Americans can go to the hospital and get treated for it without fearing bankruptcy

Where is this from?


There have been a fair number of government officials and celebrities dead if you like at the entire world actually, not just America.

Some reports say it reduces hospitalization time from 2-3 weeks to 5 days. If it's true, then yeah Corona Chan BTFO, at least in first world.

This flu will not mutate. Hapooners are fantasizing about brazil bats, meanwhile life in china is as normal as before and soon industry will rebound too.

You guys don't seem to get it. I've been trying to tell you but you guys just don't seem to put the pieces together.. We're so much worse of then we ever thought. This is a possible extinction level event, and if more natural disasters occurs in 2020, we're all fucked.

First off, people dying today were infected probably 4 weeks ago, and we had around 100k cases back then.
Thing is, those 100k had people dying that were infected about 2 weeks before, meaning that it takes longer to die per wave.

This is mutating fast, and it's mutating to take longer for the immune system to discover, so a longer incubation period.
But even longer if you already had a cold or influenza, which also explains the majority of influenza B this season. People had coinfections which made the usually more mild influenza B for adults worse, and killed an unusual amount of kids this season.

Anyway, this means that the whole 80% gets mild symptoms is false, we all get worse symptoms eventually, it just takes a lot longer for 80% of us. In reality, it will kill 33% of the planet.

And that's not the worst part.
We're all infected already, no joke.
Remember that annoying mild cough or loss of voice in January, the one that came sudden and than just lingered?
Then you got better, for a while until that runny nose or dry cough started again in February, probably second week, but that was over pretty quick.
Not counting the random sneezes and cough that never really went away tho.
Apart from that, now it's just that annoying headache early in the morning for some of us, or loss of smell/taste, and just that dry cough that now feels like you're trying to cough something up.

You guys need to prepare, not just prepping, but mentally.


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So US apparently has created a 5 minute small test kits. Will these actually work?


Have physicians in burgerland finally picked up on the virus hiding out in cerebral/brain stem fluid waiting for round two?

So never?

Queens. Fun fact: that's also where the Spanish Flu first escalated

Your entire country has exactly zero high profile individuals, sorry.

Como es en mexico, mi migos

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This will be bad, in a way that you need to get ready for. Now I know you've all seen some fucked up shit, I know how desensitized you fuckers are. Believe me, I'm as fucked up and desensitized as the lot of you, I was around back in the early days of Yas Forums, I remember the gore and cheesy images of Yas Forums, I've witnessed some very fucked up shit and even I can barely fathom how it will actually feel.
You know, when you don't find that fucked up, insane, horrible world centered on your favorite anime board, but you find it in real life instead.

I'm not saying that people will go crazy everywhere, or there will be violence everywhere, but we will see so much suicides, and they won't be like back then.
We won't just see people dying on videos, we'll see it in real life. The most fundamental change you will need to prepare for is this.
We will see goodbyes from anons frequently here, we will say our last goodbyes to online friends, some will just disappear.

If you ever listened to anything I said, let it be this. The world will change, and so many people will die, both from the virus and from the happening.
But no matter how fucked up you are, no matter how much shit you've seen, no matter how little you think you care, none of that matters when your entire reality changes.


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This still feels like a nothingburger. I doubt there will be 100k dead in first world countries. Tens of millions will die in Africa and Asia though.

While you were out shopping and getting infected, I was at home in Japan studying the blade. Now that the coofers are at the gates you beg ME for help?

>thank you donald trump
oh shit i didn't know Trump invented HCQ or how to use it! Its almost like......this guy has an agenda to deepthroat Trump to political gain and will just say whatever to stroke Trump off.

This is like if someone had Cancer, got on chemo, and while on Chemo ate a lot of chocolate, and then when they got better associated it with the chocolate instead of the chemo some radio guy said would make you gay

Nothing is going to happen, schizo. Take your meds and you will suddenly realize I'm right and you will agree with me.

Maybe royal, high profile is debatable though.

Fuck off tripfag you're a fucking moron. This disease comes in clusters that quickly overwhelm local health care systems. You know it when you see it.

Please don't leave Midwest farm user

I'll be streaming Thursday so tune in.

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who died in Monaco?


I think thats the poor zone of New York, all my NY knowledge comes from the movie "coming to america". Any other videos from US, I haven't seen anything new on the last CVG's, you are the first poster with something new.

Yeah, just like China for 2 months, then they started welding people indoors.
You do realize they were out of testkits in January already and have most likely faked all numbers since then, all while welding their infected population indoors and leaving them to die.

It starts like that.
Yeah, the first waves nukes the local health care systems. What happens then? Do you think China is really OK, there's fucking riots over there.

Family still there. It's worse than the numbers say. Not nyc level but 4/10 on the discomfort scale.

What evidence do you have for any of this? The flu season was just the flu season and now corona is flaring up as the flu season ended. If you look for graphs on this you can see it clearly that as the flu season ends this starts. In my country the flu season and corona will coincide because that's just how the disease is progressing. What evidence do you have for anything you're saying regarding the very long incubation period for 80% of people?

A hospital after a super bowl filled with patients sick over their team losing.

Lots of videos and photos of dead burger storage.

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What's it like in NYC right now?

I want some first hand experience stories.

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glad to see you are still alive taco bell user.

33%, huh.
How convenient.