They just overplayed their hand, big time

We're living through the biggest mass-redpill event in the history of the human race. Never before have we seen the global ruling class flex their power in such a blatant, in your face manner. This is 9/11 on steroids. Hundreds of millions of people will be made aware of the global shadow government whose power and reach knows no borders, for which there are no checks and balances. The willfully ignorant cattle will largely remain so, because that is their nature. Anyone that maintains even a modicum of skepticism, however, will be witnessing the wool ripped from their eyes as the fallout from the biggest psy-op in the history of mankind unravels in real time over the next few months.

Take care of your neighbors, families, loved ones. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

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>Hundreds of millions of people will be made aware
Hundreds of millions of people will sit down and do what they're told.

honestly the journalists are probably too scared to leave their houses so they're cheating on the assignment and using old photos lol

>death rate of seasonal flu at 10%
lol overplayed your hand

Those are numbers straight from the CDC retard, now go give more of your neetbux to metokur, incel.

1st world citizens are the most domesticated animals in the world we wont do anything lmao very cool larp tho

The twitter post is not found if you look on his twitter



Fuck off drama fag. Some lazy editor uses the same photo of caskets as another guy and you get your panties all in a bunch.

I've seen that coffin picture spammed on several news articles in the last couple weeks, kike.

10 percent of the people that get it die. It kills a lot of oldies each year




Public transport, common surfaces. Fleas and other bugs don't care about distancing and spread that stuff about.

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Nice try

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You can call him a nigger here champ it's okay


This guy is a mutual of mine and I remember him posting this. He deletes his posts after a day or two so he doesn’t get banned.

You think a far-reaching conspiracy with almost unlimited resources would recycle pictures like this? They would stage their own photoshoots, dummy. This is just retards being retards.

Sadly, this

thas rite

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some dumb nigger on twitter fell for a troll post so what?

LOL they just revised their "2 million dead in the US" down to 20,000.

Doesn't matter, incel losers like you will still cling to hope that world is ending. It is actually, just not for the reasons you think.

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user, it's just b-roll! twitter journos said it was totally fine. i'm sure they're honest

It spread to facebook the other one with the photoshopped headline is making its way around

The one about the Italian hospital

He can’t, because he’s lying


180,000 people die every single day, retard. And they're marking down every single fucking 90 year old geezer with stage 4 cancer as "dying from coronavirus" is they ever tested positive.

>Hundreds of millions of people will sit down and do what they're told.
So officer donut, are you going to enforce it when shit gets ugly?

of confirmed cases. nobody goes to the doctor for the flu, they go to walgreens.

Yeah post the same fucking faggot picture every fucking day

Fucking shill

Speak for yourself, goy cattle.

thread will likely be pruned soon, like all the others. This place is beginning to censor worse than twitter, also been deleting anti chinese threads recently

Keep moving the goal post shill


Lazy journalists stealing media content doesn't really prove anything. Is that picture taken in Bergamo, Italy or not?

I wish they'd just turn off the fucking internet already. Thats when the real fun begins. It will start with the e-thots hanging themselves and throwing themselves from buildings due to their inability to get the dopamine fix. Eventually the people who act aloof about the internet but constantly check their social media for likes will be soon to folllow. I can almost hear the splats of flesh and bone on pavement now. Then people will wander around acting confused with their cellphones held up looking for a signal that doesn't exist.
Most of them will be hit by cars. Eventually people will actually leave their homes when they can't order groceries to be delivered anymore. Then they will reach the stores only to find it empty and that's when anarchy takes hold...they will demand their food "its ma'am"....this fucking timeline.


Keep clinging to your sad incel dream of coronachan, while international bankers rob your family of its wealth, faggot.

lol hundres of millions of people already know retard. People have too much to loose.
yes healthcare is shit
yes the jobs are boring and pay is shit
yes everyone hates their neighbourse
yes life is hard

but we still arent rock bottom and we will never arive there. Because ((they)) know the truth. It is hope. There will always be enough breadcrumbs thrown your way that you wont lose hope that one day life will be better.

>global shadow government
They are called JEWS.
Vague conspiracy language that doesn't actually refer to anything in particular is worse than useless.

Those aren't the same picture though...both pictures are from the same event, but they're not the same picture (besides alternate cropping)

>some retard made a tweet so it must be a hoax!
you didnt even need to image search retard, no one is putting the infected dead in coffins. they are all going to the oven

Niggas out here thinking the dead from virus gettin a proper burial or even ceremony and shit
Fuck Niggers

theres no way malaria kills 2000 people per day

Keep denying numbers shill


Pick one! Or did they not go over the meaning of words in shill school

Stop lying faggot. A news story popped up in my "recommend feed" a few days back that featured the same picture. This is the Syria gas attack all over again.

>turn off the fucking internet
chrissakes what do they teach you retards

He’s just a dumb nigger I doubt it was on purpose

This and this . OP is a faggot.

>Is it from Bergamo
It's from a story of dead niggers in Africa, what do you think, retard?

Post it here

Prove your point

>Hundreds of millions of people will sit down and do what they're told.
As always has been, and always will be the case. But it doesn't take hundreds of millions of people to make radical change.

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>10 percent of the people that get it die. It kills a lot of oldies each year
imagine believing this. youre all fucking illiterate. almost no one gets fucking tested got a common flu. i would tell you to take your meds but youre obviously just straight retarded

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Oh, you have no idea how pissed people are going to be when they find you what your tribe has done...

How long before the entire corona virus ordeal gets memoryholed.

>When you can't math.
Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

It literally says "Inside Europe" and how can Africa afford all those nice caskets without the local bandits raiding them?

Like to see an officer try to stop me from fishin

They'll scrub what they can, but people will remember.

What's more realistic? A global conspiracy that requires all of the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, police, firefighters, paramedics, government officials, executive branch employees, etc to lie, in unison, across the globe to the people, or a virus that's pretty scary and will kill a whole bunch of boomers.

Realistically you shouldn't be asking if the virus is real or that dangerous to the olds. You should be asking "why should I sacrifice my livelihood to protect them? Why can't they self isolate and let me run the economy?"

>turn off the fucking internet

It'd be hard for me because I'm online all the time now, but I grew up without it -- I first bought a (real) computer in 1994 when I was 23. I have a house full of books that I mostly bought before then and I guess I'd have to read them all again if the internet was no longer available (and use my imagination for a wank again the way we did in the olden timey days)