What happened to America? Why can't the average American compete with the Chinese?

What happened to America? Why can't the average American compete with the Chinese?

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Babylon > Egypt > Greece > Rome > Germany > America

Who's next

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The average murican has self respect.

>What happened to America? Why can't the average American compete with the Chinese?

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The value of the dollar is too high for a lot of manufacturing to be viable.

You do know whoke american families would work the mines right? Even the kids.

propaganda made by the obamas

What is the probability that Alex Jewns has beat his meat to that dude?

Man, that show had me raging mad. Fuck this chink robots and their fucked up way of working.

Yeah but they had self respect.
They worked as a group to support their town, not some faceless international corporation.

He also can't compete with an African if you know what I mean dog )

So pay the workers more, thus lowering the value through inflating but also not treating employees like dogs.

Lol, on point

> Oursourcing low-skill manufacturing jobs to China and leading the world in the IT sector.
> Unable to compete.

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The protestant work ethic which once carried this country has atrophied. The Chinese on the other hand can be worked like dogs and it has carried them far.

Well they wouldn't be working for some corporation but they would have the balls to stand up against it. There were loads of crazy conflicts in the US to do with miners rebelling due to being fucked over.

Commie propaganda

The work ethic has declined due to the reduced pay off from working hard. You get way less now days for working hard than you would in say the 50s.

Probably a nuclear wasteland.

If you see that vid you will notice the Chinese don't really follow safety regulations, which actually adds a lot of costs
Another thing is they have migrant workers from the outer provinces going to the central provinces and working 12-14 hour days, 6 days a week, for a quarter of the salary.
If American factories could imploy illegal mexicans at quarter normal wages they would be competitive. However that is not sustainable regarding taxes and social cohesion of course, I'm not advocating for it.

A lot of unions were formed to keep low-wage niggers out, which also had the unintended effect of keeping skill levels high along with a relatively honest, earnest workforce.
When they "integrated" we got the worst of both worlds: ineptitude with high labor costs. That's really why our auto industry couldn't compete with Germany at the high end or Japan at the low end.
China has the best of both worlds: hard-working, trainable bugmen at slave labor prices.

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China is export based Communism.
Be China manufacturer:
>energy for free from state
>almost always a local source for needed materials at just above cost
>every possible corner cut
>employees paid in bowls of rice
>environmental regulations? LMAO ya naw
>state manipulates currency constantly to provide even more favorable conditions
>R&D investment? LMAO they steal all their IP and are impossible to sue
>no repercussions for selling dangerous products unless you fuck up so bad that the market is impacted like that guy that sold kids toys with lead paint. They hung that guy
>Chinese products re low level psychological warfare. They always have something frustrating about them, using them leads to angst

Top of my head, theres surely more. I hope the ones responsible for outsourcing to China get what they deserve, America used to make the most highest quality goods in the world, you routinely see 50 year old cars and machinery still working. Today its all disposable crap and is the underlining condition that has lead to dissatisfaction in America and lack of trust in our ability to create anything of lasting value.

This. As the late Lincoln Rockwell said, the fruits of the white man's labor are no longer his. If you're white and still support immigration, you are an idiot. Have fun knowing your tax dollars go to support nigs and spics.

Meant for

How can America compete with slave labor?

Because your average American will refuse to work in a factory with conditions so terrible that suicide nets are required. I would also hazard a guess that if a manager told your average American to wear a diaper, that manager would get clocked in the face.

Based and truthpilled. Chinks are so obvious.

I thought they made shit product so you would have to replace it sooner, I never considered the psychological aspect.

they refuse to nuke the chink plaguebearers off the face of the earth
just do it, americans
nuke the non-white subhumans - everyone will cheer for you

Chinese slave labor is really cheap and cuts out costs in manufacturing. In the US, workers demand to actually be paid for their work.

>US nukes China
>China retaliates and nukes the USA
>China and USA both destroyed
>Israel loses it's enforcer and falls soon afterwards
>rest of the world profits

Why don't Americans want to work 12 hour days, 6 days a week for peanuts?

>why don't Americans want to die in final destination tier industrial accidents?

between USA and Russia, both of them control 95% (ninety-five percent) of ALL the nukes on the planet, yes that's right

lowIQ bugmen aren't walking away from an American first strike, never mind launching any nukes of their own, if Americans want they can have that subhuman shithole EMP'd to hell

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>between USA and Russia, both of them control 95% (ninety-five percent) of ALL the nukes on the planet, yes that's right

Sure but that doesn't really mean much, an effective first strike is pretty hard to pull off, especially since ballistic missile submarines are a thing.

