Aus/pol/ afternoon edition

Good afternoon gents,
>UN warns of potential global food shortage
>JobKeeper worker wage subsidy attracts 66,000 businesses within hours
>Electronic tracking, 10 years in jail under tough WA plan to tackle COVID-19 crimes
>Victoria bans guns after permit applications more than double amid COVID-19 pandemic

Keep it civil lads

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fuck you guys for making me bake again, you get a low effort copy paste from last thread. There’s either 6 threads at once, or no one will make one

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can't, rangebanned

Praise him

>not having 3 different sim cards to get around the janny

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fucking poos

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>can't, rangebanned
Lol enjoy cleaning up my shit ex wagies >>Over 113,000 businesses register for JobKeeper allowance
>>fucking lazy dole bludging cunts, why cant you get a job that my tax money doesnt need to pay for?
>the same people who has given us shit for years are now the ones with their hand out begging. bunch of fucking cunts
Good they know how it feels if only for a couple of months
Fuck them I'll smear my feces over their faces

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Fuckin' minty.

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Why are all the normalfags claiming we've beaten it because the curve has been slightly flattened? Are we China now?

Has the curve even been flattened, or are people just not being tested because they're being encouraged to stay in their homes unless they need to call an ambulance because they're suffocating?

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did it just show up for you?

my mrs works on the frontline, no one is being tested. not even the staff for the vast majority. they barely have enough PPE since the chinks stole it all and shipped it to chinkland in JANUARY.
Anyone that hasnt been overseas isnt being tested despite having symptoms. They dont have test kits for everyone. We're fucked.

didn't accept my bank transaction history because they dont come with the BSB. had to call my bank to manually send one over.
why the fuck are centrecunts so unreasonable!?

does the phone version of the website actually work? can I upload PDF documents there?
the normal website is broken as fuck.

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Because if you receive over $1000 or more a fortnight already you will be the last to receive it, as you're not essential.

Where's my ScoMoBux? Where's my extra $550? FUCK CENTRELINK FUCKING MAGGOTS.

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I get less than 600 nigger

Mines not even showing up. Have you got it already? .. Fkn my dole pay is tomorrow am I gonna get a grand or are they gonna screw me over


>why the fuck are centrecunts so unreasonable!?

long term NEET here. I'll give you some advice, it's a numbers game. They don't care what you're doing. You just need to do exactly what is asked for on the paperwork. You'll be suspended and cut off payments if you miss one tiny thing even if you dont know about it and as long as you just follow everything exactly as asked you'll slip under the radar

Still none essential as the people who receive the least are the first to get it.

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how the fuck are you getting so much $? are you a disabled queer abo or something?

Welcome mate. Aldi has the best tendies

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That user who has a "bread throwing wog" problem, tell him that he'll get a call from home affairs, if you find one more piece of tiptop on the lawn... also call him a racist for wasting food (cause why the fuck not?)

How the website isn't working?


these freaks are the most visible people in the room

What's worse, Greens virtue signalling about trannies on social media or faggot Liberal reps hosting Drag Queen Story Hour for children over 20 times?

Even if new infections went right down there still must be the possibility of it spiking again and again. This shits going to be around for a while yet

You know the drill

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wow this sounds like an environmental issue

I just kept refreshing and got through. It was slow though, like 20-30 seconds to load each page.

How long till they start shipping in more shitskins because I’m surrounded by unpatriotic cunts who care about gibs. You sound like fucking niggers.

Personally I'm a steggler, but only when they're half price, and i wouldn't touch that Inghams shit if they were giving it away.

Fuck off Asis, you proved you were a dole bludging neet last thread.

ROLLIN for tinder user to say
“sudanese and chinese”

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Abodigital x Italian
Lol fuck

what are the conditions of this $750 being pumped into people's bank accounts anyway? i've lost my job three weeks ago with absolutely no income until i start getting jobseeker payments in 2 weeks and i haven't received anything from this incompetent circus of a government

I get jobseekers plus rent assistance.

How the fuck are you cunts getting so much from cenno? I've been on jobseeker for the better part of a year and only get $50/fortnight. Although now the site's broken and it's saying I have no upcoming payments and haven't received any in the past 15 months.

Does anyone have any experience crossing the nsw qld border?

We go for the gibs because they keep shipping in shitskins, not the other way around.

I'm alot of things, unlike you champion...

Not having 400 scripted bots all over the world to specifically sow disinformation to not only troll tranny jannies, but all users of this godforsaken place.

bullshit it's been down for 2 days. it's down for maintenance or something.

the more shitskins that flood this once great land the more gibs I demand

I’m retarded

Aren't both of those reconstituted garbage?

Seriously though if you have to physically switch sim cards just to post in this shithole you are fucking saaaad. Learn to program, faggot.

I lost my job, I need money.

You won't get the $750 until July

Can someone give me a pc build from umart or something?

Gaming pc around $2000

He's both.

money... i need money....

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The only appreciable effect neets have on society is a net negative to the federal budget every year

Ship yourself in a package

fuck lads just praised him and fuck it felt good, might praise him again later idk.

