Empire State Building has turned into a giant siren

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another angle

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looks satanic.

Is an aircraft piloted by Jews going to crash into this bitch?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 1.05.44 AM.png (633x452, 335.66K)

Why tho? They already have thousands of Batmans

Gozer has taken corporeal form, the destructor will soon be among us.

>looks satanic.

Attached: insane-man-in-strait-jacket-screaming-in-isolation.jpg (866x1300, 79.26K)

you fools they are signaling the ayy lmaos' like what a lighthouse does. aliens soon boys

thank you empire state building for the reminder that im going to die

purposely trying to make people panic? its getting absurd


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WHAT THE FUCK, is that fucking Mordor, the Eye sees everything... what an allegory for the proto martial law we are living

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I really hope a lot of NYer's die from this. Worst people on the planet.

Oh no not the Empierino!!



are you liek this guy?
I have bad news for you :(

Attached: 1s2my8.jpg (500x421, 55.28K)

>Hi I work at CNN. Is this your video? Can CNN use it on all platforms/affiliates with credit to you? Thanks.

at least we no know where the final boss lives

You guise and other mass posters can toal all the shit you want.

>so let's make this /thread guise
>stonks /thread with HillWoofs

>Ommggggg how will they ever recoverrr lollol

=:[ imagine the smell

>I work for George SporeOs

Opinion discarded

>we believe in truth NOT FACTS
yeah... opinion discarded

>gassing in progress
Didn't this shithole of a city is full of kikes?

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I dun geddit. What's the point of doing that? Are they riling people up on purpose now? Why?
Or is it like a "lol check out this reference we can make" for the higher-ups like this user said?

Low energy

call me when the rapture starts

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cancel due lockdown.
also ur a sinner faggot

What's wrong with NYC? Can't they sing inspiring songs from their windows like Wuhan or Italy?

I told you.
Harvest Time.
>you know Who I Am

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Remember when they lit it up to celebrate abortion?
Maybe it's a blood sacrifice signal.

At the heart of the city there is a
Building that looks down over all there is.

And the man in the tower controls
It all without raising a single fist.

It's like they gathered up the
City, they sold it to the devil, and now
It's gone to hell and they wonder how.

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THE AGE OF MEN IS OVER.... the time of the slave has come

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Truly Gotham

>literally too lazy to go outside and film it themselves

>ayye shut the fuck up
>you shut the fuck up
>both of you shut the fuck up
>I hope the virus kills you all
>oooh I got your virus right here
>we're not talking about aids
>this guy

Nothing like enjoying a good plague.

Are you a god?

I'm in NYC. I really can't stand NY pols, and a lot of people here can't stand them either. Trump did a good thing with threatening quarantine, otherwise those human feces would have had quarantine. Going against Trump was the only thing that saved this city from being shut down completely. This is what we deal with.

The eye of sauron.

homing beacon so the Ayys don't land in the wrong spot.

It like a big red dog dick

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>no fucking webms
Yas Forums is a husk of it's former self.

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Was thinking that too man


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is this a broken ai shillbot


They make noise every night at 9pm retards

If the Empire is the eye of Sauron, where do you think Mount Doom lies? The Bronx?

>i now know i have to take this seriously
wow so deep

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Exact opposite, actually.

We are approaching Blade Runner aesthetic. Just needs more huge animated billboards.

Yes, we broke the bots. It happens when you skull fuck them with logic.

Shills, AI, jews, and feds can't make webms.

ah yes, the warning color blue
ah yes, the color so associated with danger, green
ah yes, the biword color for SOS is yellow

It's been full on facebook-tier for a few years now, what's the point of even complaining anymore?
Embrace rot and decay, it's the only thing left to do if you can't even leave.

Many Shuvs & Zuuls will know what it is to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you.

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criminally underrated post

satan doesnt own the color red

It's the signal. Are you ready for the end user?

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kinda looks like the eye of soron (or however it's spelt)

This descent into dystopia is fucking max comfy

In the ruins of the twin towers. To cure the plague Donald as Gandalf will be organising a Fellowship of 9 hero’s from all the races and trades of Muhrica and telling them all to get out over the border with Mexico and not come back. He didn’t see the films or read the book he was too busy grabbing stuff by the pussy.

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Naw, the aliens Trump spoke with yesterday.


I want to fuck Rita. The siren looks kino

>I work for George SporeOs

Hey everybody guess what COVID stands for
*Chinese origin virus infectious disease.
They bluffed when they started screeching over nothing (as usual) when we said Chinese Virus. That’s it’s correct official title, so run their horrible noses in it.

But why?

Just lace the ocean with zzzzzquil and robitussin.

I don't see a red light on that

I know this feel, Sergei.

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Cause Jew Yorkers need a reminder to wipe their own ass every 10 mins

i agree. it does look pretty satanic. in poor tast, tbqh.

but the virus is a scam anyway. i doubt the hospitals are even being flooded with anything but paranoid people who are worried they have the virus from the hype.

At least there's some sliver of decency left in this turpid limbo.

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what the fuck is wrong with new york l0l

Rig for Red.

What’s the occult meaning?