Jewish Unprogramming thread

Help me redpill the board

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Other urls found in this thread: - RX - All&wiz_term=15337&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsYb0BRCOARIsAHbLPhFQWkU_hiCZebmuiidJcPqdYS_txOHkb50IJheh-tDyoG1Dzky2CnoaAskTEALw_wcB

At least provide an updated version mate.

It’s the 31st now.

Typical of a goy to copy others work, and pass it off as their own.

> [x] to doubt
Theres no way HIV/AIDS outranks traffic fatalities for the past 3 months.

i have plenty user
ive been trying to redpill this board since it seems they gave in to (((their))) propaganda when its probably the most blatant it has ever been

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Worldwide stats. Plenty of Nogs dying from it in shithole countries

Africans don't drive.

can't wait for it to beat all those numbers over the course of the next month kek

i thought this board would be the hub of the resistance against the upcoming martial law but it seems not

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>deaths by abortion

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Well if you take off the retarded and fake abortion one this is actually a good tool, will save and crop

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Pretty sure it isn't going to take out 10 million in a month user and even it does abortions will still be higher at that time.

i want one picture or video of these supposed crammed hospitals as it seems pretty empty to me

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You're still killing a potential life faggot.

I can't believe how many of you faggots are so retarded that you can't understand the concept of a virus needing to spread before it kills people, or that a number can increase over time in a non-linear way. If you're not just shills then you're legitimately like bottom 2-3 percentile for IQ.

here is a photo i took myself the other night in new york
i wanted to see first hand if it was real and lo and behold, its emptier than i have ever seen it

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this, you cant compare a the flu which has been around for hundreds of years and exposed to every bit of land on the planet to an emerging virus which is rapidly expanding, by the end of april it could be well worse than the flu, malaria and the fate of trannys combined

Just admit you guys want to be assholes about something, as soon as that baby is born you don’t give a fuck if it lives or dies, especially if it’s not a white man

Who be starving nigga?
Better not be my black brothers in Africa.
Gotta keep dat BBC alive

God has truly blessed America from this Eastern plague.

So are you when you blow your load watching MLP porn

>not wanting to kill babies = being an asshole
go back to plebbit, this place is not for your kin

nigga u at gay cunt club

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Where can I buy these important medicines user?

>3 pills of chloroquine for 10 days
>variable dose of an antibiotic

Are you trying to get blind with a antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
This would only be plausible for people that are almost dying of a secondary bacterial pneumonia - RX - All&wiz_term=15337&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsYb0BRCOARIsAHbLPhFQWkU_hiCZebmuiidJcPqdYS_txOHkb50IJheh-tDyoG1Dzky2CnoaAskTEALw_wcB

here fren

Ok boomer, but in all seriousness If you think an abortion is killing a baby you are retarded beyond redemption. If abortion wasn’t so stigmatized mistakes like you wouldn’t be around

Who cares about nigger fetuses. It’s the act of being a slut and wearing yoga pants/getting an abortion that’s atrocious. Just like Epstein/Weinstein getting away with their monstrous kike ways

I do agree
I fully support free, on demand abortion at any stage
except for white babies

how isnt it killing a baby? if the abortion wasnt performed then the baby would have lived. i wish you were aborted

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People which die of flu pose no risk for the medical staff, as flu is only deadly for some few groups of people, also flu rarely puts someone on ICU, and when it puts it's already too late.

>10 million died this year, worldwide, from abortion
wtf, that's worse than wire hanger days.

Except you can't catch any of those just from pumping gas after someone else, unlike Corona virus. Jesus you people are fucking stupid if you're trying to compare deaths of Corona virus worldwide to deaths of suicides, the flu, etc world wide. You don't understand how to compare this, it's new so I don't blame you, but you cannot compare it as if it's already in its full stride.

If you really wanted to compare it to say, the flu, you couldn't just compare deaths worldwide because the Corona virus didn't hit all countries at the same time whereas the flu has been thriving in each country already, giving it an edge already. You would have to compare it at a country level, but again you couldn't compare it based on how many deaths because that doesn't really tell you anything. How many hosts did the Corona virus have in that country for that duration? How many hosts did the flu have? You have to look at death rate by taking the amount that have lived through the virus (completed case) and divide that by the amount of people that died. Do that for both the flu and the Corona virus. That is comparable and useful. The op image is worthless propaganda

it will still be lower than the deaths from smoking, which somehow isnt straining our system despite being much more deaths than the coof

Chloroquine can make people blind
Azithromycin can make antibiotic-resistant bacteria

You can't just give to everyone, as the collateral effects can be worse than the actual disease

Also, Azithromicin is only useful for coronavirus infections on the secondary pneumonia phase, that is when the virus exposed the lungs to opportunistic bacteria

>when it puts it's already too late.
stupid nigger learn how to spell first

yeah these numbers are wrong. 770,000 people died in 2018 from hiv/aids. and 1,350,000 people die each year in auto accidents.

