WTF is going on under Cuomo's shirt?

Are those his nips? If so, why are they so far down his body?
And why are they shaped that way?

Attached: EUZJU2iX0AA8QXi.jpg (1024x1023, 221.94K)

He's transitioning.

He's wired up with plastic explosives.

Is that a detonator in his hand?

He's a degenerate pile of shit

Very disrespectful


He's old, his tits are sagging

Those are suspenders because he is a fat old pastanigger and his pants would fall off his non-existent ass if he didn't have them.

Nanotech bulletproof vest

Nipple piercings

clearly pierced
what a disappointment, he's been pretty good during this crisis

Talmudic jews have 6 nipples to better suckle the anti-christ

Yes. Allahu ackventillators.

A baby is trying to escape his chest. You see they don't just eat babies they put them into their chest holes for slow digestion so the fuel can last throughout the day. This one must be an older one that can walk and is trying to escape.

Lmao, are his fuckin nipples pierced???

this seems like a threat.

It looks like pierced nipples...

Looks like his old nipples are sagging and he has barbell nip piercings

what a fucking degenerate, only the most depraved faggots have piercings

>Talmudic jew
Isn't he Christian from an Italian background tho?

What a fucking degenerate

ye, pierced nipples.

Those are lavilier microphones. He's wired up for an interview. One of them is a backup or is a feed to another network.

pirate swashbuckling nipple rings?

Autoerotic asphyxia incoming.

It’s body armor you fucking retards

>you only pierced your nips once
that's why you don't deserve assault rifles, loser

body armor

Cope harder this is about as much you will ever have on Cuomo and what is wrong those are based Italian nips the amazing thickness of his hair is what is causing this optical illusion. How are you all so obsessed with Cuomo?


Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 51.95K)

You actually might be right.

this. how can people not tell

They tape them to nipples? What is the mic in his face doing? Why can't we see a wire? Why are they trying to hide them?

Jesus christ this board is retarded. He doesn't want some Q fag to try to shoot him

Pierced and chained together to his labia

Yo what the fuck lmaooo bump

why would he be wearing armor


Attached: 16.jpg (900x900, 68.55K)

He's Scaramanga from the man with the Golden Gun.

>pretty good
He hasn’t done anything.

I hate that faggot more than anything but he's drinking based Dunkin Donuts coffee.

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That is a table top mic the lavilier mics are there for a back up, or going to a different feed, or being used to record the audio live for later playback. The lavilier mics are clearly not taped to his nipples they're much lower. The wire is there under his shirt connected to a transmitter most likely on his belt or in his back pocket. I'm a sound guy. I've live tv, live events, commercials, and small low budget movies.

Why the fuck would he have such sizable nipple piercings? Those are the ends of a piercing on either side of his nips, damn near all nipple jewelry has ball ends

Attached: 1578789408231.png (600x533, 102.77K)

nipple jewelry

Attached: eiei.jpg (649x500, 39.79K)

he's got whore holes in his bitch tits, lmao

Reptile nipples

Looks like those nipples you see in certain cowgirl art that are parted in four

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-03-28-at-9.34.56-AM.png (1875x572, 1.5M)

Except he just got caught lying about the thousand ventilators he was hiding in storage when he blamed Trump he didn't have them

Attached: 554.gif (220x205, 82.29K)

Nipple piercings or suspenders.

(Sub Knots)
(Sub Knots)

Pic related fellas, compare these outlines.

Attached: nips.jpg (385x512, 38.42K)

They're pierced

>Those are suspenders because he is a fat old pastanigger and his pants would fall off his non-existent ass if he didn't have them.
It's this. You can even make out the hardware.

Look at all of you get excited at Great Grandpa Cuomo's nipple piercings, lol faggots.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 11.26.50 PM.png (746x748, 707.79K)

You can't see anything on this thumbnail pic, phoneposter

Hairy Italian nipples

Attached: 7391D452-BED7-4670-AD42-A8D4D1C74352.jpg (590x676, 80.57K)

My GF has nipple piercings. I fucking love it.

Why? What's wrong with normal nipples. Pure, warm, milky skin is better than metal chunks.

They look like they were piped on with a bag of icing.

>someone get me some ar500 pasties
