there's literally millions of people who have the virus that haven't been tested. The hospitals are not overrun. there's absolutely no reason for any state to be locked down. the government is testing their ability to control us. we have lost the war. civilization as we know it is over.
The death rate is literally .01%
Other urls found in this thread:
Coronavirus is now the 3rd largest cause of death per day in USA
>CDC Top 10 Causes of Death:
More than murders.
More than car accidents.
More than any disease other than heart disease and cancer.
Once it reaches 1800 deaths per day it will be the #1 cause. And at this rate it will reach that in only 10 more days.
that's because nobody is leaving their house. the virus has already peaked and will be over in 2 weeks. the death rate will literally end up at .01%.
Oh no! It's the #1 killer of people over 80 years old!
Stop everything all the people who are in the middle of dying are having their death interrupted by the virus!
Shut down the economy!
Are you really an italianon, or proxy larper? I thought things were supposed to be very bad in pastastan?
death rate about 3-4 % long term. 1% immediately tho if everyone intubated
Can't speak for the ones in the north but here in the center everything is still pretty chill still tons of food in the supermarkets and we still have toilet paper
I expect this to be like H1N1
>Kills like 50-60k up front
>Oh shit look at that kill %
>Do blood tests and modeling after data is collected
>Oh fuq it’s only like .05%
You are all bitch goyim. We Jews number 1. COPE
so you believe this jewish doctor. okay. and he is jewish btw despite claims otherwise.
It's the #3 killer PERIOD right now. you are more likely to die of coronavirus right now than a car crash.
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
List of authors.
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2
Stop making sense, damn you!
>Has to qualify statement with "deaths per day"
>Doesn't understand enough math to see how irrelevant this makes it.
>inb4: MUH EXPONENTIAL: It's not exponential, you fucking retard. It's a logistic function.
They need to start testing randoms for antibodies. see how many people had the virus and recovered. I still find it weird that the cdc doesnt recommend testing if you dont have symptoms but then say that there are many asymptomatic spreaders.
Based af. I will literally go out at the market and start licking food, shelves etc. and then start coughing accidentally at the face of everyone I find in my way.
We won't lose if we just, within a week or so decide naturally to crawl out together with our friends, work buddies etc. and forget about this whole thing without looking back (in anger).
He’s getting TV time so they just over exaggerate everything. If you actually know a Dr. they say “wash your hands, don’t touch your face”
Thats because the tests are expensive, inaccurate and slow to get results
Fact: The virus was engineered. They knew the boogaloo was coming. They released it on purpose. This is to get everyone off the roads and distracted while they round all of the boog boys up.
..I heard you say?
Covid-19 is a Chinese plot to destroy Western economies.
Not anymore. New test is accurate, takes 5 minutes to administer, and 15k tests can be run per day per machine.
Yep. Hopefully this shakes out some other problems in our society that we solve after we figure this out.
Because it’s illegal to drive anywhere except the fucking grocery store faggot
Not true. Look at some eastern countries, such as Romania. There you have the army on the streets and huge fines for going outside without a proper reason. Not having a riot or a civil war (yet) proves the stability of our society. But sure, keep up the draconian measures, and you ll see hell unleashed.
Btw, cant wait to see armed forces everywhere, globally. That s going to be fun
It's based on car crash death data from 2017...
At least ...
>the virus has already peaked
based retard
It will not peak for 2 weeks to a month, minimum 100k dead maximum 1-3 million if we lose all control.
This. I had what I thought was a flu in January that lasted for 3 weeks. Wasn't the worst flu I'd ever had but it just dragged on and on. Started with a dry cough too.
Would love to know if I'd actually been visited by Corona-chan.
It's easy to make numbers drop on these when nobody is legally allowed to leave their homes, you disingenuous fuckrod
Cope you dumb boomers. The quarantine is getting extended to June. Eat shit lmfao
Even up until the inflection point, a logistic function can be well approximated by an exponential, retard
I don't remember them loading dead bodies into tractor trailers during the h1n1 pandemic. Or Norad closing themselves off in the doomsday bunker. Or an entire aircraft carrier being disembarked and quarantined in Guam. But, whatever. keep coping.
Officer, if i may:
How many days will it take to restart all the production, provided we're chillin for nex 60 days?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're wrong and retarded as fuck.
When a Dr., Nurse, etc... comes into contact with a Covid patient they have to self quarantine for 2 weeks.
And it only cost us 6 trillion dollars and 20-50 million jobs. OMG I fucking love science.
>The death rate is literally .01%
It's not. It's around 4% right now and it may tick higher in the US because we have the most susceptible:
>fat people
>old people
We measure by sampling the people who reporting being sick on March 1. If any member of that cohort dies any time after that and DNA confirms is it SARS-CoV2 then we mark it as the CoD. The US infection and mortality rates are both climbing but the transmission rate is holding steady. So maybe we'll get relief once we get everybody tested so we can quickly isolate the ill.
not true at all....but by all means, keep being a kike
the death toll is not 4% you lying faggot...Of those known cases of Corona, the death toll is 1%....and since MANY people are living with the virus without being tested, the fatality % is even lower....
do you incels need to make everything a conspiracy? every single time anything happens, it's always a conspiracy with you schizos.
there are 310 cities in the us with 100k+ people.
at 200k deaths, that's only 645 per city.
that's assuming the worst case scenario and that there are no cases anywhere else, which is obviously not true.
so say every medium city on up looses 500 people
the vast majority of which are 70+ woth an average of nearly 3 underlying conditions.
grandma dies a little sooner than she would, a couple of deaths would seem to come out of nowhere, but other than that hardly anybody would even notice.
You know you are absolute shit with statistics, correct? Shocking for an obese neet.
Like retard, you are equally retarded as no models have been correct yet. You see, using data from other countries, with different geography, health profiles and external factors like pollution, is not statistically significant.
Here’s what we know. It’s spread to some tight urban areas. It’s peaked at a 1.8% death rate today. More isolation is necessary but we won’t see the effects of that for another 1-2 weeks.
blown out of the water.
>first sentence is literally conjecture
>41 replies and 2 images omitted
shut the fuck up doomer
Your meds. It's time to take them.
>the government is testing their ability to control us. we have lost the war. civilization as we know it is over.
True. Even here retards believe this crap. Enjoy social credits, gps tracking, paper money not being accepted anymore. In one month, when the death toll won't exceed the regular flu, you'll see that we'll never go back.
This "virus" will usher in a new age of totalitarianism, that will be very difficult to escape from.
they are trying to scare you..simple based retard..
they are doing those things to put on a show so they can keep you in fear and make you dependent.
>there's literally millions of people who have the virus that haven't been tested. The hospitals are not overrun. there's absolutely no reason for any state to be locked down. the government is testing their ability to control us. we have lost the war. civilization as we know it is over.
The same could be said about the Spanish flu.
Fuck it. If things get bad for too long, we'll eventually colonize Africa
>there's literally millions of people who have the virus that haven't been tested
Nice feeling
makes you wonder whats going outside, especially with this much shilling happening
oh yes just like the h1n1 lockdows
stop putting feelings over reason
go outside then and tell us
>than a car crash
Well since I'm sitting in front of a desk in my home, that's not a very profound prediction.