Its over. There is no way this info will not become more mainstream now

Everything makes sense now
>missing children
>the myths of vampires and killing them with Crucifix and Holy Water
>Jack the ripper

God says
"For the life of every creature is its blood: its blood is its life. Therefore I have said to the people of Israel, You shall not eat the blood of any creature, for the life of every creature is its blood. Whoever eats it shall be cut off."
Leviticus 17:14

Later on Jesus says
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
John 8:44

Its over Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:–Mundt_Act

>Its over. There is no way this info will not become more mainstream now
First day on Yas Forums?

Tell us something we don't know, memeflag.

Best option at this point is to grant absolute reference to a red pill. It is the way. Do no harm.
Languages weaponized against future weaponization of language, years ago.

Good Hx0rz can access hardware. Gr3@t 1z compromise teh idea that made it possivvvle. If we all fear the same thing, both polarities will consider an ayy fait accompli as oppositional, rather than merely a digital handshake.

Submitted yet again to teh archives.

So you're telling me if we just stop fucking Jews for 300 years all of society's ills will disappear

Redpill your kids early and often on the jewish question, and finely tune their jew detector. It is your duty to God Almighty and fellow man.
300 years is nothing. Our ancestors have a legitimate chance at living in utopia, as God intended.

>So you're telling me if we just stop fucking Jews for 300 years all of society's ills will disappear
Not possible. It might require 300 years to cure their narrative, because of their diaspora. Nothing about this is easy, but all of it is worthwhile. Crosswalks and all.

How does a cursed group of people who will naturally die out without our blood either through breeding or harvesting and ingesting ensure its survival?

Why is our blood so important?
They are the cursed group that rejected God and the messiah. The only way that they can get power which we recieved through Christ is by stealing it from us. We get eternal life because God said "Enough of all this, no more sacrifices, no more blood eating I am offering up my own self as a sacrifice for all people and for the atonement of all your sins. Now only eat this bread and drink this wine as a holy sacrament of my flesh and blood and you will have eternal life" They rejected Christ but want the power that Christ gave us. Which is why they need us even though they despise us.

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hate to break it to ya OP but the mainstream media spends far more time covering up the unpleasant truths we discover than providing actual news

If it is on television, it is propoganda. The best propoganda ever seen. The CIAniggers have 60 years of the best and brightest minds developing said propoganda. All to finely tune your reptile brain into a sweet spot that keeps you fearful and docile.

> b b but not in America user, never!–Mundt_Act
It is LEGAL for the government to lie to us via propoganda.
It is LEGAL for the CIA to conduct operations on US soil.
Welcome to hell, newfriend. Will you die or join our climb out?
That we haven't killed them all is an indictment on each of our souls.

I have a god damned degree in linguistics and can't spell propaganda for the life of me
College is a jewish trick

Yes, Dad, I understand.

But do you think Mom will buy it?.

The internet is our great equalizer. Archive the timeline of their takeover. They will move on it once the unix oldfags die and ownership of the http daemons (the backbone of the internet) goes to God knows who.

I'd say 20 years, tops.

Its my 11th year. I dont come here often but every now and then. You are my old reliable.

Gee I wonder if they drink blood and eat babies if they could possibly find other uses for those kids and would still fulfil their bloodline needs

obama sold off the internet. one of the last things he did in office

>hi im a nigger

Qtards took this information and turned it into a meme, but this is the absolute truth.

the closest apostles of jesus were jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

After draining blood the child dies and I suspect the child then sold off to other industries which harvest them into cosmetics and other medicine.
Its like how they recently busted some asian factory and found that their factory had baby flesh powder in their pills.
Theyve built entire industries around their satanic lusts and we pay for it with our taxes and our blood. They are literally parasites.


You make claims but where is your proof of these so called blood letting?

Pray to God they all get exposed in a week

Now you know.

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> it's over

What does that entail, exactly?



The Apostles were true israelites. Not the ashkenazis or khazars or sephardic jews masquerading as the true jews today. The followers of Christ when they took up Christianity held onto the belief that they are no longer have need of their old identity and that they are a new creature in Christ ("There is neither Jew nor Greek for we are all one in Christ")

Actually the old religion of the Israelites was not even called Judaism. It was only called "The Law and the Prophets" and Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of those laws and those prophecies and through natural progression if that religion recieved a name, it was then it was called Christianity and its followers "Christians". Subsequently "Jew" and "Judaism" are identities taken up by those who rejected Christ.

They try not to kill them until after they breed them in baby farms.

Just look at all the missing children and the historical canonisations of Children by the Church. These Children died as a result of these jewish blood letting rituals.

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I know
That isn't what I'm going on. The entire article reads like some cope from the first sentence. Scroll to the bottom and read all their sources. Tell me if you notice any similarities in the sources.

>Jews of Jesus' time are the same as the punics/ashkenazis


We are collectively God, they are collectively the Anti Christ.

I just also want to add that most blood banks are owned by Jews. Make of that what you will.

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>the closest apostles of jesus were jews
But not fake Jews


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memeflag blood tastes the sweetest

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."
I Corinthians 14:33

The biggest confusion is that we have attached the term "jew" for the last 2000 years to a group of people who are not actually jews but masquerade as jews. Its the greatest deception. Normies will never get over this mental block unless they understand this or read the Talmud or observe and study them closely.

