@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: USNS Comfort Arrives in (((NYC))) 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/30/20
>Pres Trump on F&F 3/30/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/30/20
>AgSec Perdue on FBN 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/30/20
>FHFADir Calabria on HughHewittShow 3/30/20
>ArmyCoS Gen McConville on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on F&F 3/30/20
>HHSVideo: 5 Things To Know About Household Cleaning 3/30/20
>StateDeptVideo: Assisting American Citizens Abroad 3/30/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump's Actions on Corona-chan 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Supply Chain Distributors 3/29/20

OP pastebin:

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new baker needed

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goodnight, have a MAGA day tomorrow and hurry back.

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Fuck ancap niggers.

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That's retarded nonsense.

Don't throw me in that briar patch

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>gas is fucked

Good riddance.

Go ahead and dance for me monkey, I want another 30 posts out of you

Trump is really bringing the elites down

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China is fucked. If they have a cure, they better share it with the world or they are done for. China is on everyone’s shit list

Governor Ducey came out today and said that people in AZ should "stay home except for all essential needs and go outside to exercise as well" lmao
Also for any user who gets pulled over by a pig just make sure to say you were going to get food

Im retarded pls explain
what is wrong with cheap gas?
If you want expensive gas then come here, we have a bazillion tons of oil under our feet and gas is still expensive as fuck and getting more expensive every day


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Agreed. Because even if Trump is a rapist, his policies are better than bidens

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feeling what

America is an energy producer that is being profoundly harmed by these low gas prices. This is terrible and you're wrong to be celebratory. You understand nothing about economics.

based slightly less yellow chinks

Shale is the big American industry and if gas is too cheap shale can't be profitable and survive

As I understand it? Cheap gas means low demand. It also scares other sections of the economy and scares investors. Many people use it as a sign of bad times

like the Black Nationalists and the Jewish Diaspora Identitarians in America, these Globohomo Internationalists will never leave. These groups inherently know deep down that they, as a people, could never be self-sufficient. They must leech off whites to survive. They may talk of leaving, but they never will.

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>EU collapsing
Another world war is coming.

I don’t think I can handle all this shit after April ends. Please give me some hope.

good fuck the EU

No there isn't, Israeli scum.
That's the way you sound with every post.

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You niggers keep saying this and while I do agree another world war is due, I don't see it this decade

You're totally fucking stupid, holy shit you retarded nigger. Hang yourself.

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If the United States does have the highest infected and death poll by the end of all this it will be because our government did the least in actual lock down, containment, & testing measures. Current statistics can’t dictate anything. And all the economical achievements he made happen will be washed completely away by the economic toll of the disease.

When considering inflation gas is cheaper now than the 90s.

This is great

well i think you burgers are gonna be just fine
gas has always been expensive here and every time is bad times

I present to you the Jewish entrepreneurial spirit

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jus find job lol walmart is hiring amirite

Take this time to discipline your mind and body and cut any vices you may have


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pretend i am a brainlet. why is cheap energy bad?

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Yes, you retard. If you need money and got laid off go find a job immediately.

Her “hug a chinese” moment

I feel it

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Burgers are the best in the world about bitching about just how comfortable our lives are because we have no other frame of reference

shale extraction costs lots of money.
when gas is cheap it makes no sense to sell shale gas.
north america sells a lot of shale gas.
north america needs high gas prices to sell shale gas for a profit.
low gas prices is bad for north america.

loss of jobs in the industry

Lol didnt they want out anyway? Trump should hop on board to make strong ties with them.

Deputy PM Taro Aso is fucking fantastic, he has a long history of saying hilarious things.

I really liked japn
i hope this kung flu shenanigans and cancelled olympics mean stuff is gonna be cheaper there for a while
I wanna go back in the second half of the year
those jp qts man...

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>make sure to say you were going to get food
Somehow this seems even more america than america was before

Oopsy Poopsy
I refuse to believe even Californians are retarded enough to elect her again.

learn history

Jews lose control over it and don't make as much money. That, and the fact that Israel is losing all influence in the states along with China is what has the insane "ancap" jew upset.

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I'm a brainlet here but don't low gas prices make practically ALL consumer goods cheaper? Even a random ass deli making sandwiches still has to have its ingredients trucked in from somewhere, so the price of gas is baked into pretty much everything.

