The truth about the Coronavirus:

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Other urls found in this thread:







delete this, incels

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anyone care to explain lines 16,18 for me, asking for a fren

Op fag bleep bloop


What the fuck does the messages say? They decrypted someone's transaction?

Another LARP thread, literally anything can go except china being at fault.

Last thing decrypted

Attached: Screenshot_20200329_175201.png (1600x900, 258.41K)

Succesful decrypt:
>Attention, American patriots. Do not reshare this message in plaintext form as a new thread. We want to help you prepare for what is coming. Please share this with your closest friends, family and trusted colleagues. At this moment, preparation is paramount to your survival and success in the coming months and years. Maintain a strong cash position and hold onto physical, durable assets. If your unsecured debt obligations total more than three months worth of your average household income, stop paying them. Creditors do not have an appetitte for pursuing you now and, when they do, the decimated credit standing of the general public will play into your favor. Take extreme measures to avoid infection. Sanitize surfaces in your home, on your vehicle and at your workplace regularly. Military, intelligence, and administrative personnel: arm yourself with hurculean bravery and an impeccable standard of conduct. Do not succumb to pursuasive enemy actors. Citizens: your support is important. There will be moments of doubt, but know that the spirit of American exceptionalism is alive in places that you may not expect.

But what does this mean

look at greentext

take your meds schizo

>thinking it can be stopped from coming

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gay as fuck

its just getting started

>Citizens: your support is important. There will be moments of doubt, but know that the spirit of American exceptionalism is alive in places that you may not expect.

Well done video. Unfortunately, the clickbait does a disservice to the messaging. Remember user, the point is convey consistent branded messaging through and through. Normies will discredit the clickbait title as a troll. You should simply put the information forth in a more aligned title to the content. This will not only help shareability but ranking in search algorithms. Be Consistent and Organically Transparent in you delivery. Remember, your adversaries are working with deep fake tech. Run some thought experiments in your own mind regarding if a world leader appeared on every local tv station, social media account and email saying an E.L.E. has just been activated. This is the ultimate goal and level of abstract thinking you need to learn how to counter. Fun video, but delivery is where it fails. Don't soapbox to an already captive audience. Growth and reach is inhibited. Godspeed with your cause. Fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck spics and fuck chinks. (jannie's already check one of those boxes, but double fuck em anyway)

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take your meds schizo

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Economic collapse sooner than expected?

this. it's just 'wash your hands'. great top secret intel.


> 2017


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could be, but we don't know until it happens


well that deescalated quickly



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worst larp I've seen in a while.

shill thread. sage. chinese communist agents.

>If your unsecured debt obligations total more than three months worth of your average household income, stop paying them.
That's some dangerous advice.


>could be, but we don't know until it happens
I don't think there will be an economic collapse user. If these people are patriots as they claim, they wouldn't subvert an entire global economy. Either they're not patriots, or they are patriots and misguided.

wow this is useless
"sanitize surfaces" cool thanks

Alright, I keep seeing these threads pop up. What's going on? I was here in 2016 when all the wikileaks stuff was happening. I even had the insurance files back then.
Why is it all being brought back up now?
The keys were never found and the files never unlocked.
You can't larp about this stuff, because it takes five seconds for someone to verify an alleged key.

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No, it is you that must take your meds.

>How Israel's Haifa Port Stands to Gain From the Coronavirus [same formerly US-managed port set to be handed over to China by next year]


>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?

>“We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well"


>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?


>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Trump's Iran oil sanctions and Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany]


>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union - and it's way more than a free trade zone]


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Stop paying debt and buy guns/non-perishable food during a plague? Wow high level secret knowledge there...

Seems to be working well for the US government.

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especially if you also have secured debt like a HELoC.. not sure you can walk away from credit card debt and expect to keep your home if you also have most of its value securing a line... can you?

Why would rich conspiracy niggas use a shitty language like python

A few days ago someone post an image claiming it was a key, and various anons went through a bunch of different ways of decoding it to see if it unlocked the insurance file. Nothing yet though but might as well try, better than slide threads.

retard alert. imagine thinking cash is useful in an actual collapse. toilet paper is the real post collapse currency. sage

Python is installed on just about everything.

what is this?

Not on normalfag windows pcs, neither on good linux/bsd distributions, python is for newbie coders

Yes I am aware of those threads. That's my point. It's something that can be falsified rapidly by the appropriate people, yet there are still threads about it.

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yeah you can. put your hand on the bible and swear under oath that you don't know what your creditors are talking about and you believe you don't owe any debt to them. then object to everything they say, no matter what it is, as hearsay. if they don't have personal first hand knowledge that you owe a debt, they cannot testify and the record will reflect your testimony only. and since your testimony said you didn't believe you owe a debt, and they have no testimony, you win.

People continued checking different hints as keys, different ways to decode etc.

it was an attempt to screenshot the last threat they shoa'ed and post the archived image through spamfilter... its mostly incomplete though by the time it got halfway down the thread all the posts are blank..

Thank you "Judge" Anna Von Reitz! I'll be sure to say Hello to Ed brown when I am all tucked in.

The op of the original thread never said anything about the wikileaks files. That was a different user.
Not to mention there are like a dozen of those insurance files. So checking just one of them like he did doesn't make sense.

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There wasn't an archive? like archive.is?

That may be so, I don't know. I'm just supporting anyone who wants to expose the dark truths.

govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-ohsd-1_16-cv-00614/pdf/USCOURTS-ohsd-1_16-cv-00614-0.pdf None of that garbage works... the people in power have the guns and they will just do whatever the fucking hell they please with your ass.

>Anna Von Reitz
never heard of this person but i'll be looking at what she says now because if she's saying this kind of stuff she is likely on to something.

>some random Israelis dance
>classified information
Makes you think.

it was saved as a firefox screenshot AFTER it was pruned... and saved on imagebb.. I first tried posting that link but spamblock then tried tinyurl and just posted the least I could.. never mind its not worth the effort.

>on to something.
a one way express to a long federal prison term for anyone who tries the stuff she'll tell you... it doesn't work... you are not going to get any US Courts to find for you by claiming all this sovereign citizen mumbo jumbo... you will be found guilty and pay the piper.

this guy filed a motion to dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction. filing motions admits jurisdiction. if you are going to dispute jurisdiction you can't file stuff with the court, get a lawyer or "represent" yourself. it must be done in your private capacity as a man/woman (ie, in propria persona), otherwise you admit jurisdiction.


a client is one who applies to a lawyer or counselor for advice and direction in a question of law, or commits his cause to his management in prosecuting a claim or defending against a suit ina court of justice; one who retains the attorney, is response to him for his fees, and to whom the attorney is responsible for the management of the suit; one who communicates facts to an attorney expecting professional advice. ***Clients are also called "wards of the court"*** in regard to their relationship with their attorneys.

Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind placed by the court under the care of a guardian. Davis' Commitee v. Loney, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190. Their rights must be guarded jealously. Montgomery v. Erie R. Co., C.C.A.N.J., 97 F.2d 289, 292. See Guardianship.

In propria persona. In one's own proper person. It was formerly a rule in pleading that ***pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be plead in propria persona***, because ***if pleaded by attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court***, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisfiction. See Pro se.

And I was just wondering what new info had emerged to cause all the new threads about.
Apparently there isn't any unless someone else would like to chime in.

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