All Gun Applications stopped in AUS

Stage 1 complete.

Stage 2 involves massive recall of all current licenced gun holders.
The normies wont accept this stage so easy so expcet a good reason for the confiscation, I mean "recall"

Stage 3. False flag.

Port Arther 2.0 in the comming weeks lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:,-activity-and-undertaking-closure-direction-no.3

Heckin Bumperino


Stage 4. Don't hand them over

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How did we become such a nanny state? Is it genetic from the cucks in the UK?

there are hardly any guns in aus. there's no way they're gonna do a recall. wouldn't be worth it. would just increase civil unrest.

Burgers talk tough but everyone knows when the gobberment tells you guys to hand in your guns, you will bitch out and do it.

They already tried in QLD the other day he had a rifle and shotgun and car full of ammo and bombs but it exploded and the cops shot him dead, failed false flag if you ask me

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There's lots of guns what are you talking about. The average cityfag just doesn't have them. But there's lots.

3.5 million registered guns is "hardly any" ?



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They’ve already banned all gun/ammo sales and applications in Victoria, because people have been trying to get guns legally

Cute, are they your girlfriends guns?


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Same way everywhere else did - jews

Nope, I have many more than those as well I assure you

Let's see yours my friend

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>if you ask me
His feelings don't care about the facts, as long as it fits muh narrative

>Posting pics of guns on a basket weaving forum.
Naw mate I'm happy with the size of my dick.

Wow, that's the same silly ad hominem libtards here make, you would fit right in!

>Don’t mug me cunt, I’m full of tinnies

Is it even possible to get unregistered guns without being a bikey?

Saw this one coming a mile off.

Shut down all the gun and ammo shops in WA a week ago.

Couldn't see it going in a good direction from there.

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There was an article by the AFP last year claiming there was at least 100,000 AK clones in melbournes northern suburbs, that’s muzzo territory mainly

why are you so obsessed with penises?

That would be 3d printed or some shit right?

its ok, i know kung fu


Don’t listen to them


Source on "stage 1"?

Source: OPs gaping and prolapsed arsehole. I got my gun license just fine.

No as in Ak’s of various make and origin, because they are not likely to be actual original Soviet AK’s, they’d be cheap clones made by ex Warsaw Pact and third world countries

My hypothesis is that it has to do with us allowing women to participate in politics. Male political leaders tend to view themselves as either leaders or as managers, but female political leaders almost invariably view their relationship to the voters to like the relationship between a mother and her children, and whenever the "children" do something they don't like they immediately move in and try to correct what they see as bad behaviour.

I've posted this theory before but haven't heard a good counterargument yet.

>voters to like the
to be like

Victoria just stopped applications and banned all guns/ammo sales, I don’t know about the other states

Qld gun shops closed,-activity-and-undertaking-closure-direction-no.3

WA gun shops closed:

Vic gun shops closed (today)

Yes. Make one.

All of Australia or just the eastern state faggots?

I fucked the links but meh they still redirect

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Definitely the case. The far left identity politics is just an attempt at mothering - The minority groups are the weak defenceless infants and the normal people are evil predators.

It extends to the whole "believe women" thing, i.e. guilty before innocent.

It extends to """"compassionate"""" immigration because they think our resources should be their resources.

If suffragettes were arrested like they should have been a lot of good would have come of it.


Just in time for a top up

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>Kek buying a bolt action rifle before the bugaloo.
Just bash a chink soldier over the head and take his sks off him

Seriously though, we're all fucked if there's been a group stockpiling weapons, when we're all basically defenseless.

>dat car
>dat rainbow

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We have ID’s you fuckwit, don’t make me call your supervisor

If anyone needs a gun or ammo email me at [email protected]

>The normies won't accept this stage so easy
Aussies are /sheeple/ they will go along with it is a heartbeat.

Prove you aren't ASIO

How retarded can you be? Jesus Christ cunt.

ASIO glowies slurp cum

Would a retard make profit selling guns at a time with such high demand? I think not.

>Selling guns and ammunition to unlicensed gun holders on a public forum is smart

Your main concern should be lubing up your arsehole enough once the AFP bangs on your door, faggot.

Why would the AFP arrest an ASIO agent? That’s not how honeypots work, they’ll arrest the people that email him


cope ausfags, just got back from a roar hunt, no luck today though

>cope ausfags, just got back from a roar hunt, no luck today though
Now we know why sloppy job guy shot up Chr-st Ch-rch

I thought the tranny horse already took your funs away?

Some semiautos were banned, but there were some that you could keep, and the one semiauto I had was included in the permitted category

It's a ruger 10/22, not super useful but good for possum shooting and pretty mean to have a bit of fun with

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The firearms community for the last month or so has been stockpiling guns and ammunition like it was going out of fashion.

There was ample warning and many signs that this would happen. You should have listened. It's to late now.

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Make sure to take out as many chinks as possible before they take you down.