When it (flu) puts (the patient on ICU), it's already too late

and im sure we are overrun right now too? or have been overrun, the media can never keep any of this straight and its funny watching shills like you spin around in circles trying to justify all this

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snopes and factcheck already debunked this one shill

yeh, let's leave all the highly contagious people out clustered together in the lobby so that Yas Forums retards will be convinced this is real.

thank you for the data based retard
your conclusions are wrong tho

>Seasonal Flu
Has been around for centuries if not several thousand years
Eradicated in the US and only spreads from mosquito bites in third world shitholes
kys OP
>traffic fatalities
That's not contagious
Only contagious if you're a faggot or a thot
not a contagion and also be responsible
not a contagion nor will it kill you in a short period of time
not contagious
Not Africa

china is literally facist

Actually it's Communist. I guess USSR under Stalin was also Fascist

that's what I'm talking about

said this to people. More people die of the common flu than of this shitvirus.

Always do opposite of what jews say

>comparing a 5 month year old virus to a virus that's been around for 600-2400 years

3rd world deaths shouldn’t count

no, ussr and china have nothing in common economically
only militaristically and authoritarian wise
china is much more similar to 1940s germany or italy

I've cited stats to people scared of COVID-19. They always respond with "well, that's the world! not the US! tons of people die in Africa all the time!"

Usually these people are the bleeding heart liberals...
Everyone on this board should watch this.

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>ussr and china have nothing in common economically
Yes they do. The state still owns all big businesses. Small business were given leeway in the late 70's and early 80's because the state was so damaged from the cultural revolution and allowing small vendors to pop up to feed their populace took away that responsibility.
>china is much more similar to 1940s germany or italy
Explain then?

not one person out of a supposed 800,000 infected has posted one picture or video from a packed hospital?

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>the state still owns all big businesses
no u

again with the shinzo 33, it's a normal number that just crops up incredibly easy in mass media

anyways, yeah fuck the goddamn quarentine, I live close to a fucked up mexican hospital and there's nothing unusual happening at all

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remember. to beat (((them))) you must do the opposite of what (((they))) say

you can literally find youtube videos of people with covid in hospitals

im pretty sure the audio talked about italy while the footage was shown

>China is home to 109 corporations listed on the Fortune Global 500 - but only 15% of those are privately owned.
The other 85% are state owned
>no u
Explain why China is Fascist. You're the one who's making the assumption without any merit.

She has a name KIKE

life begins at conception. no onthological difference between being in the womb or outside

Oh shit I hope I didnt anger her
I'm gonna crank my agoraphobia up to the max for a few days

true, I don't go out much anyways but fuck them, I don't believe any of their shit, not since h1n1 which was supposedly started a couple tens of km from where I am and I never heard of a single fucking case, now dengue, that's real and shitty, I've seen people with real dengue

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Well ive been telling everyone i usually hang out with that corona is a nothingburger, sadly noone listens and buys tp/rice.
And the abortions one, did mothers die? Since fetus is not a human hence cannot be killed.

its over 37k dead, and we all know china isnt telling the truth because its not normal for 80k people to be "cured" of an exponentially growing virus in less than one day. Realistically over 100k are dead or more. (((official stats))) are no more credible than chinas 80k, By this measure you might as well say everyone in china is cured because thats what the chinese are saying guess it must be true.

An internet grammar nazi in 2020?

i cant, all i find are the same few clips on repeat
mind sharing one?

You go to snopes and factcheck and you're calling somebody a shill?

coronaviruses aren't new, kike

It's not normal, they use it to communicate that an event is fake.


they were lying about the congation, and now you believe that the contagion is real

why the fuck aren't isis and the white helmets going nobel explosive peace prize crazy getting money and weapons if it's so deadly?

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Wuflu is a new strain. Coronavirus itself is an umbrella term. Nothing new here. Every single major plague event that's happend usually came from China including the Spanish Flu and Black Plague

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