Is Telegony real?
Do you have any evidece for or against it?
No it’s retarded Yas Forums pseudoscience.
Exactly what someone who got telecucked would say.
That's an upgrade if anything.
Not a single mechanism ever identified has even suggested that telogony might be within the fringes of the realm of possibility.
And we're so good at genetics that we can create human-animal hybrids, grow fully functional human organs on animals, clone shit, and create bioweapons.
So Telegony is retarded.
No, because the studies were abandoned after it was found to be real in Telostylinus angusticollis (a subspecies of flies)
ok kike
So yes to the first question, "no" to the second.
Then I guess you shouldn't have any problem with marrying a whore then?
you sound like a jew
any evidence for further reading
obviously but you are missing the point
She actually looks more like the dude in the middle. Look at the eye spacing
>posts picture of a man who is actually being what more closely resembles yhe meaning of telecucked in the english language
Is this the fabled German humor?
Yeah, it was a joke, lad.
Even if it is real, this could be a way to purify
wanted phenotypes out of the population without
genetic engineering.
It's just a picture of 3 random people on the Internet... If you're taking it seriously you're Yas Forums-level retarded.
literally how could this work?
a baby is made from ONE sperm from a man.
how could a previous partner's sperm (which would be long dead) have any impact on the development of a baby?
I wasn’t but if the attempt was to imply she looks more like the first, I don’t see it
>is Telegony real?
yes. i had multiple people in my class, where the brother / sister had different eye colors, even tho the parents didnt. thats because the mother had sex with other people before.
e.g. both your dad and your mom have blue eyes. you have blue eyes too. but your brother/sister has brown eyes.. s/he lost the coin flip. reason: telegony, cause the mom had sex with a brown eye once.
its a low % chance but it can happen.
one more reason to only marry virgins.
pic unrelated but shows how much better blue eyed people look.
the child shoud look like both of them
the dna from the first partner should integrate into the mother's dna, so the child will end up 50% the father's and how ever much % the first partner's, genetically
Now the trick is, with turbo sluts who fuck with no condom, they will become more and more like their partners, as each time a partner cums inside of her, she will integrate his Dna into her, she will look more and more like a masculine chad if she fucks chads, and more like a lesbian if she lets basedboys cum inside her
Same when she has sex with a dog, she will receive dog dna into her own genetic makeup and if she had a kid, it will show animalistic qualities, from her (a werewolf)
They cute
all of the men in my family have full, thick heads of hair. then I gave this ginger guy a bj and my hair starts falling out. I think he gave me male pattern baldness
Its not real. You don't need any evidence "against" it because there is no evidence "for" it.
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
The sperm digs deep until it reaches the brain or spinal fluid, where it injects its own DNA, like a virus
telegony is why global iq is dropping among native whites, even when accounting for immigration of non-whites. white women are fucking 100 low iq chads before reproducing has had dysgenic effects on society.
the sexual revolution was a mistake
You see the problem with German humor is you have to be at least 3 standard deviations away from the center of the bell-curve to understand it.
There is no evidence of it in any vertebrate, let alone mammals, let alone humans. There is no conceivable mechanism. It would upturn everything we know about reproduction. It would falsify everything we know about ancestry and lineage and human genetics. It's just not real, and no one in this thread will produce a single shred of evidence besides 1) there is some evidence of it in FRUIT FLIES 2) "I know a kid who doesn't look like his dad"
>The sperm digs deep until it reaches the brain or spinal fluid
Uh... what?
>Not going with the most rational answer
>Woman are impregnated while cheating with past partners.
I've had exes show up at my house and practically rape me on more than one occasion. The one chick I hadn't been with or seen for a year or two. Looking at he Facebook she is married with a Kid that looks like me and the timeline adds up to when we fucked last. You try to act like you are objectively asking a question but you post a retarded false meme.
Gr8 B8 M8
Not going to post pictures but I suspect this happened with my kid. I’ve had two partners including my husband. The first was my high school sweetheart who had blond hair and blue eyes. My husband has dark brown hair and hazel eyes, but our kid has blond hair and blue eyes.
be honest dude. have you never seen siblings that dont really look alike even tho you are 100% sure they have the same parents? as i said before, easiest thing to notice this is when they have different eye colors even tho the parents have the same.
i have seen this pretty often, especially back in school.
