How are you holding up bros?

How are you holding up bros?

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someone post spiderman on the CRT with a dildo on the table

I've tasted my shit

Wishing I had
That fleshlight rn and that gaming system

do you really use the white theme for your switch

why did you get the butthole one

>some gaymer shit
>liquid jew

my life falling to pieces is better that your life when its together.

A man of refined taste

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fucking casuals

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that costs over 500 dollars
how do you expect me to afford that?

>don't drink
>don't smoke
>never needed a toy to fap
>pc master race
I'm doing pretty well user

you can get a fucking full size doll for $500. a shit one but still.

Trumpbux faggot.

What a sad picture; alcohol numbing reality and self realizations, escaping reality with a childs game, and to top it off? Fucking a latex disembodied vagina. No drive for any social interaction or to further career/education/self/health, just keep a steady flow of dopamine and everything is great.

Fucking depressing. We have given up, haven't we?


im hanging in there.

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Looks like nothing has changed for you you worthless fat fuck. I miss going to the gym like hell. I'm sick of scum like you claiming how much your pathetic life hasn't changed since the quarantine.

I want to bench press, I wanna box.


Shut up coomer. Your life is pathetic and unfulfilling

>alcohol numbing reality and self realizations

if only

>butt fleshlight

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I have a 3inch dick but there's no way I could fit mine in that tiny little hole.

No virus. Food, TP, guns, job, etc.

On top of the world.

Be careful with those types of fifi's fren. One time my dick slipped out and went between the rubbery part and the sharp, hard plastic case. It literally scraped the skin off the top part of my shaft. Still have a scar to this day.

Zoomer pls leave.

41% yourself, tranny

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Like Iggy Pop, spending my time 'Pumping for Jill'

$25 / lb of pussy and ass is a good rate right now.

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I've been getting closer to God. This is a perfect time for introspection and realizing the wicked way of the world only leads to suffering. I've already decided to live a pious life away from the pleasures of flesh, but it is a struggle.

>free zero tolerance dvd inside
why is there a dvd player inside that pussy?

what are you supposed to do when you coom inside that
how the hell do you clean it?

>He doesn't have a home gym.

Sorry you don't have one bro.

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Ha. Sure is a typical and hollow take, but he obviously hurt your poor little feelings. Who should be dilating here?

I bet cleaning that is a pain in the ass

Had one of those years ago. Got it for less than $300. Gf at the time let me record her sucking my balls while I had this thing “ride” me. Peak degeneracy i know, but she wouldnt do a threeesome a and this was the closest thing. I ended up using a sawzall and chopped it up into pieces and put it in a trashbag and threw it in the dumpster at the apartments because I didn’t want my stepdad to see it while he was helping me move kek

Hospital Construction Work. We are isolated from the rest of the hospital with tons of restrictions and a single man lift to the floor in and out. Sucks having to take a piss.

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Imagine getting married and your wife finds this hidden in the basement. Wwyd.

>cuck beer
>anal fleshlight
Gee i wonder you fucking retard

WTH, I bet you can probably find one locally for $200-$250. I was at the porn shop the other day picking up some lube for the coronapocalypse, and there was someone their buying one of those for like $275. Amazon had it for less than $200, but it light be a knockoff.

Not as well as u lol

what was on the DVD?

There's a reason she's your ex. Degenerate couples don't last.

thats a butthole fleshlight, incel

>I ended up using a sawzall and chopped it up into pieces and put it in a trashbag and threw it in the dumpster at the apartments because I didn’t want my stepdad to see it while he was helping me move
>wasting $300
Couldn’t you of just idk, put it in a box marked as ‘clothes’ or something rather than what you did?

Just a random porno with whoever’s ass it was modeled after

Thats not how that works moron spicnigger faggot

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That’s one high end escort if u don’t do anything

Also, how hard was it to clean up after you came in it?

Still waiting for a habbening. Instead just shitty lockdown with no habbening.
>pic unrelated -- no China air here

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I had been fucking that thing for a year straight. The asshole was all torn. There was a hole inside the pussy that went into the ass. The ass was meh, but the pussy was actually pruddy gud, but you had to run hot water through the holes for a few minutes before you fucked it, otherwise it was cold and felt weird. Clean up was a pain. Who wants to put this thing in the shower and run water through it after you’ve came?

>trannies ITT seething because they wasted their money and time on hrt, cigarettes alchie and other assortments of pills

Not much to do on the countryside anyway, tomorrow I might go dig a trench and sleep outside for the heck of it.

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Well, you basically had to fist it, otherwise it was hard to get soap in there and disinfect it. If you really wanted to take care of it, you wash with soap after every use and then put corn starch all over it, to keep it smooth and from hair and debris collecting on it

I don’t know bro. That’s now of my business

Still lower maintenance than a bioroastie.

I work out a lot more often.


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Holding the fort for my boomer parents with knowledgeable advice and spending time with degenerates models.

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pornhub is giving free subscriptions

Made a homemade fleshlight
5/10 it was ok just nice to cum without using my hand

10l plastic water jugs are 10 kg full, and most have a handle
If you have a backpack anywhere you can stuff it with books and use it as a weight for pushups, pullups, squating, etc.
You have more at your fingertips than you think

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If I was a tranny, I would be in support of these things, degenerate.
wtf is it with you people dilating and butt stuff?

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Still gets me after all this time

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Something like this. I work from home and visit my Mom on Thursdays and take her shopping on Sundays. I'm perfectly content to remain home at all other times.

I have all the provisions I need including, thanks to Yas Forums, a lot of stuff that simply isn't available now.

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>t. switch owner

Nigga Fleshlights are boring as fuck. Me personally I go with a Tenga.

Based Dahmerposter

>Maori Kart

Grow up you fucking faggot.

>actually buying American fleshlight
>not a Tomax onahole and authentic Japanese pussy juice lubricant
Don't settle for less than the best

Forgot pic

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I just find it extremely hilarious that a dude would cut their dick off and that he tried to use that as a response to what you said... makes no sense.


Been better, been worse. I just need to sort out a few problems and I'm all good. Best to remain positive in such trying times.

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