im a tranny, why do u guys hate me so much? :( AMA
i want yall to hate me less if possible :( i and i kinda look similar to pic related in terms of beauty.
im a tranny, why do u guys hate me so much? :( AMA
i want yall to hate me less if possible :( i and i kinda look similar to pic related in terms of beauty.
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China do well to halted virus spread of. You respect them. I hope we learn from this.
you dont pass and have no eggs in your basket dude
You look more like the left
show bobs and vagene
you know what they say about a tranny
Pol is filled with secret gays
dick or gtfo
Why are you posting a picture of an impure woman touching Lord Shiva?!
So SRS yet or no?
think again man faced faggit
i dont think anyone on this board has ever said they hated trainnies. who told you this?
Do you still have your peepee? Serious question.
were you molested by your dad or your uncle to have your mind broken? :'(
they hate us because we make their dicks confused lol. You'd be surprised how many dudes I'd get on Grindr who wanted to hate-fuck me.
Trannies are getting incredibly hard to differentiate from real women. Until you take off their panties and see their dicks or fake vaginas you may never be able to tell.
>pic related pretty convincing tranny
i get really sad after men eventually realize what i am then want nothing to do with me :(( why do they get so mad at me.... they always say its my fault for tricking them....
cause there fucking homos bra
She's cute
stop trying to make it happen tranny. you will always be a he
a lot of dudes who claim to be straight and want to fuck a trap. I'd say half of my meet ups were "straight" white guys.
Stop being a faggot in a dress
idk, theres always a threads on here called tranny hate and u guys talk about killing me :(
rn yes, but i will soon get my jewish prescribed axe wound. i really want it
no, had loving parents. nothing happened to me. i have straight brothers who are normal.
I don't hate you. I like the idea of fucking/getting fucked by trannies.
Because you don't tell them upfront. It comes off as, at least, very dishonest
Timestamp or GTFO.
The lord almighty wishes many stones hurled at your frail body
Pretty convincing?
It's very easy to tell that's a man.
Jawline, facial structure, the sheer amount of makeup makes it quite obvious that it's a man.
Doesn't make it any less fuckable though.
>rn yes, but i will soon get my jewish prescribed axe wound. i really want it
Please don't. The dick is what makes trannies hot.
We don't hate you, we hate the social ideology that is not only using you to break down the fabric of moral society but also, denying you the proper treatment for your condition.
Learn more about human anatomy. It is turning in such a way as to hide those shoulders. Also, the cut jawline.
Because you have an underlying mental condition that should be treated instead of promoted. I f left unchecked,nay if encouraged your life and the life of people around you and society in general will be impacted in a negative way. One that serves no greater good in human advancement or evolution of our esoteric and physical commonality. In short you need to check yourself before you wreck all of us.
Getting fucked is fucking gay mate. I'd sooner rip my cock off than let anyone enter my asshole.
Were you a social outcast before your transition?
Kinda, but you don’t and never will. Truth is love gayboi.
I would fuck a trans (if they were hot) but I am also transphobic. I think it is a symbol of a decaying society. You see this in the history of decadences within different civilizations. The more cosmopolitan and obsessive they become with gender and sex, the more likely that the civ is in decline. Idk, Id probably be down for hate-sex with one like another user commented. I am really not a closeted faggot like the rest of homophobic anons are here. I am straight up with my sexuality and views, but I wont make them the center of my personality -- like transbitches do.
It's actually very minimal makeup there. Here I was completely convinced it was a female.
Either way you cannot deny how sophisticated they are getting. It's disgusting.
This. Studies show that most people who want to live as the opposite sex have other psychological issues, such as depression or anxiety as well.
You look like a man. People are just being nice.
I'd love to be dominated and humiliated by a sexy trap.
I will give you this one, but the jawline still juts out a little bit.
I'd love to shove a cactus so far up your dickhole you die of shock.
i just get confused on what im supposed to do. i went to a club recently and got super wasted and guys kept approaching me grinding on me and touching and shit. i think i made out with a couple too and i just didnt say anything. but i guess if i told anyone that they would say its all my fault -___- but men kept coming up to me!!!! am i suppose to wear a sign?
sorry, i feel really uncomfortable with it. and i want to be able to get penetrated in my front. i have dreams about it all the time. it would make me happy:)
no, i was socially popular as a boy in high school bc i hid myself and created a persona that allowed me to rise in the social hierarchy. but i felt horrible and confused internally...
>Either way you cannot deny how sophisticated they are getting. It's disgusting.
No doubt burg user. Let's face it, most horny fucks aren't focusing on shouder proportions and subtle facial features.
Good job falling for a jew meme you weakling
Find God
I'm not a scientist. This is common fucking sense
Sure make GREAT parents though!
>Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. Abstract In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls. Suggestions for future research were offered.
>i and i kinda look similar to pic related in terms of beauty
XY chromosome bitch. You might cut your dick off and take estrogen in order to become a feminized man, but a man you will forever remain.
Forever cucked to biology, and forever shackled to your DNA.
getting an axe wound won't make you happy, I think you're another larping nigger
Nobody want's to fuck a wound that's constantly leaking puss and blood due to the fact that it's an open fucking wound. Come on, you can't even be stimulated that way.
>sorry, i feel really uncomfortable with it. and i want to be able to get penetrated in my front. i have dreams about it all the time. it would make me happy:)
It's just gonna be an open wound though. Plus you couldn't dominate submissive bears like me. ;)
I don't hate you, just know that you serve no purpose in society. Your existence is meaningless and I care that much about you. Too weak to be a man, incapable of bearing children. Why are you even here?
