LA RACE WAR: Blacks attacking Mexicans edition

Things are getting heated in LA. Blacks are abusing mexicans badly

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Blacks have no souls.

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Mexicans aren't afraid of Blacks and are willing to use vigilante justice to keep them in check. We moved into their neighborhoods in South LA and now run the show. You white could learn a thing or two from us. Despite our many flaws, Mexicans have the capacity to behave collectively and look after ourselves.

>blacks actually just put the 100 emoji on shit for no reason
lil_oogabooga really throwing down the gauntlet, it's a little less impressive though when you consider that he's less fearlessly courting danger than that his ability to plot out the future consequences of his behavior is about that of a goldfish's
The ethnic solidarity born of hardship diminishes with prosperity; The Empire will lure your best and brightest with its promises of wealth and status. The Chads of your people must keep the Volk in their hearts

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As a white person who's lived in the south with majority blacks and in the desert with majority Mexicans. I'd take Mexicans any day. They are not immediately aggressive unless provoked and never made me feel like I owe them something.

kek I just did a bit of research and caught myself up with all this, pretty funny.

Mexicans win against blacks over the next 30 years.

This. Hispanics are infinitely better than nigs. The AOC types need to fucking go though.

no that would be you, chink

We have the power of anime on our side.


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is the chimp problem gonna be solved by the cartels?

fortunately aoc types are pretty much nonexistent outside of schools and colleges

Black Boyz are cooler than mexican manlets.

These people are dumb enough to think that a significantly larger poor immigrant population is going to be held back by non-existent shame and guilt, one only needs to see historical events in revolutionary mexico to see what happens to "other" minority groups.

Never before has there been such a dense population of illegals and Latinos in southern California, couple that with the rapid spread of information through social media and you can see that LA is one dumb-ass incident away from a giant wave of refried beaners forming lynch-mobs and chasing everyone else into the sea

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You're not black, Chaim

Implying getting niggers out of anywhere is bad. Notice how when any other race takes over a black neighborhood it magically becomes safer

It’s illegal for whites to organize

What’s the odds Hispanics end up siding with whites in the eventual race war? From what I understand they already work together sometimes in prison

Fuck spics

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As long as whites dont treat them bad there would be an alliance but not a brotherhood. Theres bound to be a dumbass from either side of the group that'll fuck it up

This a joke right? Blacks don’t stand a chance once the LA Mexicans call up their cartel friends.

Mexicans are 1000x better than niggers. Mexicans get a bad rap for no reason.

This is realistic in Texas. And this is coming from a Mexican myself, down here we’re pretty conservative and our Texas pride will come first, it’ll be Texas vs everybody.

>1 nog chimping out on social media is a 'race war'
Tell me when they bring the roof Koreans out of retirement and maybe I'll give a shit.

They get a bad wrap because virtually all of their poor flooded our country.

I always knew the race war was going to be Blacks vs Hispanics.

This is what i've been waiting for, not the conflict as such, the realization that racism isn't the sole domain of whites. How will they spin this as this shit flares up in unis? How will they pin this on whitey?

If it really kicks off, and white man has no involvement, i'm going to grab my popcorn. The best thing we can do, is bring this up in the media, CONSTANTLY. Get them to acknowledge it, and then to talk about it.

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Anything interesting occur besides the cholos driving around blocks with guns ready? Has lapd pick this up yet, that nog is better off going to the police

Wrong Jose. I hope the niggers chimp out on you.

>all of their poor

You need money to cross the border with a good coyote.

Nogs will probably be found next week. No one will care enough to post about it

Niggers in prison: play basketball cuz niggers ball
Spics in prison: play handball specifically to train for speed stabbing niggers

This would be a good time to turn their attention to all the (((rich))) LA mansions

Coyotes don't exist anymore, much more profitable to run drugs and coyotes and smugglers get in the way by using the same routes. Easier to stack so drugs on people crossing and pay them to run it, specially if they're under age.

Much easier to bribe a guard. Costs 10k which is not a lot if you already have someone on this sidem

The la race war already happened in the 80s or 90s

Let the niggers and spics fight each other. Then arrest the surviving blacks and deport the the remaining spics. Problem solved.

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Wait, what?

yeah but no one won and now they just kill each other for nothing

Zero fucks given, spics are breeding like rats and invading this country, I hope the niggers kill as many as possible, doesn't matter if it's a spiclet brat or a 70 squat goblin grandmother, their deaths are a net positive to this country.

Oreimo is trash.

Theyve already been doxxed by a group of beaners on instagram apparently, it was posted last thread. Something will happen tomorrow most likely instigated by someone on social media

Blacks think hispanics are like white cucks.

They will have a lesson to don´t fuck anymore.

You guys don't want actual Mexican criminals ANYWHERE in your country. I mean real criminals, not petty shit like thieves and illegals. Once any of the cartels gains a solid foothold in America they will make you miss the days when all you had to worry about was niggers stealing your bike and leaving used needles in public bathrooms. "Career" criminals in Mexico are a billion times worse than niggers, mostly because they are effective. You better pray Jamal and his friends learn how to fucking aim.

