/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2751

► Detected: 785,713 (+997) ► Died: 37,814 (+31) ► Reset: 00:00:48

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 203 countries and territories infected —
— 2.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,425 different strains have been sequenced —

French nurse calls out French government

Lawsuits being filled against Bill of Rights violations

CBC investigator calls out Canadian government

28 year old doctor dies in Spain, no previous conditions

WHO official pretends he can't hear Taiwan question

27 year old in Britain dies without previous conditions

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Virus spreads through pipes

33 babies in Wuhan were born with COVID

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

H1N1 only had 18,500 DNA-confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

"Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist


01:32: 146 new cases and 4 new deaths in Argentina.
01:28: 101 new cases and 8 new deaths in Mexico.
01:13: 29 new cases and 5 new deaths in Alberta, Canada.
01:11: 86 new cases and 2 new deaths in Panama.
00:53: 184 new cases and 10 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
00:46: 84 new cases in California, United States.


► Previous:

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thanks leaf

Daily reminder that Corona Chan was created because some chink decided this looked tasty.

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What happened to argie boy?

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Guys, stop scrolling for a second and read this please.
Have you ever seen one single amerimutt who died of Corona-chan? No. Never. No such thing. Corona-chan ravages Italy, people are dropping dead in Russia, China is a ghost country... But zero proven deaths in USA? There's a reason for that
They surely faked statistics to make it look like they have some infected and dead so it would not be so suspicious. It's a global biowar, lads. Led and engineered by mutts and their masters in Tel-Aviv.

Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin, bioweapon or not, you are braindead.
America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.
I can bet my anal virginity that mutts already have the cure. They will release it as soon as economy of said countries is destroyed.

Friendly reminder that 13 millions of innocent chinese people and 1 million of russian pigdogs already died from american bioweapon unleashed on enemies of Israel.

Friendly reminder to shoot your local amerimutts on sight for their crime against humanity. After this event is over, being american will become much worse than being german after WW2. Trump will be remembered for centuries as the worst mass murderer in human history.

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Post angry roastie twitters seething that they can't go out and hunt bbc

Thanks lad
>203 countries and territories infected
I'm sure it's 204 now with Botswana getting hit earlier

good work baking leaferino. take a roll.

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Supposedly more infectious than the flu yet it only reaches 700k after 5 months?
No doubt it's way larger, which in turn means the death rate is abysmally low.
>muhh misdiagnosed deaths
Yeah, that's not a thing, and if it is it's not enough to raise the death rate. Pic related.

This 'pandemic' really won't be that bad.

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the Empire State Building is a flashing siren

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nukes dropping when?

>tfw bats will end the human race

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german doktor real talk
i'm working on an english translation

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The fuck happened CVG was gone for an entire hour for me.

Someone PLEASE post corona chan gif with new images, im losing my mind

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Doctor at major NY hospital here AMA.

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Ran out of amphetamines and research chemicals. Crashing hard. Even heroes need their rest.


Realized this whole virus thing in the west is a hoax with fake numbers and crisis actors to strip all our liberties and means of protest away as they make a controlled collapse of the economy

Girlfriend came last week to give me a sneaky blowjob before lockdown got more serious.

I don’t feel very well today.

I’ve buggered it, haven’t I?

>Dead: 37,881
lol, still only 37,881.
How many days has it been stuck at 37,881? Four days? Five days?

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How bad is it?

Which ones?

Pay me and I will do it.

>Mexico ZOG declaring Phase 3 using codewords
Syria-tier chimpout when

there's a SHITLOAD of people walking around for the last 2 weeks, its actually kinda freaky. im literally 2 blocks from elmhurst hospital riding a bicycle to south of laguardia airport where i keep a shop. im paranoid enough where im walking across the street or even in the middle of the street to avoid people (or riding in the middle of the street)

and ofc im wearing a mask + washing hands before/after getting there. but im still going through my apt bldg's common areas (lobby/front door).

im convinced its unavoidable at this point. my mom is still taking public transit to midtown manhattan and back because they won't let her take off (floor she cleans has been empty for the last 2 weeks since lockdown)

Time stamp

Why is this narrative suddenly pushed so hard recently?

why yo mum gay?

How're you doing, fren?

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They do love eating their three latter animals ending in a-t

Dr here.
if you get ARDS from CoVid-19, take OTC fexofenadine, it effectively improves eosinophil apoptosis.

eat it bigot

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Now you are goner fren


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Stay safe Gary, take some rest it will help your immunity

It's pretty bad. It's actually real. The schizos here are upsetting me with the whole it's not real thing. But they did that with Tarrant in kiwi land too so it's expected. Never thought I'd be front and center for a happening.

Sorry, I said I wouldn't RP this thread. So I got rid of it.

Thanks Gary~!

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Was it dark? Shitty taste in your mouth? You buggered it dude.

There weren't any new images. 500k was the last.

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so the cure for coronavirus is just to not test for it, lmao

all the small poor countries are not testing and they are not going into anarchy or collapsing.

its all bullshit, prove me wrong

>protip: you cant

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A time stamp of what? I'm not at work or I wouldn't be on Yas Forums. A time stamp of my house? Most people have those.

until 1m

Are you retarded like the docs at my ED? I swear when I bring a patient to them they just love rubbing their hands all over them without gloves.

>WHO official pretends he can't hear Taiwan question
Didn't want to believe it. These tactics call for an equally dirty response.

Also 2 guys in they late 20's, with no previous conditions died here in Huezil

Any pics or info you could share?

He needs some sleep

How bad are the patients? Long term lung damage?

Based fascist poster is back

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What's the PPE situation? Can you not work safely? Do you need advocacy for anything?

West Midlands but north of Birmingham by about 20 miles:
“I’ve buggered it” = “I fucked up”

Right, which is why all the people who would benefit from that are opposed to the measures being taken. Shame on you for sullying argiebro's name.

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probably chink shills trying to use America's love of liberty and independence against us by memeing conspiracies that will cause more infections and deaths.

It's working. Sadly.

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I'm good. But I'm not the type to get frustrated or feel the effects of pressure or stress. Many co workers are though. At least the drama queen bullshit of the first few days and selfie righteousness is over

Are cases in Italy falling because they've reached peak, or is there some other reason?
>lack of test kits
>lack of testing
>inability to test

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>Even CNN is admitting the death rate is lower than Fauci's numbers
>Curve in New Orleans flattened

happening = cancelled

Because it makes sense

Stay at home. Don't check your hospitals. Don't try to confirm victims' names or existence.

how many dead body's did you coom in?

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>Muh meedlands


>tfw already taking allegra every night for chronic hay/pollen/grass/cat allergies
>along with querecetin/zinc sulfate every morning and dinner time
>mom makes me drink onion juice shots every night and oregano/lemon tea

thanks doc

RT always showing us the other side of the conspiracy theorists.

Fuck off London boy

Oh look another Nothingburger thread. How cute.

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>The actual original .GIF
It's been a while, thanks!

my mom is the charge nurse for a veteran's administration hospital, over the COVID unit they have built there. any tips I should send her way? it hasn't hit hard in our region yet

TELL US THE TRUTH! EVERYTHING! Why are some NY anons saying the parking lots are empty? or that the hospital isn't getting a lot of traffic? Are bodies piling up in the refrigerated trucks?

Everywhere else in the world
“I fucked it in the ass”

Just to check you're not LARPing.



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