I like to pretend Portuguese is just retards interpretation of spanish

all of them, every last one, just go work for walmart, fuck the fact there's not that many low paying jobs, just go get one bro, it'll be fine, economy fine, cheap gas not good but you're fine, bro walmart

Ohh i get it


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I want to go in late March next year when the cherry blossoms are in bloom (yes, because it’s just like my Japanese animes). Hopefully Kung flu is at least neutralized by then.

>he doesn't know you can detect curvature by marking a few points on a map and calculating the sum of the degrees

There are 2 North Americas,
the public and it is good for us
the corporate too bad for them

This has been explained countless times
At a CERTAIN extent, cheap energy is not bad at all, except it triggers the automated wall street machines to sell because it assumes the price is low because demand is high > assumption that people are not spending money travelling and spending money
However, as mentioned, shale oil is expensive to turn into gasoline and that is the primary way that America makes it gasoline
So, if energy prices are TOO low, shale oil is not a sustainable way to create energy because they cannot turn a profit and be sustainable
So there is always a floor that cannot be broken or else our shale industry is threatened along with American energy independence

gib orange backs pls trumpo

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New cases in the US will be down today, death rate is much lower than all of Europe (except Germany). Orange man bad though.

>G7 meeting happens
>Nooooo sorry trumpodu we can't call it the chinese virus!
>Not asian filth dick sucker: cucks
>Haha its chinese health center :)
>Weebs: Whoa based!

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sorry to be clear, no literally on a map but three points in space

How so? The collapse of the EU will lead to economic collapse in Europe, which will lead to a massive European war. US will have to intervene or abandon Europe. Easy opportunity for both Russia and China to make land grabs.

A few months later...
>Price of gas is high.
>When price is high, demand falls.
>With no demand, Americans can't sell gas.
>High has prices are bad for America.

user why are you engaging it? are you really that bored that you're giving free (You)s to flat-earthers?

Her district is San Fran

NYC jew price gouging during an emergency, just like in WW II
That is exactly why jews got arrested during WW II and sent to the prison work camp network in Germany. They are still crying about that as if they were victims, when they were the ones victimizing Citizens.
>2 ibuprofen in a hospital are about 40 dollars
>a box of sputum removal devices(tissues) is $30 at a hospital.
Sounds exactly like a jewish controlled hospital.
No jew should be allowed to be in the health care system at all.
Every price gouging jew should go to prison for life.

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He's completely correct, the politicians and journos were busy hugging infected.

>I'm a brainlet here but don't low gas prices make practically ALL consumer goods cheaper?
God almighty man, the US produces millions of barrels at a time. The benefit to the economy of being able to keep those jobs and produce is far more than getting 5 cents off chinese made goods.

Retarded nigger, the sort of people here complaining about no having jobs are frycooks and assorted losers who think they're too good for part time work but complain about how they need welfare. Gas this cheap is a fucking disastrous crisis and you're a fucking stupid nigger beyond all reckoning. Shoot yourself in the head. You're not using it since you understand nothing.

A manufacturing economy will benefit from cheap energy, oil and gas niggers get fucked though

Because our economy is focused on a specific price fixing of energy to pretend to be soluble.
It's layoffs in the industry that people pretend to be worried about, but it's the worth of the energy derivatives market tanking that people are actually asspained about.
But its value is all made up anyway, so whatever.

Moar powah

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maybe America can be the Nazis this go around and since more Jews are here than was ever in Germany, we can find a better solution for Jews than the last time.

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But if it's too low, the companies that pump the oil won't make enough to stay in business. Their wells will shutdown. Then we'll be back to importing oil from the Saudis.

Ah. Retard central.

Oh god. Please don't actually respond to me.
I just hate the awoo bullshit.

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well it's a good thing Californian votes don't matter then

Shop some masks in this sopranos pic lol

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Trust nobody not even yourself.

This cheap gas will hobble the US energy sector. The massive decline in price is because there isn't even enough room to store the shit and no one is buying it. All the while foreign oil from saudi and Russia is flooding the market. It's a disaster and terrible for the economy.

fair enough

sounds like the best explaination. because cheap energy is good for like 99% of other businesses.

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April 1st is tomorrow!!

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>No jew should be allowed
Correct without further qualification needed.