I hate you because yopu are an attention seeking faggot who has chosen to define your entire being by your genitals.
you are a shell of a human.
Honestly, I don't think about people like you unless you come to me and get in my face like this.
I don't agree with your worldview.
why is it so important for you to earn my respect and approval.
fuck off and leave me alone
The way you talk just comes as larpy but if real, for your own good don't.
Seriouslly. I have a family member who works with people like you post op and in under a year she's gone from full supportive of you's to seeing you's as victims to society. The operation is a farce perpuated by those who undergo it, trying to keep any resemblence of happiness left after the vacant hole in their soul/crotch becomes crystal clear. I don't even dislike you's on a personal level, I merely see you as mentally ill victims who have been manipulated into correcting your broken self image via expensive non-ending surgery.
Stop letting your life revolve around sex. Non-trannies who do that are just as unhappy if for different reasons.
>sorry, i feel really uncomfortable with it. and i want to be able to get penetrated in my front. i have dreams about it all the time. it would make me happy:)
You do you, but no one likes that.
Fuck's sake you're cutting off a perfectly healthy part of your body because you want to get fucked in it. This is about as crazy as a regular woman or a gay man tearing a second arsehole on themselves.
>i was socially popular as a boy in high school
No disrespect but that sounds like complete bs. Nice Larp. But if you're for real, please know that God, the Most High, is 100 percent real.
I double check every single woman I interact with now. Right now voice is a huge giveaway, but I fear that can change too.
Of course Libs will tell you that they don't need to be upfront about being men.
yup i agree with that. thank you for clarifying:)
if i look beautiful but still had some masculine markers on my face, do guys still get turned on? i kinda like when men objectify me a lot
Damn you're cute.
It is common sense, but I like arming myself with research because I live in a liberal hellhole where facts and logic is warped
I don't hate you. I just think you suffer from a debilitating mental illness and need help. I don't think it should be normalized.
>yup i agree with that. thank you for clarifying:)
If so then you should agree with the above.
im not larping im fr!!!!! theres plenty of resources on /lgb/ on srs, and there definitely people much happier with it after. pol just circle jerks to the same stories over and over. im aware theres risk involved.
ohh i dont have any desire doing anyone :(
i dont understand the point of having my dick anymore. i have unironically never pleasured myself with my hands, i dont know how to stimulate like that. i have to grind pillows to cum. i genuinely have no use for it.
i was on prom court lmao it doesnt matter tho, i hated myself on the inside and waited until later to deal with this shit.
Hot as shit, what is your pornhub user name? Wanna coom to you!
This. Fags think life revolves around sex and getting your dick sucked. The way they wait for, and jump on, any comment that has the potential to be interpreted sexually is fucking revolting.
The older, over the hill fags are the most dangerous. The decrease in sex drive allows them to fully see the revulsion their lifestyle leads to and is built on.
You've shattered my dreams bebe :*(
It's not your fault you have mental issues, many trannies are nice enough people but there's nearly always underlying problems.
How do you feel about transgenders in sports? How do you think you'd go fighting a girl?
But you know that you're being used right? That you are just the sacrificial lamb to bring in the world they want? You do know that, right?
I don't hare you, but I don't understand you and I'm unconvinced by the trans ideology. So I have simple logical questions.
You identify as a woman/feel like a woman? But as a biological make, how could you actually know what women feel like? Is it just a matter of, what, you feel more comfortable in dresses than pants? Are gender stereotypes, ironically the kind this mindset eschews in actual males and females, enough to change the laws of reality?
More to the point, when you identify as female, what are you identifying as? Is there some transcendent quality that biological women and trans women share? How do you define "female" without recursive tautology?
Sage all fields
40% yourself you LARPing faggot. No timestamp no audience. Sage
This is how you and 99% of other mentally ill homosexuals look like. You are not fooling anyone by posting pictures of attractive androgynous men.
If you have no use for something, it doesn't mean to cut it off.
Just leave it like it is, men will like you more with it.
You will fall in deep depressions if you transition, please do not do it.
I don't hate traps and trannys that pass.
i just hate having a dick and feel so uncomfortable with it on me. it hurts to know that i still have the ability to produce testosterone....
ik i feel the same way. i just want to make a man happy:( i want to cook and clean for him and i want him to come home from work and treat me like his reward.... i want to be everything to him.... its all i ever wanted and all ik how to do.... i really feel worthless and i have tears in my eyes writing that...
im srry :((
i dont agree with it. i feel so bad for the tranny if theyre so passionate about competing, but literally if they win ANYTHING there will always be an awk elephant in the room... although now thay i think of it, does anyone really care much about female sports anyway?
srry bb ily
too esoteric and rational questions for this nigger. cant believe people here are feeding into another trans attention seeking trap
DO NOT have the surgery.
If that is you then you pass and you're totally allowed to continue to do the trans thing. Don't let any of the hate here get to you, 90% of the guys attacking you would sleep with you if they had the chance.
>i just hate having a dick and feel so uncomfortable with it on me.
I hate my nose (not really, it's an example) but I don't want to cut it off and replace it by a hole. There's no good plastic surgery for fake vaginas yet.
>it hurts to know that i still have the ability to produce testosterone....
testosterone is made in the balls
Fix your eyebrows