How are women surviving the pandemic, you ask?

How are women surviving the pandemic, you ask?

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Imagine being a foid and never having to work in your life.

What a whore. This is absolutely degenerate.

tax evasion

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>being mad at the whores

Men pay for it willingly. You're bitter

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So one question
What did you pay for.

You were looking weren't you?

Got a link so I can report

The simps and betas who support this whore are just as bad.

>Support your sisters
fucking lol at whoring yourself out AND trying to make it into some kind of "solidarity" shit.


This will be the norm when society collapses. A lot of women will be selling themselves to survive

Is this why they made revenge porn ilegal?

nobody's gonna want nudes from this bitch when she's like 44 years old

I still don’t believe men pay for this I just don’t. There has to be some pool of money some Soros slush fund or something to drop money on women for being whores. I just don’t believe it. Show me the credit cards I need proofs of some kind. Not saying men aren’t disgusting pigs, but if you are a pig there’s free pornography and brothels. I just don’t believe it.

What ever happened to #ThotAudit?

Except they aren't actually thriving.

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>”Daddy package”

Jesus Christ

That land whale makes money holy shit

Reverting back to dial up would fix so many of our problems.

The same way they always survive hardships. Selling their std riddled gashes. Jezzabel whores.

Worse. Way worse. Simps get the rope before thots.

women were always whores, I'm glad that we are acknowledging this

All I want is to murder the guys that would even give her 1 dollar

Islam is right about women.

Who is worse? The producer or the consumer?

the jew who degrades society to this point

Poor women :(

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put a law against it and everyone is a criminal :^

>posted from 1000$ smartphone

she should have to give up her social life just for shelter and food? get real incel.

Of course whores are going to whore.

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>Men pay for it willingly. You're bitter

yes. what else can she give up, her pride? Don't kid yourself. I'am real

There is no doubt in my mind that some simp(s) gave her money, for no nudes even.

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Kek imagine what simp beta faggot you must be to pay for the lifetime package, when in just a few years everybody will lose interest on that fat cunt

turbo simp

Imagine if a guy exhibited the same behavior.

wow she is stinking

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who the fuck would PAY to see that? i would not look if you paid me.

Imagine paying to see this mutt naked

>being a paypig to an actual pig

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It would be the same if you were a man who was obscenely rich. Stagnation being disguised as paradise by having insane amounts of prophylactic sex.

Humans need to struggle, even if it is slight. Otherwise their lives are empty like this slut's.

wtf is that thing on the left? is that a tranny or a wax statue?

That girl is hot af, but still doesn't justify the simp

>Too much beauty in one pic
Gotta pay for that iPhone somehow

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jeffree star (chrome spellchecked his name, so he is well known) i don't think he is a tranny. i think he is just a guy who dresses in womens clothing sometimes and fucks dudes. he sells makeup to fat ethnic girls, he is very rich

oh noooooooo i'm sure she is real fucking disappointed at how empty her life is
fuck off, kike

Report them to the irs like that one legendary user was doing

Except it's extremely rare to be an obscenely righ man, and usually hard to achieve through lots of work unless you were born into a rich family. Meanwhile every average thot can sell their pussy.

How much do you charge?

On dating apps I’ve noticed about one in five profiles is a “add me on snap” or “message me for premium” It’s a shame because some of them are pretty cute and innocent looking.

I wonder if this is going to become wider trend for young women everywhere... I have a hard time imagining that before the internet, 1 in 5 women made money selling lewd pictures or being the town slut.

All of her idols will be smashed, all of her earnings will be burned with fire and all of her images I will make desolate, for she collected them from a harlot's earnings. And to the earnings of a harlot they will return." - Micah 1:7

>gross pancake tits

I don't think she'll make much.

How fucking pathetic do you have to be to give some girl you don't even know irl 13 k? Being a 40 year old Virgin isn't that pathetic

BBW = fat cow

I'll send you a dick pick for some extra trumpbux bro

Hey iDubbbz

I like these chubby girls, send me her nudes plz

Did the IRS hit any of the E-whores?

>daddy package

at this point she really should just an Hero

Do not underestimate the simps.

I actually think this is okay. But we need to fucking acknowledge it. We need to realise, as a society, that women are whores, that they sell themselves at every turn. From "trad relationship" to e-whoring they are dependent on men.
So let's stop pretending we're equal. Let's stop whining over lack of women representation in business and tech. Because 90% of them is out whoring.
Revoke their right to vote, abolish feminism and let them whore away, while we will research artificial womb.

man are so pathetic, disgusting