Calling your parents first name instead of Mom or Dad

>calling your parents first name instead of Mom or Dad

Why US parents do this? Its the reason why your kids turn into trannies

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Kids whose parents discipline them don’t do that. A big part of Helga’s character is that she had shitty, negligent parents.

This. It's an identifier for shit trashy families.

I call my dad and mom Tony and Sammy (short for Samantha)

Hello? This is the based department calling.

Are u a hooker? I’m buying

Because it's a bit cringy to hear a thirty year old shouting "MOMMA MOMMA LOOK AT THIS" in a store, you ugly soiboi.

Helga disrespects her parents for being literal idiots you faggot

Just call them Mom or Dad it’s not cringy at all it’s normal. Even my Granpa references his parents as Mom and Dad you fucking soilar system


woooooah helguz mom was actually drunk the whole time just a game theory xDD so deep lol

Helga did you remember to take your constipation medicine?

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Say ma and Pa instead.

my brothers daughter calls her mom and dad by their first names. she’s 7. what does this mean

>when Arnold just fucks Helga’s mom and makes fun of his black friend
Bast version of Hey Arthur


My dad refers my grandfather by name. But it's actually helpful in large families when you're talking to 2nd cousins and the like.

she also still wears diapers for bed wetting...

it's a trope for when the kid doesn't respect their parent at all

She's called a niece.

On a side note I wanted to make a thread about Rambo and how it might have scared pussyboi cops. You guys cool if I derail the thread slightly? My IP is banned. Cops really need to know their place and stop being petty

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The based department is overwhelmed with digits at the moment, however, we appreciate your call, please stay on the line for further assistance

another reason is because the person isn't their biological parent.

Kids that dont respect their parents do that.
Helga's Mom was an alcoholic and useless.

Same with Bort and Hommer

Thread theme:

the anglo thinks family is "cringe"
the anglo wants to destroy the family

I call mom and dad, mom and dad to their faces. When using the 3rd person though mom remains mom but dad becomes his first name

good catch. i never think of that

Her mother is literally an alcoholic

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I started doing that after watching the ring movie

Me too. It’s the only way to live when niggers are fucking up your country. Love how she mogs her own daughter.
Milf pedo propaganda brainwashing ftw

i usually call my mom "bitch" or "dumb bitch". I dont talk directly to my dad but i refer to him in 3rd person as "that old faggot".

I blame the faggots. They started it when they began adopting kids and calling two guys dad was confusing, so they just let them call them by their first names. I suppose it's better than calling them Top and Bottom though.

I call my parents whatever name my kids use

Hello user, is there some you would like to explain?

The literal state of amerifag

Allowing their existence ruined everything

I call them Mom and Dad respectively. I work with my dad and I just call him boss. I only ever call my parents by their first name when I'm talking about myself like "I'm so-and-so's son" or "so-and-so is my parent".

I didn't as a kid
but I have kids now and they call my parents by their first name because my parents call each other that.
I don't call my wife by her name I use a pet name.
My kids called her babe for a while which was funny but they call us mom and dad now.
They call my parents by their first names because that's what they learned.
Also when we all get together it can be confusing everyone saying mom and dad all the time.


*applause starts*
Good for you user
*gives a thumbs up*

>not teaching your kids to call your parents grandpa or grandma

Let me guess you also let your kids choose what gender they are


i say mama with pride outside and im buff

Based. Same here. I was sugar for a while before we got em back on dad.

waaaaahh i didnt get worshipped like the tv kids in hollywood, if you ate everyday you had a good childhood

> Using the most child like phrase possible.

Some of us had parents Tyrone.

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>meme flag

>calling your parents first name instead of Mom or Dad

This is a White person thing. I've noticed White childrens now a days are incredibly disrespectful too their parents and the parents do absolutely nothing.

Ethnic parents usually do not fuck around. They would never allow this too happen.

Atleast from my own pov.

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I'm 34 and still call my dad, dad and my mom, mom. I just don't sperg out like a fucking retard when I want to get their attention.

And her dad doesn't give a shit about her. Helga walked her ass to preschool by herself cause her parents are so shit.

They know our names too.
and our houses "name" (address)
it's kind of retarded not to teach your kids these things.
You seem to have an agenda.

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That’s why it’s shitty for Helga to call her parents by their first names

>calling your parents first name instead of Mom or Dad
wtf people do this?

I'm 31 and I actually call out Mama in the store. Why should I give a fuck what you or anyone else in that store thinks about it? You're nobody to me.

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When you're so autistic you miss a social indication in a children's cartoon and think it's indicative of an enigmatic cultural phenomenon.

Based thread is based.

There are obviously extremes to which being overly authoritarian with your kids can be a bad thing. Remember Governor Tarkin the more you tighten your grip the more star systems will slip through your fingers. But in general, parents need to make their kids understand who is boss and teach them respect.

OP's post sounds funny but isn't far off. It's the parents who treat their children like peers who raise fucked up children. My niece Cheyenne is a perfect example. She has a single mom, so practically doomed from the start. Liberal as fuck too. Mom basically treats her like a BFF as soon as she can string sentences together, and Cheyenne makes all her own decisions. She gets homeschooled because school gives her "anxiety." As a result, she is now 15, getting fat, never had a boyfriend, tests at a 5th grade level in most subjects, and almost certainly has personality disorders.

Raise your fucking kids right.

I call my stepfather by his first name because he was extremely uncomfortable with me calling him dad. He's incidentally the only member of my family I still speak to with any regularity.

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They can learn those things and also learn to call their grandparents by an honorific.

If you can't call them their titles with pride then you're the issue. Sounds like you are either 14 years old and are dealing with hormones or you have some serious arrested development.

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