A Chinese woman proudly filmed herself buying huge amount of facemasks from multiple US supermarkets and loaded the masks onto her pickup truck.
"It feels so awesome to buy all the masks! I didn't leave a single mask for the Americans!"
A Chinese woman proudly filmed herself buying huge amount of facemasks from multiple US supermarkets and loaded the masks onto her pickup truck.
"It feels so awesome to buy all the masks! I didn't leave a single mask for the Americans!"
Already found.
It was for something else apparently
It's a bit late, not many people online now buddy!
But yes chinks are sneaky cunts, there is a reason why japs hate them!
>shady leaf
Even the FBI won’t find her because all Chinese look exactly the same.
>shady leaf
They did this in every city. They literally did this in every city
>A Chinese Nationalist
>Has a harp child & American partner...
CCP shills doing chink shit
>fucking with the turtles
fucking mega yikes
Ugh I hate soicucks more than anything.
I want to stomp on her fucking insectoid skull.
lmao, I did work for her neighbors, A LOT OF WORK. Really is a small world.
where the fuck is everyone bro? it is DEAD
The Chinese are the Jews of Asia
Amerifats BTFO
>People's Daily, china
>...... state run propaganda
Same buddy, same!
What an absolute piece of shit
Based cocaine Mitch
Jesus, Allah, Molloch, Satan, fucking Buddha, SOMEBODY make America start a war with China.
If I had one wish, it would be to invade Chinkmenistan and kill every last fucking Chinksect I see.
they shouldn't even sell that many to one fucking person what's wrong the store. fuck this onions witch but also fuck the store.
I don't care what any one says we are at WAR
with CHINA
it is silent no guns or bombs
It's 7AM - 9AM in Europe, & 1-2 AM on the east coast of the US & the Australians/NZ's it about 5PM, it's just quite at this time of the day but the least amount of spam & can actually have some decent threads instead of the constant shitskin shilling.
I'm heading off to sleep, see you lads!
That says she was arrested in 2018 or is that was when the warrant was issued?
you mess with the turtles, you mess with cyclops. cyclops is gonna rip and tear and mutilate anyone who fucks with the turtles.
Based and cyclopspilled
A nothingburger. Chinks have been doing this....suckas got played
I seriously doubt it's her and that's for sure from 2018. I'm in the middle of cooking but just google hillsborough county court records and throw her name in, basically everything is public here. I'll do it myself after I eat because once again I did a lot of work in that neighborhood and it's funny to me.
See that basedfaced cuck husband traitor? How many of these faggots with chink brides actually marries spies who turned them into traitors to their own country for a piece of sideways puss?
it was for battery in 2018. I just checked her social media she is of course blabbing chinese in some american campsite somewhere with her cuck husband.
>When the leafs get shady
Looked it up anyways, knew as soon as I saw the judge, domestic nothingburger.
Look at this faggot
The baby looks full chink and she probably speaks to it in mandarin given her nationalism and the husband being a basedcuck. Race mixing as a white person is essentially assimilating yourself to your nonwhite partner.
ya'll let her do it. why are you whining?
Thanks for the update user
Based. You got what you deserve
Yeah, kind of lame, only funny part is that her race is classified as white.
>and we thought the jew was the problem
kill them all daddy desu. i don't care. slaughter them plox.
Lol based chink
When the same was going in EU, you niggers cried but muh free market
Well get a fucking taste now, filthy mutts
Rolin for millions of dead amerimutts
who was in the wrong here?
There's nothing wrong with Angloids mixing with Asians as Angloids are scum.
Nords, Meds and Slavs should not mix with Asians
They did it all on purpose.
But the shit heads are on camera doing it all.
Start flu with Bill Gates.
Have sleeper agents spread snot and boogers all over the world(caught on tape.)
Have sleeper agents buy loads of medical supplies (caught on tape.)
Creating an artificial illusion of scarcity.
Fucking assholes.
Those people need to be arrested as foreign provocateurs.
>The Chinese Virus
Dead eyes. Half assed smile.
Who hurt you bro?
Kek, this is why wmaf is shilled so constantly here, chinese roasties know they can pretend to be your perfect chink bride but will only end up stealing your genes and emptying your wallet.
Americans put their flag on everything, why not on face masks as well? Taiwan did that and I thought that was pretty smart.
pulled this from another thread.
Video of an agent spreading his bioweapon everywhere.
These 2 together make me want to kick the fuck out of the next chink I see. So the rage material worked.
All chinks should be put through meat grinders.
When this is all done, any western politician that doesn't systematically remove chink influence from their country and immediately wage war on these yellow sub-humans will be thrown up on a cross and burned like the chinks will.
How the fuck did he explode like that
China has been waging a full press, total spectrum, multifaceted war on the US for decades.
We do it to them too but mainly with proxy wars blocking parts of China's New Silk Road project, and having the CIA stirring up Hong Kong like they always do (Orange Revolution, Purple blahblah, the many operations of the Arab Spring)
we need to move merchandise sooner, you negros need to pay up
they checkin
based Chink
im good with faces but theres no way id be confident enough to say with certainty that thats the same person
bu-bu-but muh free capitalist market. now you're dying of coof because of it
All chinks will be killed.
> China selling us what we gave them.
This is some jew tier shit.
Bump for the glows to see
Looks based to me
Link? Dieversity is our strength
China gonna pay what they owe.
Should kill all 3.
The fact Chinese are not just vanishing all over the country is fucking bullshit.
These bastards are fucking weak.
Our Intel communities are pathetic.
I'd have thousands of these bastards just vanish overnight.
Would be terrifying the scope of how many people I'd have killed.
Our nation is pathetic and weak.
I'm ashamed to be American.