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>You shall not eat the blood of any creature
i.e. be vegetarian or vegan.

Jews are done, GG no RE.

It is not just one nation that is aware of the Jews, it is the whole fucking world that is aware of the Jews this time around. The global consciousness has shifted heavily into awareness of Jewish subversion. They should just give up and return to Israel before nations start to deny them citizen ship completely after each country finishes nationalizing.

Good work everyone. The internet is beautiful. The internet was a European invention and our greatest weapon. The Jews tried to subvert that too but failed...

They have just failed completely.

You clearly dont understand how meat works. There is a reason why we drain and dispose off the blood of the animal and then wash our meat clean before cooking it

Two faggy memeflags walk into a thread

Same ID. Rabbi theres no point in pushing the memeflag narrative in an attempt to discredit the truth im speaking.

Defeat is part of the jews nature. There's no point in stressing over their treachery while they dig their own graves.

Seriously what you are saying is true. I never forsaw this level of global awakening a couple of years ago. Its only a matter of time brothers. Remain steadfast and keep up all the efforts. Every single post counts.

The kike screams "ive been found out!"

Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food. And to every beast of the earth and every bird of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth— everything that has the breath of life in it— I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.

proof that taysacs can be cured with blood and marrow?
if that were true though could do it in hospitals here with "blood transfusions" used during "routine procedures"

>Same ID
Discord insurgent confirmed. We all know how IDs actually work here, retardo.
Clinton rightfully lost, there are only 2 genders, only white people deserve to live, and yes your mother drank herself to death because you are just that shameful.

>Its over
>Doesnt post a single interesting point

Your brain cell propagation is whats over. Fucking dunce

Dont eat blood though
Dont drain blood from a creature just to drink it in an attempt to cure your cursed genetics
Dont steal blood in an attempt to draw the life essence from it. Clearly that law was given because they were misusing it in some way.

Fuck out here shill faggot
>proceeds to repeat my own political opinions thinking it btfo me

You guys are so easy to spot

Youre supposed to make that connection in light of all the info thats been out smooth brain.

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nigger I said shit like this without a bump but have one nonetheless

this adrenochrome stuff is wellaware1 tier schizoposting.

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Yes, it is on the first page of the Bible where god tells people that fruit and seeds are the food.

We were meant to be vegans.

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

admits to being a Discord leftist

bye now retards, thanks for playing

Please leave with this fucking bullshit memeflaggot. Christ what the fuck has happened to this board? I hate you all. You think you’re redpilled but you’re actually just retards ffs.


You are a low IQ boomer who doesn't even know what adrenochrome is. You mentality is so underdeveloped and childish that you think a make believe recreational drug from a johnny Depp movie with a biologically impossible origin is actually real. You could learn this yourself if you spent 2 minutes on pubmed, but expecting you to know how to use a search engine, a skill mastered by little kids, is asking too much.

It's oxidized epinephrine. Epinephrine oxidizes upon injection. You can buy injectable epinephrine at any drug store on the planet without prescription.

Back when I was running T1 pairs for dial up ISPs in the early 90s, a colleague and I debated whether the internet would make people smarter or if people would make the internet dumber. I correctly chose the latter.

You are worthless, stop posting.

Jews mad

He’s a schizo faggot, but he didn't really admit to that at all from what I just read. Also don't post like that it's fucking annoying

Side note: Anyone who believes in adrenochrome and infinity sealed indictments -- please go talk about this somewhere else for fuck's sake. You're ruining this board with delusional boomer drivel.

Fucking leaf

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>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Jew
Nice, very redpilled. Very rational. Shut the fuck up brainlet. the memeflaggot doth protest too much methinks.

Found the Jew

For fuck sake, again? Epstein-Barr virus and now this? What is this crazy shit we call earth?

Every bit of information in that image is nonsense, objectively so. It is from fucking fear and loathing or something, it isn't real. You people are peepeepoopoobrained, please return to the Godlikeproductions and 8kun from whence you came

Found the brainlet

People like you are the reason jews successfully parasite off us. Why are you so blind to the truth?

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Saging threads is faggot tier. Pic related is you.

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This is fact based evidence to you, boomer idiot? Some anonymous picture you found on Facebook?

Can you show me the peer review for this well cited research paper you fucking clown?

Whatever you say Finkelstein don’t you have blood to suck or have you already had your fill today

nigga u high?

You seem to be confusing "thinking you are a drooling brainlet" with being upset. Show flag.

The pineal gland has serotonin in it you fucking tool. No gland in the human body produces adrenochrome. Why is using a search engine so hard for you?

You're really fucking delusional and it's sad. That isn't being redpilled, it's the exact opposite. You're a caved-in-head dribbling mongoloid. WWG1LGBTQ+++ trust the plan, everyone who isnt as retarded as you must be a Jew.

>There is no way this info will not become more mainstream now
Twitter normalfags refuse to accept that American hospitals are empty right now in spite of numerous video examples. What makes you think anyone but the schizos here will accept any of this?
Protip: they won't

Lol one response wasn't enough?
Get fucked bud you're not fooling anyone.

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