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Based women.

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Wow, the US Treasurer in 1963 was a southpaw. Guess that sealed the deal

Imagine waking up, sitting down, going to this website and putting this much effort into defending a more-than-quadruple time bankrupted pedophile.

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Im actually glad i went in the autumn last time
its sort of an off season so not so crowded (but still quite crowded), sakura is a nice meme and all but the heat would be unbearable
autumn is comfy and you can easily walk around
only time i was cold as shit was sleeping at a temple in the mountains and walking a buddist cemetery at 9am
My honest guess is that kung flu wont last much longer, at least not in a way that matters

Trump wont keep the country shut down past the end of april, no fucking way
also the frenchie drugs seem to be working
I think that the first world will be back to mostly normal by july

And SA and Russia will just coast along fine?
This isn't US specific

Hey, you can't do that kind of thing until April 1st!

3:55am: I get out of bed. Five minutes later, I’ve already begun my daily regiment of high-intensity early-morning physical training.

6:00am: I grab my tablet and open a high-definition stream of Morning Joe — I proceed to update myself on the latest news and happenings in the American political sphere; all while consuming a handcrafted, high-calorie breakfast to propel myself into the workday.

9:00am: I’m feeling good. At work, I’m relied upon crush a variety of business-critical tasks. After organizing my priorities into a well-curated list, I proceed to knock out items one at a time; easily achieving 2-3x the efficiency of my peers.

5:00pm: I log on to the internet and begin to engage in heated debates across a wide range of political subjects. Here, the benefits of having watched Morning Joe become immediately apparent. Leveraging Joe’s morning insights along with the significant tactical advantage of a live @joenbc twitter feed, I am able to deliver a series of well-articulated intellectual killshots as I deftly navigate the social media landscape.

Midnight: I pre-stage tomorrow’s workout clothes and set my alarm to 4:00am. Satisfied with a solid 20 hours of back-to-back wins, I quickly fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep, fully restoring my body and mind to optimal levels of performance as I prepare to conquer another day.

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this might be the most retarded thing i've seen in the last decade, maybe more

Not actually a flat earther. Just hate awoos.

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It isn't so whatever, you people are fucking stupid. It's nothing to pretend to be worried about it is something to be worried about properly. The US is a gigantic oil producer and not being able to maintain the jobs and income is a huge problem. Companies and producers aren't using gas because they aren't producing and foreign producers are destroying domestic producers.

holy fuck you guys are retarded

>this is the way it is because I said so, reeee
No, you're wrong because I said so. And the data supports it because 90% of the country even right wing white people are fucked if they don't get a paycheck for over a month, including the oil workers you're talking about. But mostly because I said so. That's how this works, right?

But just find job. Bro. Fucking cancer

this post made me a Cadadian

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fucking kek

>paid 1.65 a gallon for gas Sunday
>thought I found an amazing bargain
>see OP pic

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>bankruptcy is a bad word :^(
too bad all you lolcow college loan slaves are so retarded, you could learn something from him


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>you guys
Lmao. K

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What the fuck? Biden’s been bankrupted that many times?

Now this is science.

imagine doing the same but instead of genuinely discussing current affairs and having fun you go out of your way to visit a place you hate and expend all of your energy being a massive faggot

You'd have to be a complete nigger to be this asspained about people correctly telling you that you need to get a fucking job if you don't have one. Of course we need the labour and less welfare, what kind of shitskin are you that is thinking it's a ridiculous position to promote jobs and less welfare?

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>The US is a gigantic oil producer and not being able to maintain the jobs
Sounds like you should work on getting some other industries to function here, huh?

>4 hours of sleep routine
This would fuck you up bad

SA and Russia make so much cheap oil that they can make it as cheap as possible to fuck each other until someone bends, which is literally what is happening right now
For all the media loves to scream about the memevirus fucking the markets, Russia and SA right now are completely destroying it too

im not really opposed to putin running europe, he'd do a better job than that fucking pig merkel flooding it with muh doctors and engineers.

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probably something underwhelming
>tfw 2017 will never be topped

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All leftists would be rounded up instead. It would be much easier to sell the world on that idea since it was leftism that caused this whole mess. Globalism is dead after this so you can expect international jewery to vanish with the leftists.

why didn't domestic companies diversify their investments when they had a chance? then they could afford to shut down production when the prices are inverted.