Because blacks n browns are cool with each other now for the most part in la and tx?

This isnt really news. This has been going on for a couple decades. La gang violence has killed more people than the entirity of irish vs british violence over the past 100 years and some change

Because whites have surgically had their balls removed over the past 100 years. Native Americans could start raiding again and whites would be helpless.

>Coyotes don't exist anymore
what world do you live in my friend

More like spics are abusing niggers badly because they outnumber everybody.

I'm glad they attack spics and I will justify it. Go back to Mexico if you don't like getting your ass handed to you beaner.

>the realization that racism isn't the sole domain of whites
Here in NZ there's plenty of racism between the Maoris and the Pacific Islanders. My Maori mate came home drunk one night ranting about how the Tongans need to go back to where they came from and "FUCK THE TONGANS"
Also a video went viral recently of a disgruntled Indian man confronting some Islanders and telling them to "Go back to the islands!" The irony of a foreigner telling another foreigner to go home was not lost on many people.

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Lower IQ makes you immune to Jew tactics that make white men act like bitches.

You know a suspicious amount of information. I'm calling ICE Jose. Adios!

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What are you on about pablo how are they different than the ones in la

Lol, blacks can't even get along in jails, Hispanics are gonna decimate them.


By now you sp*cs must realize that you have no chance against us in the race war.

We will fuckin annihilate you. We vastly outnumber you and are superior physically and mentally. You just can't compete.

But we are a generous people - unlike you filthy scheming spics. We will give you one last chance at peace.

On condition that you surrender the top 20% of your most beautiful women to become our BBC sex slaves. Do this and we will show mercy. Refuse and we will destroy you all.

The choice is yours sp*c boi.

Mexican grandma should have thought twice about hopping that border with her anchor babies.

People have told that mexicans are the ones who cuck niggers in prison, kek.

Hahahhah, this faggot is an overcared beta from upper class that goes to emergencies for a flu.

El mencho

Eventually, we'll genetically merge. White hispanics will form the upper class. Native hispanics will form the middle class. And black hispanics will form the lower class.

With some individual exceptions

Niggers ain’t shit.

Never thought I'd be happy to hear a nigger killed someone, but I'm always happen when I see dead spics.

Although it would have been better if Tyrone killed a spic mother instead, Juanita is too old to even produce a brood of spic goblins.

cope more juan


If only you knew how bad things are...

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They just pic the weakest targets, as any subhuman do. They get their shit pushed in every time they step out the line.

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I remember when I fucked a beautiful ebony. She had an ugly negro that wanted to be her "friend" and she chose me over him. Lol


They have their own smaller groups, but generally, yes, they favor Hispanics more than blacks.

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>if(female) {

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Alright hear me out, we need Spics and Niggers to stop fighting each other and instead take their anger out on Chinks. This country is for whites, but we can’t get rid of Niggers and Spics, so the Chinese are our best option.

We have the power of DRAGONBALL, can you survive a Genkidama?
I don't fucking think so!

Crip walk on a dead taco.

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I didn't know there was a spic presence here in Mobile.

Cholos don't even exist in Mexico anymore (they never really did outside of pop culture), cholos are just mexican niggers. Cholos and niggers want to be as loud and visible as possible, they really take pride in what they are and what they do, and that's a big weakness for them as the cops are always one step ahead of them.

Cartels don't give a shit about their public image, they operate from the shadows and there's no such thing as an act that is too low for them. If they think killing your children will get them their money faster, they will kill your children, and send you the body in a gift box to twist the knife further.

Niggers and cholos are beasts, but cartels are demons.

Built for BBC.

ALL racism can be pinned on whites. Whites don’t even have to be involved. Thier academic theory is essentially, that White people ‘invented’ the concept of racism, and when others are ‘racist’ they are operating under a false consciousness foisted on them byWhites. Basically, everyone else is intrinsically non racist, but thier soul was corrupted through thier exposure to white society.

It’s obviously a retarded theory, but it works well, simply because it flatters other races and justifies the hate/envy they already feel towards whites, who have been so dominant for the last 200+ years. It’s only natural that people are resentful of someone so dominant... and this gives a licence to let the resentment run wild, while allowing you to assume *you* are the ‘good guy’

Jews understand human psychology very well. They use it to devastating effect.

Nigger that's cause the federales and shit work hand and hand with the cartels


Also, pinche marica 69 get. Get wreckd cucaracho.

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Their address was all over world star hip hop

Niggers can’t even do crime the right way. They’re too stupid to put their differences amongst each other and become organized and run a successful crime organization. They’ll never run shit like whites do with Wall Street, Italians with the mafia, and Mexicans with the cartel. If sports weren’t a thing they’d be even more useless.

Pinche llorón de mierda.