My parents kicked out my sister out of the house for dating a black guy. Are they in the wrong...

My parents kicked out my sister out of the house for dating a black guy. Are they in the wrong? My brother came out of the closet a few years ago and they didn't give a single fuck. That said my parents are pretty unlucky. they have 3 kids. One gay, one burning coal and one NEET with autism (me).

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>One gay, one burning coal and one NEET with autism (me).


Might as well hang the entire family.

With things going that wrong the blame has to be with the parents.

Nah that’s pretty based

at that point it's the parents fault.

Dad travels a lot for work, eh?

they should have try to talk to her or you should have try to... now she will want to be with the negro even more just to be revel

Better to be gay that to burn the coal, at least that way your fucked up genes die with you and you don't polute the european gene pool with nigger dna. They did the right thing.


Dutch and degenerate? Quelle surprise.

They were right to punish her.

He works on a offshore oilrig so yes.

based parents

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well the neet thing can be usually fixed, so why not try a /sig/ routine?

You’re forgetting about the sister

They should have kicked her off the roof.

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That dog is perfectly positioned to absorb her braps.

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gays are not a problem in our country. You cant help the autism. But the black thing. There are no decent blacks. Your parents did the wright thing to protect the rest of the family. Especially if its an arab/morrocan.

Sla die neger de kanker in en bescherm je zusje.

Enkel er tegen vechten helpt. Stand up and take a stance. Make sure he knows to not fuck around w ur family tree.

Yeah this is the parents fault

you just got promoted to #1 son OP lol

You just know

autism can be mitigated with a bit of trouble

this is not the only thing to mitigate it really.


I see no problem

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They did the right thing.

gais are also terrible people, horrible people really. Just as bad as niggers are.

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>one NEET with autism (me)
Thanks for adding that last part, I don't think I could've figured out which one was the NEET with autism

Het is omgekeerd. Negers zijn normale mensen. Enkel je moet straatwijsheid hebbe. Echt als het er op aankomt zijn zij met ons. Zit ook in hun genen.

Tuurlijk het is niks ideaals,maar problemen hier zijn anders dan dat.

Homofilie is een heeeeeeeel groot probleem hier. Kijk maar eens in de spiegel.

Often black people are realer and more lebit than white people. Who act corny and pretentious. Im not trolling. Im full 1488, but the blind hatred and unguided autistic racism is leading the cause nowhere productive.

They dont harm our gene stats. Turks n halfbloods do. Thete never was a big issue with surinamese people n stuff. Sure there is and was, crime ect. But it is doable. We are not US.

We are having other issues. Like homofilia, islam and the rest of it.

Also they are not destroying sinterklaas. Theyre just being used as a tool, some if them. To do so.

>kicks sister out for being a nigger lover.
Your parents sound great, what’s the problem user?

What failures your parents are.
They should pack and burn their house with you 3 degenerates in there.

larper jew, niggers are terrible.

Carpet bomb this country Obama


Based as fuck

> Im full 1488, but the blind hatred and unguided autistic racism is leading the cause nowhere productive.
>They dont harm our gene stats

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There is a lot of people here who don't really go outside. They are terrible in a sense if tgat they rot our society if the populus be omes to big (US) . Here that us not the case.

They are kind if intergrated and have their own cukture n traditions that go back to collonial times. Each race, to their own.

Again if anything they really are 'real' people. Dunno how to explain. But you need to be on street level.

Im just saying that in societies problems HERE bkavk leople dint neccesarily form a threat, apart from the ghetto they live in.

What im saying js true. But real larpers just go ''serp derp nigger' without doing shit themselves. Im literally redpilling and converting miggers into supporting white nationalism n shit.

Idk this conversation is pointless. Too many larping autists who havent transitioned into what the metaphorical higher up wants them to be.
Dint worry about niggers. Worry about half niggers and muslims. Niggers just want to stay pure like us. Shame coalburners, its doable

I know the facts

>a foray into making truths known
what a terrible turn of phrase

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can you speak a word of fucking english chang?

checks out

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Flag checks out

>But you need to be on street level.

I often start to wonder if the person talking to me is an untermensch of the white variation, or an untermensch of the jew variation, I cannot tell with you lol.

The actual script that we have now, as a majority, is the avoidance of all vices, and all horrible people. That most certainly includes niggers. There is no benefit or boon with interacting with them.

I actually found lore pertaining to their functioning and found it to be correct when I was forced to interact with them at a workplace. They are subhumans, and if you think that they are not, you are a subhuman of the white variation as well.

That means we do not want you near us, near our people and near our movement. Go away. Shoo

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>corny and pretentious
What does that even mean?

Clarence Seedorf is a real gentleman- not a black bone in him

You just know

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this whole fucking thread is what gives Yas Forums a bad name. God this board is fucking shit

Shit genes user

I should probably point out a few things. It was more or less my dad who kicked her out and my mom was against it. Also she was dating him in secret because my sister knows how my dad is but confided in me once she got a pregnancy scare. I went pretty much straight to my dad after she ignored my advice to break it off. I didn't want her to be kicked out but wanted her to stop dating him but my dad went berserk when I told him.

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she'll pay the toll soon enough user. Hope you have life insurance and funeral plans prepared. Most roasties pay in full.

Typing fast on phone. Try to read through the typos.