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What happened to the $1500 limit?

what games are even coming out for you to spend $2000 on a pc


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nah pensions were worse

>shut down my workplace so I can't work.
>then give me the money I need to get through the Isolation you're enforcing.
wow what a novel idea. the government doing the exact thing they need to for people to get through lockdown.
it would almost be sensible if centerlink wasn't fucking impossible to deal with.

The Southern Style steggles tendies are GOAT

nice bepis

that makes absolutely no sense. people are jobless now, the social distancing measures are lasting more than 6 months which means most businesses are closed which means people aren't going to be able to look for work which means they'll eventually go homeless and starve to death, unless they're stupid enough to get a loan from the banks and put themselves in massive amounts of debt. is this all by design? is the parliament hoping we resort to desperate measures ourselves and take out credit cards, loans, second mortgages so we have to pay back all of their shitty stimulus packages that solely bailed out monopolies and banks?

Did you come from one of those articles?? Ye get no sympathy here lad...

Should I spend less and just upgrade later or?

Get fucked, where's $750 at?


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Why the guns and ammo though, bros?


you think people are gonna starve in aus? maybe they'll have to eat shittier food but $50 a week can easily feed one person. no one is going to starve.

yes get a cheaper build and upgrade parts in 2022, games are probably getting delayed from covid-19

I'm disgusted by the sheer amount neets receive and how many there are here.

um... you didn't get $750 extra.
you only got $218.78 extra. isn't it supposed to be a supplement on top of your usual pay?

What processor and graphics would you recommend? Reckon I can get a pretty good PC for $1500?

Oh would you look at that. A global food shortage you say? Almost like what I've been telling you moronic cunts for the last two months.
>if you're not growing your own, you are going to starve.

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fake and gay

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why doesn't the $750 show up on my upcoming payments
the fuck is this shit

Don't be mad wagie, someone has to receive your hard earned tax dollars.

mines real

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Lol, whatever you say champ, a nigger is a nigger,
That’s cool, best of luck getting back your feet user.

Check your Centrelink account and look for payment history, it should say when you'll get it


I am prepared to eat nigger I don’t give a fuck

yeah that's what i'm looking at, nothing there except my regular dole payments

>newfag that came here from a news article detected
Seethe wagie, us NEETs have transcended beyond the need for CONSOOMING. Mmhmmmmm your tax dollars feel good

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What's the reason for the dip anyway?

>Check your Centrelink account

Hahahaha good one

I hear they taste like KFC and watermelon.

massive pandemic and world government coming
"hmm ya know what I'm gonna spend 2k on a PC"

Ryzen 5 3600
GTX1660 Super
for 1080p

Cenno pays fortnightly, that $750 is extra.

better to buy a pc now than wait a few weeks and prices go up 40%

15 years of drought

was i supposed to register my intention to claim on the mygov main page? i was told i didn't need to do anything because im already neet and i assumed that was for wagies

But that's a thing, I'm not a full time wagie I'm a student that's entitled youth allowance and even I think it's too much what I receive. To think I get $300 for studying full time, and then there are deadbeats that willingly refuse to do any work whatsoever or improve their own standing using the private market is not only just beyond pathetic, it's three times as wasteful and palpably abbo tier.

$500, $600, $1200, and for what, what are the lards even doing with this? They need to be left to starve.

Anyone else here get a carer allowance??

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What's all this talk about new articles?
Did some journo wagie seethe about Aus/pol/ neets?

Cops can bash your door down with no warrant if they suspect you have too many family members or friends inside, why is everybody ok with this? Fuck the virus or the economy, the real crisis the new powers that the pigs have been given

can/do you get that ontop of jobseeker/dsp?

why would prices go up? thinking of selling my pc

>Uni student
O I am laffin

>bash your door down
good luck

Eat your bugs

>Fuck Boomers.

Coronavirus pandemic pushes small businesses to brink but billionaire landlord stands firm on rents.

>A self-made billionaire, who is one of Australia's biggest private landlords, has defended asking some of his commercial tenants to keep paying rent, saying he should not be made a "scapegoat" for the coronavirus-driven economic crisis if those tenants have been successful.

Your in the wrong place to get sympathy for not being allowed to throw house parties, normie.

Working for me

>AUD at historical low
>chink flu has taken over the world and shut everything down
>Chinks been in complete lockdown for months

gee I dont know why I thought prices would go up! what do you guess would be the reason?

small floods in Bangkok caused the hard drive prices and ram prices to be completely fucked for multiple years what do you think this gook flu is gonna do

Would be a shame if somebody had a fake house party with cars out front and music And was waiting in ambush

Wagie here. I'm actually happy for you neets, must be nice to be satisfied with $750

No, I work, I mean worked, part time, registered for Newstart now, it's says that will be completed by April 10th, but nothing about the 750

the fuck is that door made of?

in theory right? it has to bust like a centermeter of wood

>Thinking people haven't tried this already.
Yeah thanks user, big help.

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>as long as you just follow everything exactly as asked you'll slip under the radar

Yep. They don't give a shit about anyone UNTIL you don't do something or you're missing something. Then they want to know everything about you. The true NEETs know that you don't even want to exist in the eyes of Centrelink. You just want to quietly get paid.

Cope harder.

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Easter sales right now and they wanna sell PCs to people stuck at home

Why would I do that? I've been prepared for this since 2008.

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Passive aggressive seethe