Please gather around, u have an important announcement and they are trying to shut it down

Please gather around, u have an important announcement and they are trying to shut it down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck jannies and fuck niggers?

Please sign in and once a good crowd is here I will share my very important announcement.

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Go on brother


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Indeed sir however if I may be so bold, I will be providing a more detailed and specific resource that focuses on several different of the issues we face today in such a fashion as to be accessible to those who are less intelligent. I hope people actually come for this.. I worked hard for the cause. I take an analytic approach based on the predomnlinant philosophical of Britain during the 1950s, which I believe to be the pinnacle of reasoning: ordinary language without metaphorical devices.. descriptive rather than expressive language. It is truly the best work I have produced.

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I want to make it clear to all who visit this thread. What I am to provide is factual and accurate to reality and for those who wish to maintain an avoidance of black pills, you should leave this thread.

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I’m not gonna hold back guys. I wrote this with a full intention of being explosive, from the point of view of the (((power structure))). Please recognize my sincerity. I must confess, this book does not include a chapter about religion race, but this was early on in my decent into things and I wanted to make it more palatable.

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Get ready guys, 30 minutes remain. I know you’ll be happy you stayed for the main event.

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Signing in

Please help yourselves to the refreshments available throughout this thread!

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Ready Freddy

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For all those who stick around for the grand fair finale, a deep thanks. Here is a good resource, for those who enjoy a more nuanced treatment of major geopolitical matters. He uses a bit of jargon (“Illuminati”, etc, but there’s some value able stuff and he often links to other good sources)

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Please, sir, I want to read it

Almost there!!!

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I can't stand the buildup of this tension for these black pill materials...

Get in here guys!

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i smell based

I am drunk as fuck. Sorry for my typing mistakes. I made the book years ago though, so do not worry about that. It’s coming..

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Can I get 5 more? Reach out bro, tell you friends. This isn’t an ordinary meeting.

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This a real Calvin and Hobbes or did someone edit it?

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Quiet everyone, whatever this is must be important.

here i am

you gonna actually post something or is this just a retarded larp n slide thread

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Signing in.

It's real. that shit has been infesting academia since the 1970s

I can't hold it anymore, I'M COOMIIIIINGGGGGGGG

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It’s real. Bill waterson was a genius

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fucking golem

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Be quick or be dead

Thank you for coming. The presentation will be occurring momentarily. I hope you are ready for a long post. It includes a table of context which has hyper links, for your convenience. I hope this helps someone. It certainly helped me, writing it, to sort things out and make sense of what was going on.

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There is a chapter entirely about academic freedom in the original work I am soon to be providing

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OP here I switched VPNs.
Ok here we go here it comes let's do it ok:
Thank you

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Signing in

Do not worry! If you have not noticed by the quality of my memes, I am not a jannie or a Jew. I will deliver my honest take, in detail

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Just wait.. it’s gonna be good.

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Finally someone who seems to understand. I spent a lot of time on this. A lot of research. I read Henry Ford, Douglas Reed, Hitler, and a large variety of others. Get in here! I don’t want it to have all been for nothing.

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Thank you for joining

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Greetings friend. Have a camera pic

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It’s coming!

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Your drinks good sirs

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You have my attention.

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I will give my presentation in due course. I hope you take some time to look through it! It will be downloadable.

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fuck jannies

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The work I will be presenting is a manifesto. The aim is to understand, with accuracy, the situation we’re in, so as to be enabled to correct the situation.


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OP is doing a straight up (((slide))) Op claims 30 minutes to go at 00:31:25, here we are over an hour later...

Manifestos are good...

Go on!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for is coming! If you appreciate the content, please share it with others who will enjoy it as well.

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I’m sorry to keep you all waiting so long, it’s just that I really want to share this with as many people as I can. I worked hard to do this.

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Yes, I do apologize. I went to do some things, and then when I came back, there were many replies, and I’m going as fast as I can. I’m drunk

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