Christian thread

Praise Jesus. What do you think about the Malachi prophecy which says Francis is the last pope?

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The last male pope according to Jew masters

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How do I stop being self-destructive? I know what I should do but I keep doing the opposite instead. For example I know the persuasive way to word something but my body just cringes at wording it that way so I say it in a bad way instead. How do I stop being self-destructive?

you mean the st. malachy prophecy. not the prophet malachi

God bless you user, and praise be to his most holy name. I am of the opinion that Francis, Benedict XVI, John Paul II, John Paul I, Paul VI, and John XXIII are all illegitimate Popes and that the See has remained vacant since Pope Pius XII, so the prophecy doesn't hold much with me. More importantly however, I don't believe in watching for signs - we have already been betrayed by our institutions of power, I am ready for Christ here, now. If he doesn't come in my lifetime, then blessed be the faithful of the future.

You seem to know a bit. Can you please tell me why I act self-destructively and how to fix it?

I think its bullshit
christ wont be back till 4300 earliest

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The prophecy says there is an unknown number of popes between Benedict and Peter the Roman. Francis could be Peter the roman or just another vatican2 freemason nigger.

Agreed, Pius was the last true pope before the Second Council and the jewish takeover of the church in an attempt to destroy Christianity.

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start by praying every night
just lay in bed and thank god for another day on earth with your family and thank him for your good health
once you remember who you are, you will understand you deserve to act with dignity
but start with small steps
you are a son of God user, and you our one of his agents on earth, you need to act like that means something to you

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found this book recently you may like it

Our base nature is self-destructive. We fall into the well of despair, destruction and hopelessness as easily by inaction as with conscious action. That's original sin, that's what it means to be human. I fail terribly at this, we all do, that's why we need saving from something that isn't just flesh, but divinity made flesh.

My best advice on how to fix it is contemplative prayer. Learn the Liturgy of the Hours, practice Lectio Divina, challenge yourself to understand that you are made in God's image which is the Trinity - as he is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, you are Mind, Body, and Soul. What's more, the true you is the action that balances the Mind, Body and Soul. If you are being self-destructive to one or two of these parts of you, just focus on the third for a while. See what simplicity in living can get you, then try tackle your destructive actions one at a time.

God bless you user, I will be praying for you. I only ask you pray for me too, as I fail so very often to rise to that perfection we should be striving for.

How can I overcome anger and thoughts of revenge that keep popping up in my head when I'm alone
A lot of people have wronged me

Cool pic faggot weeb pedophile christcuck.

This is a beautiful post for a leaf. Good job, user!

Looks like a great read, I'll start it right now, thanks.

Bumping for christian redpills in here. Hopefully others have more to add so i can put into my library

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>the chaos kek preaches through you
the real question is in what timeline is 4300?
This one thinks it will be in 2073

give it to the Lord in prayer

Popes are absolute heresy

Matthew 23:9
>And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Pope means "father" not to mention that form of address for Catholic priests.

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idk if you're a Cath o not, doesn't matter really but try to find a good confessor.

All the best bro.

Read "The dark night of the soul" by St. John of the Cross

According to classical Jewish sources, the Hebrew year 6000 (from sunset of 29 September 2239[2] until nightfall of 16 September 2240[3] on the Gregorian calendar) marks the latest time for the initiation of the Messianic Age. The Talmud,[4] Midrash,[5] and the Kabbalistic work, the Zohar,[6] state that the 'deadline' by which the Messiah must appear is 6,000 years from creation. According to tradition, the Hebrew calendar started at the time of Creation, placed at 3761 BCE.[7] The current (2019/2020) Hebrew year is 5780.
your estimate is by jewish reckoning i think?
the timelines match up
mine is based on noahs ark and the barque of st peter
40 days
4000ad from the time rome became the barque in 330ad
so around 4300ad
all this end of the world stuff is jews freaking out about to have another moses of crete moment with the first kike who claims to be the moshiac

We are vile creatures, preying on one another, miserable, diseased flesh hungering and thirsting to be more than an inevitable death. You were wronged by evil men, but there is only ever one true act any human can perform that is capable of touching a soul. That is the sacrifice of their very life.

They harmed you out of weakness, but all they harmed was your flesh, your will, your heart. Your soul is as vibrant as ever, that is what recognizes you must overcome this anger, that is what transcends because that is what you will always have to give. Your life.

based carmalites

cheers :)

they hired some shabbos to make a red calf but idk if that worked out.

Nope, didnt even both with looking into these timelines to be honest. in 2003 i was in an old group of psychics and one in particular had a sporadic prophecy chant that last for a couple of hours. I wrote everthing down at that time.

Final timeline if it happens, 2073, then 1000 years of Christ. I can add further info as to what the guy told me. I have been telling everyone i know since then.

This was probably Francis best moment so far.
Absolutely solemn.

Found the televangelist.

Francis is an antipope so he can't be the last real pope

jesus is unironically santa for adults

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guess no one is interested?

Threadly reminder Christianity is a Jewish inferiority complex COPE

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Santa was a revolutionary who challenged entrenched corrupt power structures on a mission of worldly conscience enlightenment? Tell me more, fren.

Nice try

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i like this one. got more?

