What did he mean by this?


What did he mean by this?

Attached: 20200331_043022.jpg (1440x1681, 776.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


orange man bad, geriatrically

Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide:


probably ripped a fat bowl of dementia/autism before the interview

Listen here, Jack.
Well it looks like my time is up.

Why do they keep letting him do these interviews. It's one disaster after another. He doesn't have a single coherent thought.

if joe biden didn't have dementia he would be trump in a land slide, now he might just barely win because of a plague, weird

They can't have him just disappear because people will start looking for another candidate. Biden can't even read a couple of sentences off of a piece of paper. They're screwed.

how are they gonna manage to run Cuomo?

Don't worry CNN are trying to trick him into running

Also, he doesn't have enough RAM.

Also, he must have run out of RAM.

Not gonna lie, former Biden voter here. It's hilarious watching Biden crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let him Barrack the other Biden.

Lol your fucking delusional. Biden didn't stand a chance even if he was coherent, and currently, he'd loose to a ham sandwich.


Mayor Nipples?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-30 at 8.29.30 PM.png (597x548, 213.34K)

I'm convinced that in the next few weeks we will hear Biden casually say the N word and the host will pretend he never heard it.

>tfw cue cards and notes can cover up significant dementia, since most people can read the TOPIC that they're talking about and coherently blather about it.
>The only way this fails is with dementia so advanced, that you can't keep a thought in your head from the beginning to the end of a sentence
This spectacle is making its way to us through a thick layer of all the best political stagecraft that money can buy.
That says something.

What if: These videos a deepfakes and the reason he makes absolutely no fucking sense is because the audio track is a Tiesto remix of past speeches of his.

He would be Trump in a landslide....

Oh no no no no!

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He cant even read the notes in his own hands.
I'm convinced his teleprompter has been working fine the entire time.

I think i got a nose bleed trying to read and understand that

this is what happens when you spend your entire career not thinking for yourself.

Not enough time to hide his mafia ties.

lmfao we'll have to wait to see his policies in 2024, but i already like this guy. I hope he's not a simpering libtard. as long as he's tough on the border, he could easily win.

Ya think he got a nosebleed?
I know it sounds absurd..


>but i already like this guy
Get out.

is this /ptg/?

Attached: 1578514267447.jpg (750x683, 48.67K)

The POS is a criminal.
He should be brought up on murder charges for all New Yorkers that die for hording ventilators in a warehouse in new Jersey.

This is micheal scott level bs when David wallace asks him how he was able to grow sales during the recession.

My meme or his sentance?

those are hairy dago nipples
t. italian descent

Sadly they are likely the straps of a bulletproof vest.

This nigga literally has dementia. I feel like the Dems gave away the last election with Killary and they clearly don’t give a flying fuck about this election with pedo Joe. Trump has to be controlled opposition at this point or we are all just a bunch of assholes switching timelines every few weeks.

Cuomo has his goons on the boards tonight running damage control

holy shit that was painful to watch, i was waiting for andrew to say "CHRIS, HOLY SHIT COME ON"

>Has to read his vague talking points from notes

Jesus Christ this is sad

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kek why is he allowed to interview his brother
there is clearly a conflict of interest there

Attached: MySides.jpg (480x640, 12.42K)

Can we take a minute to appreciate how based Joe is?

And how fucking much people hate Dump?

Joe can barely speak.
Barely gets on TV.
Totally incoherent.

(Wait for it)


Get used to this shit, guys.

Come November, Big Joe will be your President for Life.

Attached: JoeJoeFace.jpg (862x575, 48.35K)

>Is this /ptg/?
Says the guy shilling for a jew? Fuck you, faggot.

NYC is getting blasted this hard because he stayed open 2 weeks longer than SF when he knew he was ground zero for the chink virus

>believing in any poll post-2016
Wanna know how I can tell you’re a summer child

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thats a deepfake he's actually perfectly coherent in the real version

uh no cheeto shill, he's 100% italiano. unlike donald "all my grandchildren are kikes" drumpfty

There is nothing more jewish than a democrat, Israel.

Yeah, he's a wop who banned tons of guns in NY and lost a debate to the 3rd wheel from Sex and the City

Cuomo is a fag and you're a fag groupie

>100% italiano

Get a load of this guy. He’s not Italian. He’s an American. Italian is not a race. There are plenty of chinks who are Italian. He’s a wop, nothing more, you fucking racist.

He wrote his speech using “predictive text” on his iPhone. He read it perfectly word for word, asshats.

ahhhhhhhhhh why do they have to be so blatant?
Hope you save that link for later when the race become more close.

>and that's a good thing!

Attached: SMog1GO.jpg (1062x1160, 82.06K)

It's like there's a new Joe Biden gaffe compilation every single day.

>but i already like this guy
Get help.

God that is hilarious.

look at these pathetic drumpftards buttdevastated by facts and logic. this is what happens when you let tiny short jews like shapiro tuck in your feelings at night.

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Slow Joe doesn't have a clue what's going on. I can't believe after all this time that this is the best the Democrats could conjure up.

Where can I find an actual compilation
Mix in the groping and he has a negative chance of becoming president

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it's not malice, it's just stupidity. half the party thinks twitter is real life and the other half thinks trump was just an anomaly who they can beat with anyone.