>If only I'd thought of the right words
>I could have held on to your heart
>If only I'd thought of the right words
>I wouldn't be breaking apart
>All my pictures of you
Brit/pol/ - The Cure eddition
Other urls found in this thread:
Hello fellow brits
what are you spastics doing in my thread
>taking your threads
>taking your women
>and misspellin your language
Ok some news
>Delay Brexit deadline amid coronavirus, say MEPS
>Foreign Office links up with airlines to fly stranded Britons home
>UK’s Prince Charles ‘out of isolation’ after Covid-19 diagnosis
>UK police warned against ‘overreach’ in use of virus lockdown powers
>Is the spread of coronavirus in the UK really slowing down?
morning cunts
goin nowhere brucey
morning MH
Finally an excuse to post this
Morning! This is going to be a fantastic day for Brit/pol/
Forgot pic what an absolute failure
Laughing at prep fags throwing all their food away. Bins are absolutely full
Knew i was right not to panic lads
wait.. did your NPCs "prep" with perishables?
Spastics LOL
If you're concerned about the quality of dogshit medical equipment coming out of the PRC you're racist! :)
>This is going to be a fantastic day
indeed. been waiting all day for the tech who's upgrading my connection to fiber, and he's just arrived.
>no more pic related
>he's just arrived.
GMB is entertaining as fuck right now
absolutely seething at people going out
Morning Bruce
Not fair user, Churchill wannabe jew still has near 70% of goyim support.
>I'd be fucked, if I'd get it as why, but it is exactly that
Exercise is the cure denizens
Threadly reminder
desu though extinction rebellion are really nauseating. The only reason Greta thunberg took off was because of the Hollywood pedo cult.
Related - British street furniture weaponised - youtube.com
Just look at all the birds in this 5g zone - count them all - youtube.com
Why am I talking about 5g when the coronahoax is all the rage? Part 1 of 4 - bitchute.com
Now undesirables are being purged - be a good boy and stay indoors while the death ray, I mean 5g is being rolled out and people vanish -
Woman saw her homeless friend being removed by police ten minutes before this housing agency went around the housing block issuing letters stating he was dead. They didn't take into account that someone cared for him. So that letter had to be prepared, approved, printed and a delivery system organised, all before he was removed just before the letter was hand delivered. His fate was decided before the visit - what about yours?
emo gf
Keep seething, CCP shill.
just got fined for looking out the window
I'm in fucking unreal pain here, lads.
daily reminder OP shills for topham guerrin
Can't win!
>Just got fined for shining my crack through the window.
really weird but i was actually all of those things hahaha, most of it's still true
Yep, half the bins in my street are full of mouldy bread. This is the end of the world prep they got from watching the walking dead.
can we see your male vagina?
oh fuck off then
are you okay user? got the kung-flu??
I'm the black sheep of my family.
Tbh I'd rather have that than this. I slipped in the kitchen before (was wearing thick socks) and landed bang on my upper leg. I think I have a deadleg as it's pure agony to even move it atm. The initial pain was so bad I was laughing because of how absurd the pain was.
Your mum said, I was your daddy, should start seeing you
>Nah, changed my mind
this was an unessential post and you shall be receiving a fine.
omg i felt that as i were reading it. sorry to hear that, sounds shit!
>The initial pain was so bad I was laughing because of how absurd the pain was.
lmao I know that, regularly...
I hope it feels better soon user, not like you'll be going out and using it a lot. maybe distract yourself more? :)
>posted by a bogan.
Georgia, I'm here if you call.
Don't be committing no racial abuse when you're outside now
The early hours of yesterday morning, I had a shit that looked like and smelled like tomato soup.
I've not been the same since.
do i call in self isolating this week or next? need to time it right
Stuck in New Zealand lads
Next, That’s when I’m doing mine
Do you think she ever dreams about you?
I dreamed about her last night.
>I-I have a loud voice
And Deano has a hard fist. Give anything to smack some of these mouthy university socialists about.
i cuddle her in my mind
I am hoping they chimp out in London in a few weeks. Love to see the police smash some uni faggot skulls.
In a fortnight, i know a nhs consultant and once they have pushed through the extra spare bed capacity and the new ventilators start trickling into the surge areas they’ll be able to manage it in larger numbers and spikes. That’s when they’ll try ease the curfew but it wont be for a few weeks yet.
God I wish I could join in. Nothing better than seeing pinkos go comatose.
Thanks mate :)
I'm among the 2% of men who haven't had sex by the age of 30.
Georgia Hadwin, call me.
~ M.
is brit/pol/ resident emo gf the same grill that can't put on weight and works at a glue factory?
What’s it like being such a powerful wizard?
alri steerpike
drinking wine for breakfast again