>lowIQ bugmen aren't walking away from an American first strike, never mind launching any nukes of their own, if Americans want they can have that subhuman shithole EMP'd to hell

An EMP wouldn't do much to stop a retaliation strike. It's the ballistic missile submarines which could be hidden away anywhere which are the real issue.

>everyone will cheer for you
Um, sweaty...Europeans love the Chinese. They prefer the Chinese to Am*ricans.

Sandnigger, do you really think the only 2 countries M.A.D. exists between can't annhilate anyone else on the planet? I understand your butthurt in regards to America because they really did shit all over the sandnigger shithole your parents ran away from, but a nuclear strike from the guys that have 10000 nukes doesn't bode well for chinkoids who only have some reverse engineered submarines and missiles
What are chinks gonna do, nuke some nigger'd american city after getting wiped out? White America would only breath a sigh of relief.

You don't even know what's the latest in Attack Satellite tech when it comes to US/Russia because like all shitskin intellectuals you think that what you see on the news is what you get. In the meantime a year or so back there was a quick snippet of msm running stories about Russian satellites doing cuuh-rayzee shit, then it was quickly memory-holed

In the meantime, your "argument" involves chinkoids on 1960s tier of tech when it comes to nukes

they can get nuked off the face of the earth tomorrow, without any sort of repercussions
because if the opposite was true, chinkoids wouldn't be so desperately chasing bio-weapons research (another way they can get mass-removed btw)

Personal anecdote, I used to work in this field before the virus happened, bought machines from Chinese and the US. Generally, the American machines are ALL about 5-10x more expensive than the equivalent Chinese ones on Alibaba, plus they have like, 10 months of lead time when the Chinese can do it in 2 months.
Even factoring the tickets cost and time to go to China to check if they are frauds I can still set up a production line faster buying Chinese than buying American. It's really sad.

>Sandnigger, do you really think the only 2 countries M.A.D. exists between can't annhilate anyone else on the planet?

Sure they can, I didn't deny that. I am just talking about the possibility of a second strike.

>I understand your butthurt in regards to America because they really did shit all over the sandnigger shithole your parents ran away from, but a nuclear strike from the guys that have 10000 nukes doesn't bode well for chinkoids who only have some reverse engineered submarines and missiles

Calm down, it doesn't bode well sure but that doesn't mean they couldn't pull off a second strike.

>What are chinks gonna do, nuke some nigger'd american city after getting wiped out? White America would only breath a sigh of relief.

You wouldn't have to nuke many American cities to destabilize the US. Sure it wouldn't probably work out well for the white Americans there but the US as a nation would likely disappear.

>You don't even know what's the latest in Attack Satellite tech when it comes to US/Russia because like all shitskin intellectuals you think that what you see on the news is what you get. In the meantime a year or so back there was a quick snippet of msm running stories about Russian satellites doing cuuh-rayzee shit, then it was quickly memory-holed

Are you one of those retards that reads random internet stories and thinks they understand the latest military tech due to that?

>they can get nuked off the face of the earth tomorrow, without any sort of repercussions


>because if the opposite was true, chinkoids wouldn't be so desperately chasing bio-weapons research (another way they can get mass-removed btw)

If it was so easy why is China not being crushed by the USA right now?

Rust belt is one of the most miserable areas for capitalism nowadays. It can't compete with other US areas or Europe either, because unions have killed any kind of competition thoroughly.
Putting them against Chinese is simply cruel.

>mistakes inability to compete with self respect...

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there is no 2nd strike when the US with it's 10000+ nukes wipes out chinkoids who even with some fantasy pro chink estimate have 500
End of story Ahmet
>US collapses
They won't, White America will still be there to kick your sandnigger ass for centuries to come

Kek Israel still has the royals in Europe that support them, Germany is literally their bitch, and Russia.

>there is no 2nd strike when the US with it's 10000+ nukes wipes out chinkoids who even with some fantasy pro chink estimate have 500

You know that it doesn't matter how many times you bomb China if there are still ballistic missile subs out there. You have to find and sink them first.

>End of story Ahmet

Stop projecting

>They won't, White America will still be there to kick your sandnigger ass for centuries to come

Clearly you haven't seen the demographic projections for the US. The US imploding would be a good thing because it would allow the whiter states to break away and for the shitty cities to destroy themselves with rioting.

