Has it really begun? Check twitter.. thousands of people are saying their service is down..

Attached: kennedy.jpg (2062x1160, 963.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

oh fuck its happening. my tmobile is down.

Attached: E4B6D3DC-1B9B-42E0-A834-707CBED1FB16.jpg (512x280, 33.89K)


Jewtube crapped out for a minute so it must be happening

Phone posting because I'm at work. Mine went down. Now it's H+ and not LTE

>check twitter
You’re to easy to spot you jannie.

I don’t know about you all... but this is the first time since college since I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for this to happen for 5 years. The point where 1 silver Roosevelt dime buys me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered a conversation with a roastie milf with a ring about corona in the water aisle... and I said it’s a cover for trump to bring us on a gold standard. She was looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l, have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

mine too

Attached: xpweidn5ykm31.jpg (960x798, 142.67K)

I have Jewmobile in L.A. and my service has been down. Up now. I don't hear the ghetto bird or gunfire.

Iooks good here

Attached: IMG_1680C0F3B782-1.jpg (828x1792, 920.47K)

I have metro and my service was disrupted too. I'm in New York.

it's true T mobile just flew over my house

Fresh pasta?

Attached: outage.png (1113x753, 397.69K)

Eh about a week or so old.

Where are you? Confirming Washington state is down

They're testing for the blackout

tmobile just flew over my house

LA, close to Hollywood

I have metro. I'm in wifi right now. Shit went down about an hour ago.

This happened about 3 months ago also.

3 days of darkness has started

My T-Mobile is down no network, mms, cell. It connecting to the tower

Attached: outage2.png (779x723, 92.47K)

Can you make a call?

actually, no
I had to switch to the sprint sim

Holy shit are those red spots nukes?

Minneapolis is down VERIZON



Attached: prepare-yourself-a-shit-show-is-coming.jpg (400x400, 84.43K)

>looks good
>no service

Pick one

iPhone 11 with dual sims, one sprint and one t-mobile. I disabled sprint to test t-mobile.

Verizonchads where you at?

626 here. Its still up.

Attached: verizonoutage.png (741x563, 245.13K)

I also find it interesting that although lots of people are posting about it; it's not listed as trending on twitter.

Indianapolis, btw

maybe for the best

Attached: wq1v8opfnmo31.png (640x485, 478.14K)

Shit I had to switch to WiFi. My phone just suddenly went down. Shit shit shit

I haven’t downloaded all the necessary knowledge. What books and information should I keep with me for the dark ages?

MetroPCS here, my phone stopped working for 20-30 minutes until I reset it, updated. now internet bar is 3/5, almost always 5/5. 4g Android "Coolpad" phone

Mines down

Mine too

Thread theme

Attached: 2378804C-57ED-4471-91D7-4F209AEAFA4E.jpg (960x400, 64.84K)

All spiking at the same time.

Attached: spikes.png (575x623, 74.25K)

This is my favourite

Wtf wtf wtf

Yes! Washington here too same fucking thing

Guys the 3 days of darkness was a larp r-right?

Can confirm

w t f China is attacking us

the real theme


Project zypher here we come!

Oly here

Three days of blacked.

Link or gay

Nah I'm still alive unfortunately.

t. PNW faggot

Dude wtf quarantine + no internet is going to cause riots

It was down for 30
Minutes here in central commieformia. It’s back up

more like fagpad

Works fine for me in the Deep South.

FEMA zone 10

that's not normal but there are dozens of reasonable explanations for this; most likely t-mobile (the official service provider for niggers and trannies) and their shitty infrastructure crapped out due to the abnormal coronavirus load

but i welcome a happening

Mine is down. Yas Forums is down. In fact my computer hasn't been plugged in since I came to the institute.

And those are the covid 19 hot spots


Oh yeah is fucking hapooning oh yeah

Attached: 1585585109149.png (300x299, 120.21K)

Guys go look out at the sky! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Attached: down.png (1116x1499, 286.39K)

do you still have that picture of you fucking that bar of silver?

It's an attack on the networks. China must be seething pretty hard

same spots have been hit by cable outages, internet outages, power outages over the last few weeks.

It just now came back on for me. Down about 30 minutes.

Shits back, thanks Donald.

Here's that pew pew map an user posted a while back. Seems to somewhat coincide with the hardest hit places (although it looked like this back when it was first posted).

probably this

Oh shit

Attached: 1584366081312.jpg (1000x1000, 288.1K)

Up down up down

Shut up, you get to die dumb and not prepared

Tell them to knock it off.

gives me time to beat ryoko's tower defense, i guess

Wew, 5 bars again. That was a scary 30 minutes lads

It's cool guys. They are just changing over to 5g.

Attached: Screenshot_20200331-014530.png (720x1440, 193.19K)

Were just installing the new Corona tracking app anons, no worries. Be back on in 5-10mins

If you use HSPA it works


In SoCal? SGV Yas Forums meetup when?


We up

Yo no like actually. About four hours ago I saw what I knew not to be a star just hovering over an hour in the sky. Really it was two. Thing is it wasn’t hovering around like a chopper it was perfectly still yet clearly inside the atmosphere and the only light in the sky. What the shit

Because construction crews still report to work.

Attached: content_dam_cim_online_articles_2018_09_cutcable.png (720x1275, 1.32M)

An interruption to communications can only mean one thing...

Attached: Bibble_Naboo_Council.png (1920x816, 1.89M)

I told you to download the internet.

Attached: download data.jpg (163x99, 5.27K)

Good buy burgers.
Goldberg was right

First T-Mobile outage I've ever experienced. I've been using it for 2 years.

Seems a little busier than normal.