Does your president have a divine power ?
Does your president have a divine power ?
Why yes, he does.
Proving once more that "God" is a fucking sociopath, and those who serve him are merely minions in his deathcult
Seething atheists btfo
No. The left takes care of themselves, the right takes care of the people.
Didn't you hear? We're on a mission from God.
No, rural areas are just less likely to be hit by contagions because they're less likely to rub against each other.
I'm not an atheist, I'm a satanist
>"WAHH someone died!!! God must be evil"
Da empoor protecc
That's how you punish evil though. COPE
You realize that populated cities are always going to have the majority of cases early on because that's where people travel to and from, especially internationally. In the coming weeks and months it will likely continue spreading across the country, cities will of course be the epicenters for each state but no state is going to be safe from it. Unfortunately Trump failed to take this seriously until it was far too late. He claimed he knew it was a pandemic "before" everyone else did but he was still publicly calling it a "hoax" in early March and doing next to nothing to prepare us when he was briefed on the death rates and rate of spread in January.
If the left wants to change the electorate with brown people, why can't the right change the electorate with a virus?
Spread this far and wide
P.a.n.i.c. is the contagion
Also ask yourself why our amazing president is in the process of suspending habeas corpus?
habeas corpus
mass noun
A writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.
Reasons listed in proposal:
2382.Misprision of treason.
2383.Rebellion or insurrection.
2384.Seditious conspiracy.
2385.Advocating overthrow of Government.
2386.Registration of certain organizations.
2387.Activities affecting armed forces generally.
2388.Activities affecting armed forces during war.
2389.Recruiting for service against United States.
2390.Enlistment to serve against United States.
donald trump is the greatest doctor ever
...which is why Trump is going to contain the urban areas with military personnel and equipment to prevent the spread. It's why he threatened a quarantine of three filthy states. It's why states are stopping people at their borders with out of state plates.
Leftists will deliberately spread it to middle America because they're horrible, hateful, evil people so we have to corral them where they are. We joke about fighting zombie hoards, government put out laughing PSAs about it, this is what they meant, I was never laughing.
because the constitution says the writ of habeas corpus can be suspended when the public safety requires it.
It's way too late for that.
tell him that
No but apparently CNN and MBC are better qualified to give you your info even after seeing a video like this. And you wonder how the story just exploded over night. Here's a perfect example of how operation Mockingbird works. All you need to watch is the first 1:15 if your attention span is capable of that
>worshipping the bitchmade side
lmao eternal Ls
The good news is that it'll never spread as bad through rural areas. Things are too spread out, even people prefer way more personal space than the average city dwelling homo
That's even dumber, so edgy
He's right. This creation is low IQ, contradictory, and absurd. It's for simps and evil people, they both love it here.
they're syndicates and they get their news scripts from the network...says nothing of whether the news is true.
Awesome link, user.
This is so fucking stupid.
I love it.
77+19 =/= 100
Can someone make sense of this?
Thank the creator, i just carried the message. But yw anyway user
This is the most backwards ironic post I've seen all week
They're also less likely to have medical facilities and testing available at this point in time. It's going to take longer for the numbers to register because we're still way behind in testing all across the country. Right now the bulk of the testing is in denser urban areas.
everyone will feel her love, don't you worry
four counties had a tie
lol Cuomo said earlier today that this virus affects red and blue equally. We all know that's BS though because coincidentally all the heavy hit states are blue
Still doesn't equal 100 though
>brainless party vs heartless party
>take care of the people
>(((the people)))
>77+19+4 != 100
When exactly and how was Tom Brokaw able to change the two parties colors? Democrats where always red until the early 90s I believe
No, its just the Democrat strongholds have a political incentive to report false numbers. There are dozens of stories already, reporters and nurses say that hospitals and drive throughs are overwhelmed, but in reality nothing is happening. Democrat mayors demand supplies and equipment while they have everything they need in storage. Chicoms and Demonrats are made of the same unholy darkness, in China always assume the number is higher and in the US always assume its lower.
based fellow oven dodger
If 200 hundred people are all repeating one narrative [like an NPC] word for word how does that not scream suspicious, all while they're all claiming to be individual journalists who do hard hitting research, When it's is obvious that the only person that did any research was the one guy that sold his story to 6 corporations who pumped it out to their individually owned media sources and not one of them are even smart enough to edit the story to cover their obvious tracks that it was put based from one source and repeated like a parrot by every MSM outlet. The media directs peoples unconscious fears and aggressions towards invented enemies, insane competitiveness, rapid consumerism, addiction, and of course pandemic scares. But autocratic power still operates behind the scenes. Because as long as a population has more fear than love, what appears to be democracy is often little more than a spectacle to mesmerize the masses.
It's the average of infected in each county that voted for X in majority. FFS
it's cheaper that way
No, this is just the power of population density.
Reminder: These smug cunts were laughing about how, "Rural areas will get hit harder because we're all so dumb and unhygienic" ect.
Suffice to say, they deserve every bit of this.
urban pseudosophisticates who drink coffee, listen to modern music, and own apples
t. country dwelling, linux using, earl grey sipping, berlioz fan
2009's s r/atheism called and wants its fedora back
I see I'm wasting my mind here talking to you. Have a blessed night friend
We came to wreck everything and ruin your life.
because you're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand that news is a business
iunno user humblebragging about your sophistication makes you sound pretty pseudo sophisticated to me
that's nice dear. when you can prove you have consciousness, then we'll consider your opinions, meatbag.
And you're an angry little man that can't think past one or two line responses to try and argue your position. Your mind is to small for me, I'm sick of dumbing myself down to reach low level intellect people on this board.
This is a man with a hat.
you should quit Yas Forums altogether. just resolve yourself never to bother with all of us losers again.
Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you, all the people with any kind of intelligence just all walk away and leave it to dumbfucks like you. Probably not gonna happen Gomer
>battle of the psuints
this is YouTube comment argument tier, both of you actin like newfaggot redditors
Never called you a loser by the way, I don't seek to be your enemy I seek to be your friend and we could all clean this world up together,. It it appears you guys want to live in fear and suppression, misinformation and confusion, as long as someone else is doing all your thinking for you you're happy right? You deserve better than to be a their little windup doll, we all do.
i usually find that people like yourself who go around insulting the intelligence of others, generally don't score very high on the Stanford-Binet themselves. you're most likely a dunning-krueger, who mistakes his misanthropy and irritable nature for superior intellect.
if you're so smart, why are you surrounding yourself with people who make you miserable?
ignorance is bliss