Is he just a massive troll? I have a gut feeling that he's way more liberal than he lets on and a lot of his comedy incorporates far right views to expose idealistic leftists AND blind alt-right contrarians. But it's really just a feeling. Is there actual evidence that he's a white nationalist and its not just a bit?
Is he just a massive troll...
Other urls found in this thread:
lurk more
I bet you would be amazed if you knew the actual definition of “white nationalist”
>Is he just a massive troll?
Also you look more like shit every day.
Is that Nicholas Cage?
Nigger I don't fuckin know, whatever it's called when you jerk off over the American 1950s nuclear family and hate jews
Faggot alert
You used to be semi-attractive. Shave your pube beard off and drop a few pounds. And send me one of those corona shirts.
>World Peace and Xavier were the only decent Adult Swim shows
Why would Sam Hyde come here and make this thread
Who is he trolling? What does he get from that?
Sam just hates h3h3. It’s all a bit to get that slimy Jew to talk to Sam face to face.
If you were doing comedy and found that pushing the pc envelope got you an unironic Nazi following, wouldn't you explore that?
Because you're pathetic, Sam. The world is in "lock down" but you've been at home and employed for the past two years anyway.
So go take your thread and shove it up your ass.
he's not trying to be an "alt-right leader" bud. he's a comedian. and a fucking funny one too. he could be getting funding by the adl and i'd still find his content funny.
>If you were doing comedy and found that pushing the pc envelope got you an unironic Nazi following, wouldn't you explore that?
That's not what happened. You and the Turner marketing team wanted to ride the Trump/alt-right wave (which was a bullshit media blitz in the firt place) and imply you were an "alt-right comedian" like that was a fucking thing.
It failed. Just like your shitty, boring show.
His self-shilling is down-right pitiful. I’d almost feel bad for for him, if he wasn’t the most prolific serial murderer in American history.
pretty much this. dude is funny. that's about it.
Who the fuck else is going to make a thread about you?
Calm down Tim!
Sam, I still love you. Don't listen to the haterz
Yeah he's pretty liberal. He fucked a tranny.
sam is that you?
speak to me sammy
state-enforced homosexuality might be one of your best lines
dude is funny
can't really appreciate it so much though after seeing that shit with his 'gf', those texts read like something a sexually frustrated 14 year old would type on omegle
Hurr hurrr hurr liberal, alt right, leftists, idealists, nationalists hurr hurr hurrr durrrrrr fucking shit for brains you dumb cunt SHIT inside of your skull, acting like a brain. Using energy consumed from food and then processing it into energy to come up with dogshit thoughts. Then your thoughts go out into the lawn and general members of society step on your brain. Thats how intelligent you are.
Help Charls. You fucked him over you owe it to him to make it right.
Is that Nicholas cage?
No it's your dirty tranny mommy
nah. He listens to/supports TRS. He's "our guy" if you will.
inb4 the cunt with the graphic about Sam being a pedo
What happened?
He is
Rare moment Sammy boy lets his real emotion out
>entire thread is random people accusing each other of being MDE members
What texts?
We are one people united in a social movement.
You would have to be pretty autistic to not see that he is indeed being at least semi-ironic. He is a comedian after all and a clever one at that.
He looks like hot dogshit.
He's a very funny man who let the Yas Forums memes take hold and allowed himself to become unoptical. Before 2016, all my lib friends thought he was hilarious, if not a bit controversial. My friends even dug world peace, but then he put himself in a place where blockhead joe and other zio-lib journalists could easily take him out, which ruined not only his career, but his friends Nick and Charls as well. He still makes funny vids on gumroad, but as time goes on, even I am sort of disappointed by the content. The aesthetic is still amazing, great music and visuals, but the bite that the old stuff had has just become a rehash of edgelord racist jokes. It was funny when I was younger, but now I wish Sam would evolve.
Part of it was the dynamic that Sam, Charls and Nick had. Sam was childlike in his creativity which is why Moms was probably his best acting. Charls was the one that was batshit insane so Murder Charls and Tissue Box were his best moments. Nick was serious and was a great person to cast into father like or boomer roles. Couple that with Orangy's music and occasional help from that one cinema guy they had (forget the name but I think it was Andy or something) and you had the crew.
Also Tissue Box was their magnum opus and no one can convince me otherwise.
Exactly. You don't know the definition.
Yes and he loves the state of isreal that’s why his show was canceled
even I can't imagine being this gay
Wayne Lambright is more relevant in 2020, and that's saying something. Be offended.
Does anyone have that video of Sam Hyde and Andrew Anglin sitting together at a restaurant? It was the one where the audio was really fucked up because of the background noise, so everyone was trying to figure out what they were saying.
Listen here, you weak fuckin' pussy
Mark these words, you snot nosed emo bedwetters
Yup, he's probably a libertarian if anything.
>caring what a schizophrenic comedian thinks
Neck yourself.
Why i am not a cop. This probably would happen.
It looks like Nicolás cage has had an alergic reaction
Sometimes, with sam, i can't tell if he is serious. Case in point.
Copy pasta?
What ? I noticed on instagram that Nick follows Sam/Charls and they follow him
But Charls and Sam dont follow eachother
Is there a torrent for all Sam Hyde stuff?
Stop posting threads about yourself faggot no one cares
That's Joey from Friends. Damn he's aged bad.
No shit, that looks like Nic Cage's face superimposed onto some fatass's head.
The strange case of Sam Hyde. Talented at both comedy and the visual arts. They would never have given him a chance on legacy media. Not ad-sponsored, answers to no one so its admirable and I like the authenticity that results from it. It's not for everybody. A lot of people are just weenies with no balls who get offended from anything and probably should off themselves.
Sam H is based.
he's uninronically forgotten
>World Peace and Assy McGee were the only decent Adult Swim shows
Why does he wear a neck brace?