Ask me things if you are curious about my stance. Ive been here for 10years+. Im not trolling or shilling. Just trying to get a certain point across. Ive literally dedicated the past 5 years infiltrating into the street culture, so I can maintain and control proper ties and bonds with the neighbourhood for when the ghetto wars start breaking out. For our people. (I first studied gangbanging and related cultures 5 years, before going in myself). I know it sounds broad and strange but lol.. You can make a change too.

Also infiltrated certain antifa subgroups, redpilling and taking over from within.

I doubt any if you have a clue of what is going on. And what will happen. Out of every 50 people here maybe only 1 commits to the cause. Which is sad. The rest just 'trolls' with pointless racism. (No matter how true the facts).

I know these posts look very
>Post-whatever and trollish but lol.. its time to take eggorts to real life. And see whats up. The meme folders are kind of starting to be unutalizable.

t.high t m8
I know what I'm saying.

So now she'll move in with the nigger and fuck him every day until she's preggers for sure, brilliant move.

kick her out and forget that she exists

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literally no-one asked phonenigger.

seems more like your parents' fault than anything else

also, there seems to be a sort of tactic, strategy that not only the jews, but the many whites employ because they are subhuman degenerates, I call it the "degeneracy chair game"

You see, people wish to shout, and be angry, and rightious. And jews wish to prevent people from becoming wholesome. So the whites and jews in their similar shitty desire found a new game.

There are about a 1000 red pills. And the average subhuman alt righter has like 2 of them, but DIFFERENT ones from other alt righters. So what you get is groups forming over what kind of degeneracies to defend. And they fight over other groups who have their own preferences for degeneracy.

One group likes traps but doesnt like feminists and goes like "hurrr durrr our position is red pill, fascist and the true position" and this group fights a group who is religious but think that niggers are based.

So in the end you have dozen of different groups who are fighting eachother, but resolve nothing. So this is where the actual legitimate fascists/natsocs come on. We have chosen to discard ALL of the degeneracy. And to become closer to actual traditionalists.

We are the best, and we rule you, while you are subhumans.

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based and niggerpilled

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>we are the best and we rule you

when will you fuckers learn

Lmao, toothpaste got cucked good, stop being a pathetic neet.,

What are you on about? I'm not fucking my sister you redneck nigger.

we are superior to you in all possible categories.

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Gebaseerd en geroodpilt

google telegony. your parents were based

So the boyfriend is not decent apart ftom being black?

> One is gay
> The other is a virgin neet
> The last one burns the coal
Your bloodline dies here. RIP thousands of years of evolution.

Thats what i told my mother too, in hopes she would raise my little brother with more care.

"I dont care, i raised you the same way and i will do the same again"

Was her response. He will end up just like me, a neet losers life.

wtf?! there are dindus in that part of europe?!

a gay can pray the gay away or get bored and grow out of it, but you can't unroast a roastie

>we are superior to you in all categories
who the fuck do you think you are? You hide behind a memeflag to hide the fact you're probably canadian. You're not superior to anyone kike.

You just know

Your family will have to pay child support if he leaves her


well what kind of flag do you think I have little untermensch. Its a fascist flag, from the fascist/natsoc movement. And we are indeed superior to you, your people, your friends and your family.

Because you are decadent, filthy, and stupid.

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My parents won some kind of lottery. They have three kids, one blonde blue eyed chad who ditched his mullata girlfriend, a girl who only has ever dated dorky white guys in STEM, and then the third kind of schizo-autist kid who at least can sort of support himself (me)

2/3 isn't a bad gig imo.

They did the right thing. Coalburning is the ultimate betrayal. If she was mine, I'd shoot her in her sleep.

Only a jew talks the way you do.

>The kike reveals himself.

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I basically bullied a Mexican girl into having an abortion.

i feel bad for how I treated her, but no ragrets. We don't need a turbo autistic mixed mexican kid in the world.

Oh no little untermensch, I am quite right and I know exactly what your type is.

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we can't expect god to do all the work. Keep going based user.

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a filthy subhuman degenerate, most people in this thread are like that.

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>replying to your own posts

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what is this?

thanks Bruce

its just nice to portray how utterly superior I am to all of this filth from time to time.

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Teach ma and pa a lesson and hang yourself with your brothers pantyhose.

now can you come down under and start on the abbos?

One of the reasons why Dutch women date blacks is because the Dutch mens are a bunch of fags like your brother. so your brother is worse than your sister.

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Are your parents siblings?

I am so infinitely better than you dumb fucking untermenschen. Why dont you op kill yourself already lol

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obviously the soil has soured. please sterilize yourself and siblings

Holy fuck source, now

Your family sounds like a fucking disaster LOL faggot brother and race traitor sister.

The NEET shall inherit the earth and your parent's wealth most likely. Yes mating with the genetic inferior to Coco the Gorilla is definitely a cause to be expelled from family especially the costly little niglet offspring she will expect your parents to feed and clothe if they support her. Your parents did the right thing if it was any other race but baboon it would be on case by case basis but there is some DNA ya just don't want to fux wit.

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That’s a trifecta of shittiness, OP.

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Based parents

They should throw the gay out also, for being a sexual degenerate, and leave everything to you when they die.

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Your parents legit did the right thing. Sorry your sister is a whore and your brother is a fag though. Maybe you can continue the lineage. Or maybe it dies. I think we have to change the political system before families can be formed.

They are in the right because it's not arranged by the family and also its haram.