Chink hate thread
Let's expose them for what they are: conniving, soulless, subhuman rats
Chink hate thread
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You are like at the bottom of the "know" right now.
I already hated them before all this happened
Kill all Chinese
Cope thread? Cope thread.
Just a friendly reminder:
You gotta send a pic of your bhole to your landlord or lien holder as payment for April
It’s not China’s fault the USA has shit healthcare nor is it China’s fault you didn’t close your borders, nor did China lie to USA citizens to pump up stocks
When I was young my dad told me that china could march a double file line into the ocean and never run out of people. They say 11,000,000 cell phones went off line in china. Would china sacrifice .003 to cripple USA?
Constantly remind everyone you know.
This whole pandemic thing + the quarantine/economic shutdown that where are currently undergoing could have been COMPLETELY AVOIDED.
COMMUNIST China covered the virus up when covid19 was first detected as far back as Nov last year. This could have been contained and completely prevented but they HID IT.
Spam this daily. Not only on interweb shitposts but to all your friends and family.
Watch the leftist apologize for china, document it. When the dust settles the democrats are caught making a mockery of themselves.
China pretended the virus didn't exist for a month and arrested the doctor who blew the whistle on it.
pls tell me this isn't nip
Hi ccp shill
Read this
Up yours Chink
pretty accurate of how I feel.
It's just hard for half of america to believe what the Media says
Sounds about right to me.
Go back to China chink bitch.
Dr Li Wenliang
He tried to warn the government and his colleagues about a new "Sars type sickness". His reward? Arrest.
The tried to silence him, and he literally later died from COVID19. Can't make this stuff up.
There are studies that have proven that if China hadn't of tried to cover it up, this whole thing could have been contained. Thousands of lives could have been saved.
I think you mean killed.
You need to be more clear.
Even cucked left news is reporting on how you commies are covering it up and making up false numbers.
Better luck next time XIAO XIAO.
Maybe fake believable numbers next time.
Now what will be fair reparations? Im thinking full forgiveness of western debt as a start. And promise to close down all wet markets and not to eat man's partner the canine any more.
Then perhaps you can be allowed to rejoin the civilized world.
I think they should be crushed with economic sanctions from every country
i hope to god that the chinese are barred from entering the states
Nuke the gook!
LMAO peak cope
and that everyone cutting deals with the chinese gets what they having coming to them.
This is genius. Bless op you op. Today you are not a fag
hang yourself you stupid slant
they've ruined western academia. they've ruined western manufacturing. and they've probably ruined a whole lot more. fuck them.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 NOT MUH TIBETINO 六四天安門事件 MY HECKING CIA STUDENTERINOS 天安門大屠殺 NOO MY PRECIOUS COUP USEFUL IDIOTINOS 反右派鬥爭 NOT MY RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADINOS 大躍進政策 MY CHINESE PUPPERINOS 文化大革命 STOP BEING PROLETIRINOS 人權 MUH HUMAN RIGHTINOS CIARINOS 民運 DEMOCRATINOS 自由 FREEDOMINOS 獨立 INDEPENDINOS 多黨制 MULTI PARTINOOO NOOO 台灣 臺灣 TAIWANINOS 中華民國 REPUBLICERINO CHININO 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 TIBETINO 達賴喇嘛 DALAI LAMAMINOO 法輪功 NOT MUH SWASTIKA SECTERINOS 新疆維吾爾自治區 MYY HECKING MUSLIMINOS NOOO 諾貝爾和平獎 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE OBAMA 劉暁波 HO LEE FOOK 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 WINNIE MAN BAD PRAISE ORANGE MAN OK 劉曉波动态网自由门
China did nothing wrong.
he types on his Chinese made device
with his Chinese router
drives away in his little car
full of chink parts
with his chink clothes
and his little chinky grin
china BTFO
Like why are the Chinese like this, lol?
Why wouldn't you at least try to make it at least semi-believable?
You know... "Oh hey we only have 100 new cases this week, great job guys!".
Nope, you guys literally got straight to, "NO NEW CASE, CHINA WIN, CHINA NUMBA ONE, XI GREAT WISE LEADER, STAY MAD ROUND EYE".
Like cmon... lol.
0 new cases, what a bunch of fucking mongs.
Glass China plz
i will not miss half-assed chinese craftsmanship
bumping thread that i believe in, love to my Canadian and American brothers/sisters.
Total war, oh wait, lets get our manufacturing back. Then TOTAL WAR.
fuck off you ccp shill retard. Get your 50 cents and buy a fucking rope to hang yourself.
Reminder that they're worse than the kikes, by far. All the same downsides, and a whole lot more.
A good chang is a dead chang
We need a TOTAL WAR fuck those bug people.
How far in your hunt for the "real" numbers will you realize that it's just inconsequential and for propaganda use (on all sides)?
Chinese people I've encountered in my work and travels hate pretty much everyone, worship nothing, don't know how to have fun and even hate China and other Chinese people. They love money but don't enjoy having it.
Emotionally, culturally, personally, they're just different and nearly impossible to relate to on a personal level because they're just not capable of doing it for whatever reason.
Ko game on chinks
Chinks are scavengers
well put
The Chinese cultural boom is due. You'll see Chinese companies/products coming to the West en masse in the next few years as China transitions into a consumer/service-based economy. Chinese cars are coming to the US next year, in fact.
This will only accelerate in the next decade. Soon Donghua will be as well known as Anime and Chinese video games will dominate the Western world through Epic Games, Chinese movies will be playing in American theaters produced by Tencent, and superior Xiaomi products will flood the market, causing inferior American companies to go bankrupt. Huawei AI and 5G technology is already being used by most countries in the world on a national level. TikTok already has more users than Reddit and the Zoomers who use it have accepted Chinese superiority. Want an electric car, user? Just buy a Nio at your local car dealership.
The sooner we accept the rise of China and their cultural and economic dominance in the world, the better. In 10 years time we'll be driving around Chinese cars, watching Donghua and playing Tencent games on our Xiaomi phones anyway. Stop seething over Western companies catering to the Chinamen. Their manifest destiny of world domination is inevitable. There's no point in trying to stop them now.
Kill all their men and keep the women as sex slaves to the conquest
Are chinks the easiest race to dehumanize when war breaks out?
Already want to see them die
Chinese entertainment sucks
what the fuck is wrong with these people???