
Anyone else think its weird how no one heard of Zoom before the China virus and now everyone is using Zoom? Are you using Zoom now?

Weird how this China-funded telecomm app has massive data exploits.

What do you thinks going on?

Attached: zoom.png (1920x452, 47.91K)

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Zoom sends your data to Facebook even if you don't have a Facebook account.

Zoom was very well known and popular with businesses. I’ve had clients using it for well over a year before this bullshit started. It was started by some guys who left WebEx or something like that.

I've been doing zoom meetings for several jobs for years

yes! i keep seeing it everywhere now. tv news even makes a point mentioning they're interviewing x "through Zoom".

nearly every engineering firm in aus uses this software.

I heard about Facebook when following the Virginia Tech story. It exploded at that point right there.

Zoom is already integrated into the
>survellience testing

Ok zoomer

>Anyone else think its weird how no one heard of Zoom before the China virus
What the fuck are you talking about? It's been in every office for years.

By Chinaman Eric Yuan

>Are you using Zoom now?

we are using it for video meetings as part of ring central

Facebook's servers are already in China ain't they, so this Chinese app integrates with fbook to track people and stuff, interesting

Schoolkids are using Zoom for recess apparently

This. Zoom was already well-established among businesses. I'm sure it spiked because institutions started adopting it (schools/universities). It's user-friendly, works well and is feature-rich. I dunno about the surveillance shit, but it didn't come out of nowhere.


Creepy looking guy. He looks like one of those mirrored meme images that makes peoples' faces look grotesque.

Attached: 1554246727896.jpg (2160x2160, 994.21K)

I've been using zoom at my job for 2 or 3 years at least.

Webex was getting gaped hard when all the school districts tried to go 100% distance learning

>t. works at one engineering firm that uses it and knows of one other company that also does

I'm a teacher. We've been using zoom for a while for corporate clients but now we're using it for all our classes. It's not weird - the virus has just made it useful for more people. I didn't know about massive data exploits - what's your source on that?
>What do you think is going on?
International pandemic is forcing people to work from home and this technology facilitates that. What do you think is going on?

I had 4 vendor relationships that used zoom for like a year... NetApp, VMware, datrium, and one other that's classified all use zoom for informal virtual meetings

Very true user, I literally never heard of this until the coronavirus shit, and now I’m using it almost every day

It’s well known that this application has had multiple vulnerabilities that could allow unintended entities to listen in on calls, record them, etc. I’ve heard rumors as well of shady funding from Chinese enterprises and as you know, many of these are under state control... think Huawei or ZTE. In any case, I suggest you or your company stay away from this vendor.

zoom sucks many dicks.
use jami, it's free.

What are the alternatives?

Nah, my university used it for online classes before, now it's just for every class


We use it at work, but I think after all this we won't be anymore. We already had meetings about getting rid of all software and hardware owned by chinese interests.

Thanks. I'll check it out

I wish I bought zoom shares last year. I would be pretty damn rich if I sold them right now.

Fun fact: Zoom tells the host when you’ve minimized it for more than 30 seconds

It's been getting trolled by people joining the room's naked, fapping, and shouting racist shit, best one was everybody is leaving the screen sharing capability on so people are live streaming porn to the room with the admin usually being some tard who just about managed to figure out how to copy and paste the URL to Facebook nevermind set a password or invitation to the session kek!!!

Jitsi server self hosted on a VM like Ubuntu server etc.

Not your average NPC skill set to do this, but as long as you got CPU and enough ram to dedicate to the VM, the user limit is your bandwidth?

Damn, if my classes weren't all like 12 people I'd try this

This. Businesses and organizations have been using Zoom for years.

Yas Forums doesn't know because it's comprised of retarded college kids and 29 year old NEETs.

How is this useful? You could plausibly just say that you were taking notes at any time

we use webex because it integrates nicely with our cisco phones
not sure wtf happened to gotomeeting

Look around the Web, Facebook etc.

Your happiness is a search query away user!

Why not just use Microsoft teams, it's better than zoom

Terrible and over priced with user cap's per price plan.

Unless you have 365 with all the bells and whistles...

I've been using zoom for years before discord existed.
My friend group would share zoom link hangouts over skype.
Free accounts have video meetings that last 45 minutes. Paid accounts have meetings last 24 hours.
We used to just have a video hangout running 24/7 where friends could join and leave freely.

It doesn't have a push to talk system or a local mute system outside the host muting people.
Discord was an instant upgrade minus the video call.

chinese spyware

Knock knock

zoom used to be a tasty instant breakfast thing


Why the fuck would you use this chink garbage instead of just hosting your teamspeak server?

same lol, lotta of people use Zoom. I personally hate it because of the multiple privacy related issues they've had in the past.

Why do all new communication apps go through a server first... what happened to p2p?

Faggots at my company were trying to incorporate zoom long before this corona virus nonsense. I have had to tell them to fuck off many times because we already use WebEx. Now they're trying to get teams going too, special snowflakes.

It's working. The Chinese take over has started. Soon everything you use will be a product of a Chinese company. TikTok-using, Epic Games-playing Zoomers have already accepted Chinese superiority. Now it's time for everyone to accept their dominance.

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there are entire software projects coordinated through nothing more than IRC.

voip is nigger technology

can corona-chan just kill me now

Attached: xoomer 3.png (1000x350, 129.33K)

Place I work at uses Cisco software for video conferencing, not chink shit


I literally had not heard of it either now
-my mom's work operates through it
-friends university classes
-our street is hosting a "virtual cocktail party" over it this week as a lockdown morale booster

If this is a chinese company, any business that uses it is fucking retarded.

all the businesses and colleges and public schools and journalist vans are using it


>Anyone else think its weird how no one heard of Zoom before the China virus and now everyone is using Zoom?

not really because I used to use Zoom as a postdoc a couple of years ago. already had it installed on my laptop.

You must first kowtow to your new Chinese overlords.

Zoom has been a rising star in the business world. They have the best video calling platform.

ill fucking seppuku myself before i kowtow to chinese fucks

live free or die and fucking yeethaw

>29 year old NEETs.

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>another Chinese shill

Get wrecked faggot!

>his whole day's excitement is based on jerking off to strangers

It'll blocked by a bi-partisan majority, nobody wants to firesale in a panic for short term profits after this.

Look at the BS the UK housing market has said about buying being suspended because of COVID-19, absolute greedy robbing bastard's it's because now at near zero percent it's a buyer's market, literally get a fix rate mortgage and pay next to fuck all back when the stock market returns to higher inflation, the cunts lose comission and the bank's would lose money in interest...

this, but unironically

Literally never heard of it until China virus. Was suddenly replacing WebEx for everyone. You'll have to pry shitty WebEx from my cold dead hands, fuck ChinaHuaweiTikTokZoom trojan shit.

Yeah I work at a startup and we've used it for several years. It also got a bunch of attention last year when it IPO'd.

It's over. They will buy up all the dying American companies. Everything is on sale right now and Tencent is hungry.

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it's all surveillance software. who makes a billion fucking dorras reinventing voip in 2011? give me a fucking break.

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it doesn't even work on Linux I fucking hate being forced to use this shit

Zoom was a publicly traded company you fucking moron, not some unknown entity