I don’t. Jesus said we will not know the hour.

Poo inside the loo, when you flush the poo in the loo imagine that's your feelings of revenge going away

Based tacobro.

That was just one thread. He didn't want to go through the entire list disproving every thing. Wish he had. But its just something to post when pagans gets uppity and try to post that image. They hate Theodosius because he outlawed paganism but only turned jews into second class citizens. At the time jews were still reeling from being turned into a stateless nation and getting into all sorts of antics, but not yet a threat. Pagan however still had power and influence, like Julius the Apostate that worked with the jews to diminish the power of Christianity. He even tried to build the third temple for the jews before an earthquake came out of no where and postponed it. Learn your history, pagans and atheists depend on you being ignorant.

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I didn't ask for your approval burger

Lol, too late.

sad that this thread is gonna pop

>Francis is the last pope
Didn't Francis said he'll be pope for a short time?

I'm not ready for judgement, too many mortal sin and no where to go... where can I get sacraments?!

Nice thread user!

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I know... Yas Forums used to be better, not good, but better.

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bump to keep thread alive

Technically speaking, he's not even a proper pope/anti-pope

He was "ordained" through Vatican2... so maybe "Peter the Roman" could come later. Sadly, no indication if he will be good or bad.

anyone interested in knowing the things i recorded from the 2003 group?

The St. Malachy prophecy is probably bogus, it's got dubious provenance and is all vague and nostradamus-y. More, the prophecies from before it was found are more specific than those after, indicating a fraud. It seems to be in contradiction to more reliable prophecy and visions eg Marie-Julie Jahenney regarding a chastisement followed by the rise of the great monarch and the angelic pope.

Could be that we're a bit off and Francis is an antipope and doesn't count, who knows. Pray the rosary every day. Here's hoping oir Lprd comes back soon, we're approaching 2000 years from the first Easter in 2030 or 2033.

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I'm surprised Yas Forums doesn't talk about CS Lewis more. A lot of mainstream Christians take him as a serious authority on Christianity even though he married one of (((them))). You'd think Yas Forums would be rebelling against his take on theology. But then again you'd also think Yas Forums would be discussing the protocols of zion more yet that topic is also always strangely absent from the board.

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Question for all christian anons in this thread-
How do you feel about Catholicism vs Protestantism? I've never appreciated the Pope or the Catholic Church, but I have never spoken to Catholics enough to get a solid idea on why people still support it.
>Also related:

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That sounds like sin for those involved, and a heresy for those interested.

But, I don't mind because this is Yas Forums and weirder crap has been posted.

She was converted to Christianity and a Christian convert is just as good as any other Christian in my eyes. We are all brothers and sisters.

well, here's the thing.
Just because someone is given the hindsight to predict the future, why would they be at fault for it?
Also, if there is a chance for some form of awareness to bring to light, isnt that in respect a promise for a better good? Didnt jesus try to warn all his followers about the shit that was about to go down?
Plus, if a messenger brings a message, atleast, by how jesus interprets thiings, use empirical evidence and faith to question what information you are given.
so why not? I dont think its a sin if i am somehow able to affect someone elses life for a better tomorrow?

Most jewish """converts""" are (((cryptos))) and that's probably why the pope said to give up on converting them.

Lewis did marry a jew, but the circumstances were extrordinary. He personally converted her the Christianity, and only married her when he learned she had deathly cancer. If you can convert a jew, the most stiff necked of all people, to Christ thats a feather in your cap. It was a true love at the end of the day. Her death near made him lose his faith, but he recovered.

He won't be back ever because he's dead

Protestants aren't Christians user

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Here is the post. Typically the jannies erase it, prune it, or archive the thread soon after. so screen cap?

2003 discussion:

>2005 weather is much worse (happend with katrina)
>2008 first black president
>2012 world exposure to the idea of aliens existing (ancient aliens on nat geo)
>celebrity president after black president (trump)
>woman president after celebrity president
>2025 new world currency
>2035-45 rock hits pacific ocean flooding inland 12 miles aprox
>isreal falls a decade or so later causing refugee to central USA
>2073 world war 3 ends in India
>1000 years christian rule
>if humanity fails, the slate restarts somewhere else

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you ever noticed how much your replies actually stick? because i dont.

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I wish the reformation had finished in the 1500s so there wouldnt be so many sects. If we had captured Rome and forced the pope to bow to Luther then we could have one big happy family again. God is not a polygamist, the bride of Christ is only one church and it needs to be again.

Well the pope is a patriarch not a matriarch so if its the last male pope, its the last pope

>Her death near made him lose his faith
Are you sure her jewry didn't sow the seeds of doubt in the first place?

42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

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Sister Noelle?

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>if only our breakaway Church could claim political power over the Church our Lord established, there'd finally be unity among Christians

Protestants, everyone.

The logic of the "Reformation" (in truth a rebellion and a revolution) can never be contained. If L*ther could make his own interpretation, then he couldn't deny Karlstadt, Zwingli, Calvin, and every other heretic the right to do the same.
The Church IS one, the Catholic Church, and all heretics and schismatics have no place in the life of the age to come. Repent while you can if you belong to a manmade religion invented after 1517.

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