No one is Israels bitch more than the US, there are issues with some Europeans supporting Israel but overall Israel isn't popular here. In the US you can't even have an election without your candidates sucking off Israel and every leader bends the knee to Israel instantly.

Not to mention all the money sent and soliders dying for them.

It's true, even their women have fat sausage fingers

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Ok retard, at least I can question the holocaust and not go to Jail. Europeans have become so retarded arrogant they don't even want to admit how much they give into Israel.

and chink subs which once again are both out-numbered by the US have to surface in order to launch, what do you think American attack subs would do in this situation, NOT aggressively look for them?

why are you even posting, you military illiterate?

it would be worth it just to erase china

>Ok retard, at least I can question the holocaust and not go to Jail.

You can do that in my country. Also at least in my country you can boycott Israel, they are trying to prevent that in the US.

>Europeans have become so retarded arrogant they don't even want to admit how much they give into Israel.

We have issues here too without a doubt, but you must be delusional to not see the US as Israels number one supporter by far.

>Why can't the average single American compete with 20 slave-wage Chinese?
Good question. Idiot.

Always the BMWF

The average American isn’t an American, so its moot.

How can I forget with Zion Don not shutting up about loving circumcised dick? It's just ridiculous because Europe isn't that far with America for bending over.

>and chink subs which once again are both out-numbered by the US have to surface in order to launch, what do you think American attack subs would do in this situation, NOT aggressively look for them?

Did you know that the ocean is really big ? Like really really big. It is pretty easy to hide.

>why are you even posting, you military illiterate?

Ironic you say this. You are the one saying the issue is they need to surface to fire when that isn't such a big issue when the ocean is so huge and for a second strike since it's pretty much just trying to do as much damage as possible before getting sunk.

If you wanted to point out a real issue you would point out that their subs are known to be noisy as fuck so are limited in their patrol areas and could be easy to track. So theoretically if you wanted to do a first strike you could wait to find their subs and sink them all before carrying out a strike, still risky though because as soon as a nation knows their subs are being targeted they are going to assume it's a first strike and launch everything they have.

We aren't close to the US, in Europe boycotting Israel and recognizing Palestine are political ideas which are pushed by major parties and have political viability. In the US you have no chance of ever being president without sucking jewish dick.

you're taking the MO of nuclear powers like US and Russia that run patrols over the planet either via strategic bombers and subs then trying to apply it to chinks that don't get out of the south china sea
it's hilarious

Oh God, and you ignore the shit ton of money sent to them from you guys? Do any of your major politicians ever consider asking why or cutting them off?

American workers have high workplace expectations, like not being crushed or maimed.

>you're taking the MO of nuclear powers like US and Russia that run patrols over the planet either via strategic bombers and subs then trying to apply it to chinks that don't get out of the south china sea

True they have issues getting out of the South China sea due to the noise issues I talked about and the US makes a lot of effort to track subs in the area. But it's still a risk that has to be taken into account before making a first strike.

I mostly agree with you but planned obsolesce was a thing in the USA by the 1950s and was full-swing by the 1970s. Notice how it's rare to see a car from the 60s, 70s, and 80s (save for the muscle car collectables)? Part of that pre-1980s cars were gas guzzlers and sold for scrap.

Granted we don't see very many older cars either but that's not due to planned obsolescence; it's due engines not lasting very long at the time and with rising incomes, people chose to buy new cars.

>Oh God, and you ignore the shit ton of money sent to them from you guys?

We send barely anything compared to you guys, many European countries send more to Palestinian groups.

>Do any of your major politicians ever consider asking why or cutting them off?

There are European politicians supporting the BDS movement.

see right there is one of the biggest problem with you small-dick illiterates
not even a couple minutes ago you were talking to me about the impossibility of the wide wide ocean and how chinese subs are such a menace

after getting told how it would "actually" go down, you adjust and cope some more like your whole stupid fucking argument didn't get run into the ground
it's pathetic

why wouldn't the US who are planning a nuclear strike (big fucking deal) against chinks, NOT put extra resources into tracking chinks

Have a look on a map. Between China and the open ocean is a chain of Japanese islands, Taiwan and the Philippines. All of these are bases for US anti sub forces and nuclear subs can't have perfect stealth because the reactor is always running.

We also give you ass hats in NATO shit tons of money. Look retard, Zionism is older than the US and is something your royals have supported for a long ass time. There wouldn't have been an Israel in the first place without ww2 and there wouldn't have been ww2 without ww1. Most of our Jews that came over to America were because of you ass holes.