I'm a very serious Christian. The Muslims are exactly correct about how they treat women. Women are totally evil and need to be kept in line like animals.
I'm a very serious Christian. The Muslims are exactly correct about how they treat women...
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The Old Testament is a guideline in how to organize a society.
The New Testament is a guideline for personal conduct.
why did you add "like animals". that was so unnecessary
I've been reading a lot more of the old testament. They're very liberal with their useage of the word "whore". I feel like the iteration of society we're in now is no different than what Isaiah and Jeremiah talk about.
You are woefully ignorant of the insipid and plotting and scheming evil of women. It's on par with the most evil sociopath men, and that is normal behavior for women.
I'm not here to debate the intracies of how islam is worse than Christianity. I totally disagree with circumcision and so does the bible. The state the modern women is in now is absolutely abhorrent and evil. There's no other way to describe it.
I've been the victim of psychotic women my entire life. Never have I ever felt the protection of a man who keeps women in line from being psychopaths. It's one of the great pitfalls of Christianity. I absolutely agree with everything in the bible except for women being anywhere near to the status of equals as men.
do you date ebin?
Every single unmarried or divorced man shares my sentiment if he doesn't remarry. There are many men out there who have seen the true nature of women and turn away from it. They don't deserve me.
Every single man that has married and stays married is either having sex with a younger hotter chick, or is totally hypnotized by sex because THAT'S LITERALLY ALL WOMEN ARE GOOD FOR besides cooking and cleaning and having your children.
I've had more girlfriends and one night stands than I can count on two hands.
Why did I make this post? The bible says "your words have the power over life and death". This is my public submission before God that something has to change. There has to be a change in the position of women in Christian society. I genuinely don't believe that women being equals as men is correct, or has ever been or will ever be correct.
whoa, so do you tell these women how much you hate women? can't imagine that going well
That being said, the world is currently under the guise of a patriarchal society, but we all know it's matriarchal, and I disapprove HIGHLY. Women either need to start telling other women to be better, or need to consciously and willingly step back from this matriarchal nonsense we're currently experiencing.
Who said I hate women?
>I'm a very serious Christian.
Then you're fucking retarded. You've killed any vestige of humanity you had left and have fully accepted absolute bullshit as fact. You've elevated emotion over reason, and I love that you will suffer for it.
If you read the bible AT ALL you would know it's stepped in spiritual and interpersonal logic that is flawless and unquestionable. It is the perfect definition of how people should treat each other in a functioning society. It is flawless in it's peace and love.
I just don't understand how we got to the point of following new testament teachings to allowing women to rule over us. It's an abomination.
so how do you plan to keep one in line? or are you mgtow
How do I plan to keep one in line? I plan on meeting one that I won't have to keep in line. I'm just saying the gigantic portion of our society that allows woment to function anywhere near as equals to men is an embarrassment.
Bump. People need to read this.
it's equality neb and they'll die on that rock so get over it
good luck with that
So... either all women are psychopathic... or only some.... and the normal ones don't need to be kept in line?....
So you asked if I'm MGTOW, does that make me one if I can't find one? I love women as far as being caregivers and supportive to the husband, but if I can't find one who genuinely believes in traditional roles then I will die alone.
Why are kikes telling me to follow the gospels; is real Christianity only the Old Testament?
Great question.
Don't blaspheme the new testament.
You just gave me an idea. I genuinely appreciate it.
isnt this what the bible teaches already?
to put the thots in their place.
i never thought of christiany as cucked but much rather as hijacked and not correctly practized by the followers
You say that after complimenting a kike which makes me think I shouldn't trust (((you)))
No, I think he meant it's an insult to animals who just behave the way God intended. A dog is a dog, a cat is a cat, etc.
So, your gonna kill your kids with a pile of rocks when they step out of line? How about the emo pagan chick down the street since you shalt not suffer a witch to live?
>I'm a very serious Christian. The Muslims are exactly correct about how they treat women. Women are totally evil and need to be kept in line like animals.
That’s not a very Christian thing to say.
That "kike" actually reminded me that men are supposed to be keepers and protectors of women before I went too far over the edge. He did a good thing for me.
pretty much
No I never agreed to the old testament. The new testament says to not be harsh on your children so you won't embitter them. No need to stone your kids.
Christ is the new covenant.
the way the Christian church has allowed women to have such a large role in the modern church is an abomination to God. It's in the new testament. read it.
John and Paul are the only valid parts of the NT.
Of course not, he's not a christian
On what grounds?
Real nice way to boast about your heresy
Because you're muslim/jew
>be early Christians
>be taught by Paul and follow Gospel of John
>gnostics have fuckton of other gospels
>Roman shitters force gnostic gospels into a "new testament" package for you to blindly obey
>suddenly you're now the heretic for following original Christianity
>I'm a very serious Christian.
