Aus/pol armed revolution edition

>No more gun sales in Victoria

>QLD & WA to stop gun sales

>Effects of social isolation on the brain

>Seige - James Mason PDF dowload

>How the Australian homemade Owen Gun works

Gravity helps feed bullets into the gun, and the ejection port at the bottom of the receiver means that water and gunk easily drains out of the chamber. In short, the Owen Machine Carbine — as it's officially named — is perfect for jungle warfare

Remember lads; praise the environment, praise your brothers, praise their commradery, dig into every hillside & Dont be civil.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off glow nigger

Dmso + poison + imagination

Thats a yikes from me
>DMSO is used topically to decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries. DMSO is also used topically to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

Laughable coward

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>Don’t be civil
You’re a hero, mate.
Every time I hear yellow cowards say that I die a little bit inside.

Dmso is a solvent That rapidly and easily penetrates human cells

Your a faggot, a coward, a hero. Do i win this game your playing?

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Context, lad
I wasn’t referring to you

Reported to the relevant authorities.

antipodean resistance, hmm big glow

Yikes lad, nice try

Have a listen to this guy ahahaa

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Proof or fuck off

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honeypot thread. report it

Any Australian honeypots I can join lads?

Do not trust Australian COVID numbers.
They are higher and the government is incentivised to report low numbers to say that their tactics are working.
They limit tests to a rigid category only, refuse to accept there is community infections going on and only want to test people coming in. It’s been here for two months now.
It’ll catch up on us but if you trust Scomo you’re a fucking idiot

Yeah right this way lad, have a nice time.

Whi else just got their $750?

I even got a phone call. WOOHOO

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Can't have the Phoenix without the fire

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I just got mine, fucl yeah. And will definitely masterbate to that later, thanks

Hectic Hegelian Dialectic right there

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Hectic Hegelian Dialectic right there

Gonna spend mine of blowing a load in a hot trannies ass

I’m only Asian insofar as Australia is part of Australasia

Media are pushing the asian racism meme hard.

Two asian chicks spat on by some eshletes

Hey cunts rate my meme

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Trump is a Jew sucking cuck who’s killed more of our native animals to make his poof wig than cats ever have.

Still waiting for that other faggot to show me my glow post.
I think the d&c shills are back.

wow, just wow

Oof. Also, based.

>armed revolution edition

You aren't going to do shit.

You Australians are retards and never do anything.

When the day comes when the shit hits the fan you guys can get a couple thousand "bow and arrows" shipped from my Minecraft house to yours. Love you Australia. Ignore demoralization.

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This is more like it. I fuckin hate being civil.

If those bows and arrows aren't icbms it will be too little too late.

>Two asian chicks spat on by some eshletes

Good fuck chinks

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We need the guns soon becajse we are all getting older and our backs hurt when we do commando rolls now. Need inspiration badly, please send inspirational support packages.

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Air drop pallets of AR-15's when?

s "inspirational support packages." are left over A 10s.
Gib warthogs now.

>backwoods savage flag

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Time to groove lads, im cooking some vegies and a few snags, what are you lads having for dinber tonight?

Stfu you abifucking criminal scum

When is the chimp out starting Jamal?

Corona light because it was cheap at the moment and tequila shots

Fuck off

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Praise him

Fuck...sacrificed to the volcano god. stupid bitch

Yeah im just off the grid at the moment, cant trust this government. Probably said too much online and expecting a visit. Living out of my ute. Trying to build some trustworthiness around here, but everyone seems two faced. I just want revolution that tastes like real revolution

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Which one posted this from AR? Oscar or Jacob?

The great chimpout of 2020 is going to make L.A. riots look like playgroup.

"Escape from LA" is no longer a movie.

Running into many cops on the road?

>Primary producers, professional pest shooters and Indigenous people exercising native title rights to hunt are allowed to access products and services.

seems perfectly reasonable desu, 2/3 of those are essential services. the local libertarian can't visit his shooting range anyway so why does he need ammo?

Nah, only the helicopter that follows me constantly

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antipodean resistance is based

antipodean resistance is asio.

whats asio? and I thought they weren't the same like atomwaffen division and teach girls to be traditional and shit

You know when you read the rules for aquiring a gun licence, the first it says is... if you plan on getting a gun to protect yourself, your family or your property, that is not a valid reason

Why is that?

APR was literally a honeypot run by the AFP. It all came apart when some dickhead at the AFP decided to upload a photo to the APR website with their copcar visible in the background. After that the AFP cut their funding and the group was dissolved.

>antipodean resistance
You must have a very different version to what we have in Oz.
asio are our spooks/glowniggers

Has anyone got that photo saved btw? Their website was taken down