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>tfw 2.59

not everyone, some people really only need that much but i think it's only like 3 percent of the population or something

At what point in your day do you like to smash your intern's skull? In the morning or at night?

I hope it's catching Coronachan by posting and being banned

And n CA gas prices are still 3.75

Haha we're all fucked.

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What does that even mean nigger? There's sunk costs and jobs into energy that need to be saved with protective actions and th e situation is terrible. Crude is trading around 20 and is likely to dip below. It's a catastrophe that demands specific attention to the problem, not dismissal.

An energy company, specifically drillers and distillers, work in that industry, dumbass. There's little demand going on because of the situation and government policy on top of foreign attacks on domestic production. It's not a matter of mismanagement on the part of energy producers.

It's the WhuCho Virus, lul

Keep changing those goalposts chaim, keep pretending trumpbux aren't needed to keep those oil workers employed in this economic crisis, hope all the (You) sustains your fragile sense of being in these trying times

aren't there WTO regulations against dumping that much on the open market in efforts to undersell another country?

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It doesn't matter. China owns most of the world's debt. All they have to do is start calling on countries to pay them back and fuck them over forever. China rules the world.

I sure hope it involves some autoplay background music and random shit obscuring the screen

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>still have to work because essential business
>hours get cut because it is dead slow
>file for unemployment
>get $41 for the week

>those empty chairs' upholstery design
kek. At first, I thought someone had photoshopped corona virus images in the room.

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>This Covid thing was all a lie to expose the media for the hacks they are! Thank you for participating in this drill. Go back to work NEET.

>world trade organization
Next you'll tell me the WHO matters too

Well the 2.75 is to go towards social programs for illegals

Thought 1.91 was the cheapest I could find until then

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Oh no, I'm sure Orban is so sad his country might not be in the EU anymore.

>All leftists would be rounded up instead. It would be much easier to sell the world on that idea since it was leftism that caused this whole mess. Globalism is dead after this so you can expect international jewery to vanish with the leftists.
You dumbfuck, the Jews will just rebrand and subvert you all over again.

well it's certainly become clear that these liberal international orgs only exist to fuck over the US

>he'd do a better job than that fucking pig merkel flooding it with muh doctors and engineers.
No, he'll do the same.
Name all the countries not shitholes to you now name how many isn't genociding their demographics.

You're a completely retarded nigger trying to frame correct and reasonable positions as outlandish and it's so amateurish you must be from leddit. The solutions to the energy crisis should relate to forbearances but mostly protectionism like tariffs and trade blocks that have nothing to do with welfare and certainly not to do with welfare to nonworking individuals.

Wal-Mart employee here

Today 3 managers went into quarantine cuz one is positive and the other two worked closely with them. The associates who were in contact with this manager? They were told to show up or receive points (smaller bonuses and eventually firing@5 points).

We're on the front fucking lines here. My store had 40% of the staff call out today. Over all 3 shifts. Jewelry associates are working grocery trucks because nobody else is there to do it.

There's so many lies being told, so many scared associates, and it feels dirty man. I feel lucky to be able to work and get a paycheck yanno, but still it's gross. The positive outbreak here is imminent and we may lose an associate or two (MANY elderly employees) way around it. And I'm not living with that shit. Feel like quitting.

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maybe oil producers shouldn't have stifled viable energy alternatives for decades then. because they got caught with their pants down and now everyone can see they have teeny tiny benises.

I hear electrically powered things might have been a good investment to develop.

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>No jew should be allowed to be
Edited for concision.


I'm glad people finally understand this
We fund these NGO's to call the US racist and take even more money from us

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Only if you work for CNN

>All they have to do is start calling on countries to pay them back and fuck them over forever
Problem with that is the American military.
You can cry about debt on debt all you want to, but if you dont have the muscle to collect, no one is obliged to pay.

Yes, we are looking at a DEFLATIONARY economy. Good for folks that saved cash, bad for people who are in debt.
Even with the massive bailout, the world is abandoning play money and going to the dollar, so its value is increasing. Thats also why gold and silver are tanking.
Its not a bad thing, provided you were a responsible person and didn't get into debt trying to keep up with the joneses.

Every time I see this I think pepe is smoking a cross joint