>no pic of the mom
I feel ashamed for replying
read her, but the link to the original article is dead
There is nothing whatsoever about your husband's phenotype that precludes him from carrying the recessive genes that produce fair hair and light eyes. Now post tits
Hey, fucktard, does that paper concern humans or insects?
>Study done on flys is proof that it exists in humans.
Read your source you retarded faggot.
Learn English spic, holy shit. What the FUCK are you trying to say?
Fair point. Though I assumed the idubbz pic related would make it obvious it's just a shitpost.
It's interesting, but a fruit fly study is far too circumstantial. If it were to be true, what's the best place to find virgins?
>bu-bu-but no studies on da humanz!
No one is going to touch this with a 10 foot pole when it comes to humans.
We're not going to see any studies when it comes to humans anytime soon.
It's very unlikely though.
2 possible explanations to this bullshit
>mom's having an affair with a previous partner
This may come as a surprise to some of you but sometimes mommy fucked the milkman.
Correction: 2 possible explanations
>Recessive genes
Male microchimerism in the female brain due to sex has been observed in legit research like this says, but I could never find anything suggesting telegony was ever substantiated. I remember this image from back in the day.
thats why i said when you are 100% sure they have the same parents. which you can easily tell. its not like telegony kids look vastly different. they are 97% or something the same. its just unlucky when the 3% are showing on the outside, instead of the inside.
if you want to test this, sequence and phase mormon family trios. Then find how often the child deviates from either the mother or father (you can even use different tissue types if you want). Compare this to family trios from the general populace of whores.
There are a lot of aspects of fly genetics that don't overlap with people, as it turns out (about a half billion years worth). Frankly I think telegony is just a cuckposting thing.
>Why doesn't my wife's son look like me?
Legit research confirms that simps cannot handle the idea of getting played by a woman so they use Dale Gribble level mental gymnastics to explain away the nigger baby.
>thinking LDS girls are not sluts that would give ASU girls a run for their money
Any further evidence that you ddnt fabricate the photo? What are their names? Also does this explain why my brother is a human-dog hybrid?
Please explain to me how sperm can make its way through the uterus to find itself in the brain/spinal fluid.
Because a lot of these nu-scientists are all nerds who will never know what it's like to deflower a girl, of course they're terrified to find out their roastie wives are incubators for sperm from 20 years ago.
I will never marry a non-virgin...
... I've also never had sex either though so uh... yeah
>100% sure they have the same parents. which you can easily tell.
>easily tell
LMFAO yeah keep telling yourself that maybe it'll come true LOL
But women arent virgins since they touched their mums vigina at birth
Only their assholes remain virgin which is why making baby in the butt safe
i mean maybe in muttmerica its hard to tell a difference, since everyone is race mixed. but here it is quite easy. same features and everyhting, chin, cheek bones etc. but eye color different.
Guy in the middle looks German, was likely born with blonde hair.
>what is theory basis exploration
>what is evidence vs no evidence
retarded faggoot
How would you determine if theyre virgins if they can simply lie to you ? The Hymen can break without intercourse and it can also stay intact after sex.
who said proof braindead dicklet
>look at my no brain
>it's me
>with no brain
>random pic with no sources
Bro telegony has only been shown to be real in very base organisms, such as flies, not mammals, such as humans.
"The new study, he says, indicates that NGF in male sperm actually travels through the female bloodstream to the brain, causing her hypothalamus and pituitary gland to release the hormones required for pregnancy."
They are talking about a protein, which was what they found in the sperm and in the female brain. It survives in the brain and leaves its DNA after the sperm breaks down. They say that just the protein travels through the blood stream, But sperm should be able to travel by itsself in my opinion.
The mom cheated, dumbass.
Yeah, in rare instances, it's massively overblown so little sluts can have an easy lie to use.
>yes. i had multiple people in my class, where the brother / sister had different eye colors, even tho the parents didnt
Fucking recessive genes, how do they work?
lol, I know its frustrating that we destroyed your argument, its okay sweetheart.
Easy. She fucked her old boyfriend one last time.