It's happening, Chinese woman who bought all the masks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Chinks deserve the rope

Her video channel


Look how hard the shills are working to disparage China. Have a ton of Chinese friends in Canada, some of the best friends I could have have. I am white btw

Shes hot Is she married?

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kys chang

kek chinks are really exposing themselves. This is great. And it looks like she's being doxxed in the comments.

The answer may surprise you.

Mad coz no mask?

what the fuck is wrong with chinks bros?

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They worship their dead relatives not god

What happened too all Asian women love White men?

LMFAO this shit is based.

>starts an economic war with china
>nooooo you can't just fight back against us economically
You get what you deserve

Not buying it

Like Skyrim dark elves

fucking shit the chinese shill meme is real, isn't it?

its alright. When martial law steps in and they locate her for hogging all supplies that should be spread she will have to make a choice.

>either she sells them to the military at market value
>or allow military to confiscate them.

lets see how this pans out.

Nice larp leaf.

Yet all you do is shitpost in 4cgan while a female chink shitposts irl by buying all the masks. Lel.

>Look how hard the shills are working to disparage China. Have a ton of Chinese friends in Canada, some of the best friends I could have have. I am white btw

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Free Market bitches

kek jew media and Chinese Health Organization tell them mask don't work while they clean their masks off the market.

I pity the west thar is getting chinked/kiked during this chinese epidemic.

a chinese roommate of mine called me last months letting me on a "deal", he had a ton of masks that he wanted to unload on me at high prices. I never thought at the time that he first bought them cheap, but hey, really ugly extortion.


Ahhhh this shits realll i was at a stater bros in LA county. An asian person coughed up a loogie and spit on his shopping cart before leaving it in the parking lot. I was in my car and couldnt believe i was watching that shit in rl


we should start publicly executing Chinese people


Sure you are lmao shut the fuck up Jiang

Make sure to show normies

i find it kinda amazing how other asians do not behave like this but chinks do. Now imagine being from vietnam, korea and japan and be forced to deal with these subhumans all the time.

We need to bring back drawing and quartering for these chinks.

In any of these threads you never get replies

obvious propaganda, cia working overtime to try and distract from the morons overreacting and crashing the economy over nothing.

exhibit A of why it spread so quick in China

Save stories like this to remind the retards that multiracial/multicultural societies are a ffucking joke

Wearing medical masks is actually a detriment. They don't actually help in avoiding illnesses at all.

7 Chinese Yuan has been deposited into your account

Vlad, are you ever going to not be a submissive serf? Or do your Chinese handlers pay you in Vodka for making these posts?

So has she been beaten to death yet (in minecraft)? Asking for a friend.

You will have to ask wayne lambright if this will be acceptable

Get infected and die you retarded boomer.

They absolutely do

There is overwhelming research to show it does. And even hand made masks have benefits, such as minimizing the viral does so your body has more time to react before being overwhelmed.

chinks are worse than niggers and jews combined.

China did this on purpose and must pay a price. I have no problem with Trump rounding up every Chinese national stupid enough to be in our country at this point and using his power to make an example of them... How this doesnt end in world war three i Hace no idEEA but this makes my blood boil and we should nuke them.,.. Israel too just cus

Chinese are the Jews of Asia

Chinese are literally a cancer of humanity
Why didn't you do nothing? It's a fucking bio-terrorism.

This. Next time get his plate number and call the police.

They did it everywhere. Some chink literally emptied Estonia from masks back in february. Said it's every chinese persons duty to do so

>They're literally trying to kill americans

Imagine being an americuck right now, how cucked you would feel.

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Does Chinese people literally think they are the superior race or something?

That's why we had to put japs in camps, not it's the chinks turn.

Dear diary don't be mean to chinese i liek them!!

>I am white btw
And I'm a nigger jet pilot

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Yes we should.

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sorry dumbshit happeningfag, europe is already over the curve and us is only ten days behind. Maybe next time, your apocalypse is cancelled.

yes, the CCP pushes that shit hard dude

>I'm white btw

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Would be a shame if some of those stocks are tainted.

Based, fuck Shartmerilards

All this is going to mix into one big war with China here soon. We can't have two nations this hostile towards each other with tensions overflowing.

This is shaping up to all sound like KIKE propaganda with chink actors.

Hey chink, go tell those goys that you spit on the masks and hate America. This will take th attention off of the ever growing awareness of our slimey Jewery and might kick off a trade or even hot war. That would be very good for us. Lots of dead goyim and lots of shekels. Good chinks. Good goys. Do our bidding.

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their society is horrible, so it's full of people who just want to see everything burn
now they just need a Joker, or a Bane, to take the fear of death out of them and replace it with more hatred, make them human again

Yes they do

And how would you tell her apart from the other 1 billion.
They all look alike. They are stealth.

they're using you bro. They'll get rid of you one day, they did to me. I had 1 chinese friend from canada and I thought we were close friends, but then one day she just blocked me, said I made her "uncomfortable" which was a bullshit lie but yea she tried to become my friend again, i told her to fuck right off.

Would you be ok with a literal Chinese Hitler?

I really shouldve. I just sat in my car and mentally posted an emoji in my mind to what i just saw. I havent been outside in so long i forgot how i should really react. It was in the border of orange county and la county. Dont touch any fucking shopping carts without sanitizing and gloves if youre at a stater bros down there.

Chinks and Jews are the same lot of deceitful faggots. You're not fooling anyone. Much like how you didn't fool anyone with the "Jews or Muslims" shit when in reality both are cancer.

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jesus, look at the middle age white faggots selling all the masks to a chinkoid and being super polite to her. we deserve annihilation for this cuckoldry

We're all equal, we're all in this together! It's racist to imply they have unequal loyalties elsewhere. We're all supposed to be citizens of the world. I'm on the right side of history, why are they taking advantage of me when I've done so much for them? I thought I was their ally. White supremacy must have made them do this. *raging soi face*

ok chang

Is that Linus?

Fuck off Chang

>Chinese are Asian Niggers... holy fuck