Give me ONE reason the United States shouldn't wipe China off the face of the earth

Give me ONE reason the United States shouldn't wipe China off the face of the earth.

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Who will mass produce my weeaboo toys?

Cause Dr Lieber helped them build that facility in wuhan, why would an american help create a bio-testing facility in china? really makes you think.

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Who will deliver fried rice for you?

>Give me ONE reason the United States shouldn't wipe China off the face of the earth.
They can't.

So, we ostracize China because a virus jumped from animal to human there.

99% of all animal and plant life has viruses and 99% of the time cannot attack humans but their is always a possibility of mutation.

So here's my view, we can nuke china on one condition and that is when another of these virus appears in months/years we must nuke that country of origin too...


Regardless where it came from we must in fairness nuke it

One reason: you can't

without your guns, you will need their martial art to fight against the elites chipping us.

Listen Jack my son made money there so I don't want the gravy train to stop

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It's a fucking jew, chang.

Because the virus is from Canada and Trump has secret deals with China and Russia.
And Trump deserves to get richer.

The us isn't capable of competing with China, let alone "wiping it out"

nice try chink

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black plague
spanish flu

literally all from china. you deserve extermination, and not just a killing you, but utterly destruction of your legacy

China has the Deng Feng missile. It travels at Mach 25 (19,000 mph) and is nuclear tipped. It would wipe out an aircraft carrier in less than a minute. And no, there is no defense against a missile moving at almost 20k mph.

China would destroy our navy and air force in short order.

I don’t think we could deliver the first strike without a pretty sizable retaliatory volley that would kill millions.


Quit eating rodents Wang.
China is a global embarrassment

they make good music
cpop > kpop


Fuck off vatnik did putler let you use the wrongthink media?

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Honestly its cause you can't.

Just save Taiwan but yeah.

The United States should've done that in 1950s or 1960s

>China would destroy our navy and air force in short order.

And 1.3 billion chinks become charcoals in turn?

Nice try Chang, we all know you're not American

They create all the shit that shitty American companies sell, in the end cuckpitalism fuck everyone in the ass either if you support it or not

They make pretty much all of our shit.

>The United States

Why just the USA? You think the bulk of the planet isn't vying for a piece of this?

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Russia would be mad.

Nah. China woldnt get to hit the button. The big bombs are under China. Mach 0.0.
Instant rice crispies if chinks get uppity.

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Literally impossible.

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Ain't no button. Deng Feng missiles are truck-mounted. China was able to launch 50 missiles in less than 1 minute. And they all found their target.

We just don't have a prayer against that kind of weaponry. Each of those missiles carries a nuclear warhead. The US would be properly fucked in less than 20 minutes.

Press F to drop a few dozen rods from God on all major Chinese cities

Useless, expensive missile if the fucking dirt creates can't calculate the kill chain.

When I went to China I told my brother, "problem is, if we dropped 20 nukes and wiped out 250M Chinese, all they would say is, 'thanks.'"

are you the guy who always talks about the "nukes under russian/chinese cities" idea?

>20 nukes
but that doesn't cover anywhere near to all chink population centers, why would anyone only drop 20 nukes on them
400 out of 500 biggest polluting cities on the planet are chink and indian, start by nuking those with 3 nukes each and go from there

Dropping 1500 nukes anywhere would created horrendous fallout for the entire planet.

you're an idiot

i dont even feel bad for the chinese people anymore.
you see we fuck the goat and make love to the goat. not skin and boil and them alive for extra "taste"
they are just soulless insects like their leaders.

Good argument. We dropped 2 nukes 75 years ago and there was fallout for 50 years. What do you think happens with more developed nukes and 1500 of them? Nothing good.

Egg rolls.

>was fallout for 50 years


Because that's what Israel wants. Name another functioning national socialist ethnostate. You can't. China is the only one left with the power to resist Israel's tendrils. And after the USA is done bleeding itself of the last few White males, you can bet the Jews will dump a flood of Mexicans, Indians, and assorted Africans into the USA as replacements for the "ebil White colonizers who strated WW3".

No? Look at birth defects in Nagasaki. Multiply by 1500.

Xi could have prevented this if he banned the consumption of wild meat after SARS. This is literally all a result of his ineptitude.

Was waiting for her to sit on it

Poland, Russia, Hungary...and several other Eastern Bloc countries are national socialist ethnostates.

You do not have the power to do so.

>t. mexican intellectual
you're an idiot
FIRST of all, the bomb sites you're talking about are homes to sprawling cities right this moment
SECOND of all, nuclear powers have tested some real crazy bombs over the years
THIRD of all, removing 3 billion of INSECTS that shove more radiation into the air via coal, than the west could even hope to achieve with nukes, is self-explanatory
THEN add in the fact that modern nukes don't have meme-yields of old days because they're much more accurate
FINALLY I can safely re-assure you that everyone on the planet will happily wear some masks for a couple of months if it meant we;d get rid of the subhumans that live in the asian continent who pollute like it's their job

They cant

best answer here. Every time this thread gets posted you have niggers and spics here waving their dick around as if they built this shit, instead of the pardoned Nazi scientists.

>THIRD of all, removing 3 billion of INSECTS that shove more radiation into the air via coal, than the west could even hope to achieve with nukes, is self-explanatory
This, it's a net positive by a large margin. They're already pumping fallout into the atmosphere and sludge into the water every day.

FIRST, not Mexican
SECOND, nukes are far more accurate, but we're talking about 1500 nukes vs 2, so the fallout would be worse, even if the weapons are better
THIRD, there aren't 3B Chinese, more like 1.3B
FINALLY, masks do nothing against radiation.
LASTLY, it's clear you are a global warming fag, which is stupid as fuck. Humans are conforming the globe to fit our purpose, that's what successful organisms do. We don't adapt, we change the environment to suit our needs. Otherwise, we'd still be living in trees and caves.

Nukes faggot

USA can’t

Where else will get bad handjobs?

The entire Eastern Bloc is still recovering from Communism. The Israeli golem of the United States keeps the Eastern Euros in NATO under check while Jew oligarchs force Russia to secure the rest. Both the USA and Russia fellatiate Israel to no end.

And you say Russia is an ethnostate? It has over 160 ethnicities. They're turning more brown and Muslim by the day, and suicide is as prevalent as alcoholism.

Recovering from Communism or not, they are still national socialist ethnostates. Also, NatSoc is pretty close to Socialism anyway.

>Socialism is National Socialism
Ok Chaim

Sounds like a plan.

It will go down in history books that out of all the countries nuked, China got it right off the bat!

>thinking lockmart jews and the DoD would EVER allow china to have any type of technological advantage over us in any way shape or form
The US military industrial complex is reliant on kike defense contractors constantly inventing new and improved shit we never use. Everything good China has is a shitty stolen US knockoff inevitably several years behind.

NatSoc is closer to Communism than Capitalism.
In the words of Milli Vanilli, "Girl, you know it's true."

How deep is that chink dick in your throat? About 4 inches? Alpha US soldiers and superior US tech would put them in a world of hurt. Remember Korea?

got nothin...