Not with your attitudes, no, you're not.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
Nice alternative reality to cope with your heresy
I'm just gonna say it out loud: retard.
christ is a faggot desu
Ironic. Most scholars believe in the Q source theory which means Matthew and Luke were greatly influenced by foreign material many believe to be the gnostic nag hammadi.
Re-read some of Paul's letters. He literally instructs that women should "be quiet". He advises that church members probably shouldn't even marry because they're more concerned about the married worrying more about their partners than God.
most scholars believe jesus never even existed
Matthew and Luke are barely any different than the other gospels. I've read them numerous times.
Ok Muslim..
White women are the downfall of Western civilization. Their extreme selfishness, hedonism and hypergamy will destroy everything in just a couple of generations.
Dunno 'bout you mang, but I just use basic critical thinking skills and deal with people on an individual basis. Don't need a manual to be a decent person.
No they don't because you're spouting a straight up lie. No scholar has ever said that, not even a fake scholar, because that's like claiming sky is blue because I have to take the roast out of the oven in 20 minutes.
Another liar.
I was clearly talking about Christian scholars, dumbfuck.
Patently false. Jesus is one of the most well documented and witnessed people of that time in history.
Did Your girlfriend ask to rim you? Are you secretly gay, user?
Blatantly false. You can google a list of contradictions between John and them and find quite a long list.
COPE. Roastie
kek not one account from a direct independent source
no such thing historians or antropologist could be christian scholars but you meant larpers
no u
Nag Hammadi has nothing to do with Q (that might have not even existed)
Bump. Fully agree.
However must add that the bilble has the same advice. Todays Christians are NOT Christians, since they ignore what the bilbe says about women, 100%
You mean the letters that praise Timothy's mother and grandmother for teaching him? The ones praising deaconesses and other women for supporting the church? The ones that talk about women prophesying in church?
if you thought jihadis are bad and immoral already
you'll be in for a rude awakening
just wait till the crusaders get pissed off
treat women how they deserve to be treated
You are literally lying you devil. Christ mythicists are a tiny majority in the scientific community, probably tinier than people who believe religions were made up by ancient aliens. And for a good reason: he's better documented than many, many other historical figures from antique.
I agree. Complete ignorance of the written word.
1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
Bullshit. Gnosticism was THE alternate Christian material at the time and that's exactly what Q is.
lol no
the new testament extends the mosaic covenant to the non-jews, through faith in the messiah. there is no difference between conduct and polygamy is still a fine way to live one's life; there were verses added to the scripture by christian-catholic monks who believed in celibacy
lol you sound like a retard. If you think Christ would agree that women are “totally evil” then you don’t know scripture. I’ll pray for you.
Fuck you, you piece of shit! Are they also right about fucking goats too?
It's not. You're clearly using gnostic as a boogeyman and an insult that you'll throw on everything you don't like. Your claims are so outlandish I don't believe for a second you are misled, you have to be actively lying. Any book about early christianity would be enough to debunk your dumb claims.
moslem society isn't being overrun by foreigners, though. not wiping out its own population with political correctness
open your mind a bit
Let's begin our inquiry with a passage that historian Edwin Yamauchi calls "probably the most important reference to Jesus outside the New Testament."[4] Reporting on Emperor Nero's decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote:
Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome..
did you even read this
the best evidence out of christianity is a guy re porting on the emperor blaming the already stablished christians on rome for fires
never saw christ and heard of him trough? christians
You mean modern, liberal women*.
Normal, trad wives are just fine the way they are: loving mothers, caring wives. No level of Islam can produce that. Love, on the other hand, can and does.
you sheep youve been told this but its blatantly false
Based and redpilled
Did you keep reading.....?
The ancient Greeks were saying the same thing, this is just common human knowledge all over the world
Aren't orthodox Christians similar in how they treat their women? Take the orthodox pill.
New Testament explicitly forbids rites and rituals outside of the taking of communion.
>conspiracy theory
I'll pass, thanks
Gnosticism IS a boogeyman because it's full of faggotry which is why many gnostics are trannies. The sermon on the mount is extremely gnostic in its values and its depiction of Jesus as a wise guru instead of God is straight gnosticism.
Don't talk about what the bible allows or doesn't allow after you have to audacity to call all women evil.
second source is 112 years after christ
josephus and the rest could be talking about many similar figures of the time seeing as their stories are not the same
romas kept records of who they killed and of unrest and there is not a single mention even similar to jesus
I think the women inside the church are doing a fine job, I should have been more specific. Women in the world and women who don't attend church happen to be absolutely disgusting, vile, selfish, and world-obsessed.
I'm complaining because I have no one else to complain to, so I'm shouting into the abyss of Yas Forums.
jesus is the conspiracy idiot there is no evidence
You are completely deluded. John's gospel might has the most amount of (pre-)gnostic influence, not the synoptics. Look up what gnostics means before you embarrass yourself any further by posting your cult leaders' hot takes.
How about you try seeking God, talking to Jesus, praying intently and reading the Bible and see where that gets you, friend. Please give God an honest chance.