do you not realize how fucked we are
Do you not realize how fucked we are
What’s this we shit faggot I’ll be dead long before then
Cmon Coronachan hurry up
They are going to stave when the west collapses, so it wont happen.
Do you not realize how often timelines change? Anything could happen when you start manifesting reality with intent.
Well yeah if you keep feeding them
they are going to bum rush our borders is what they’re gonna do, but moral fags will tell us not to shoot them
Stop giving them money, close the borders. Easy.
I came to post this, africans are alreadybfar beyond the carry capacity of their agriculture. The second the west stops being able to subsidize their unlimited growth, which is happening soon, africa will descend into an orgy of bloodletting never before seen on earth.
>2017, before the land of AIDS was struck by nigger chink batbola
Wow I’m sure their superior health care will rebound their population after this. Niggers truly are unstoppable
Not to worry, when there are no white people to feed them, the african population will self cull
Duke Nukem
Fake news.
once whites decline beyond level required to support the third world they'll simply eat themselves. true whites who adopted appropriate wartime postures will survive, repopulate. the cycle continues.
We can't feed 3 billion Africans.
And since the fall of Rhodesia and SA, they can't feed themselves either.
The sad part is corona wont effect them nearly as much as it effects europe either bc of climate.
By 2100 Africa will be a province of China and niggers will be an extinct species.
Why do we pretend africans are some rare few? They creep up everywhere they ought not be. I live in denmark and not only have i been stared down by a nigger woman who wanted to fuck me. But niggers where i grocery shop. It’s one thing if they have no places to be.
Only if we allow the globalists to colonize us with them. If kept in their containment zone it could be great entertainment
Dumbest organisms to ever exist. Literal crypto-hominids from the land before time.
Just educate the women on feminism.
>ignoring the chink developments pouring into africa
Most africans are alive because of gibs. Their population levels will crash the moment the gibs stop
Africa, like it's national animal, the Ebola virus, will burn out and die before it can be too big a threat
How are white people going to feed them when were extinct though?
Don't be so pessimistic.
i hope the chinese colonize them asap.
500 million Indians ans 500 million Africans dying could only be a good start.
>and that's a good thing
I do. Fuck nigger feeding boomers.
No kidding. There is no rational argument to further their existence in any way. It just slows down human progress and threatens our safety and stability. Lock them in Africa and have them figure it out. I don't give a shit.
What if the elites import a billion BBC into the west and there is no recovery because white girls are sluts?
Only way they rush the border is if we brought them here in chains
I am fucking the rare one here. Not that i want to go to other place and claim it. But it’s like everytime internationally they see an african Face as if it’s a fucking unicorn. And i’m like should i tell them that just i the what 54 countries in africa near double people of any kind in every european country. More niggers in usa than ppl in Canada. US niggers could fucking Annex Canada. The funniest part is nobody has done more for their being niggers more than ever. Than the selfsame that niggers accuse og genocide and trying to Wipe out if some thug get shot by police. Biggest bullshit artist. They werent rare either this misconception stems from usa where probably 98% of them have no understanding of the conglomerate planetoid or global ehnodemographics. And if i gave them say Pakistan population 200,5m by 2018 census and a map with no names on and they could not find it. They think usa is the world with 327,5m in Europe 711m india china 1,3 1,5b. It is a Big world niggers 1,2 b just in africa. If you see niggers thinking it is rare you have a logical defect
I'm sick if this shit. Did you see those wall to wall caravans of Indian motherfuckers in the news the other day? How the fuck do people breed while living in literal shit?!
These people are animals plain and simple and their proliferation is a fucking negstive draw on the planet.
Like pigeons they shouldn't be fed in the park. Like deer, they need to be hunted seasonally.
I'm sick to death if these useless subhumans taking over the planet by sheer numbers at the total disadvantage of everyone else.
Pandemic, take the wheel
What the fuck are you saying? This grammar is horrible.
This, I, and everyone I know will be skeletons in the soil long before that. How the fuck can you give a shit when you have ceased to exist?
Oh stop it deutscher. Stop talking like a jewish supremacist. Every group should be preserved and have it good. Maybe we should execute sloths for being lazy? The animal. No group should have to jump through hoops to justify their own existence. Maybe they should live in a society they prefer then we can do tech stuff etc. It is not one size fits all. As Long as it is separate society what problem you have with them? None.
white people need an israel, only one that's easier to defend. like an island
wait let's just take back the UK
Please tell me more, I do believe what you say is true, but I have no way of controlling it and have been wasting precious time, could you guide me in any way?. I believe seeing your message was no coincidence and happened for a reason.
>Every group should be preserved and have it good.
Niggers and jews must be annihilated the rest can be managed case by case.
There's a non-zero chance a fifth of all humans will be dead by 2020.
A world of nothing but Africans does sound great. No wealth inequality to cause fighting, just nomadic peaceful lives, like the Indians used to have.
We really should make aquatic tools and throw them and some sort of flipper arms into the sea by the thousands so the seals and whales can start something
Good thing people won't be able to tell that he can't wipe his ass.
Disaster for mankind.
>oh we're fucked guise
>We're so fucked up the ass guise
Pointless to explain the part of the group you are to make sacrifices to make nation and place and all this you take for granted. Piss it all away and give it to others who do not deserve what your people made for you. It is epitomy of a spoilers brat who shit on his parents effort. You are crown Jewels. Sole heirs of the multigenerational efforts. And you let some dumb jew rob you of your identity and what rightfully belongs to you. Whilst giving it to others and rallying others against. Do you go take a shit on your grandfathers grave too.
Africa still hasn't figured out how to stop ebola... Most of Africa still thinks HIV is a conspiracy theory & or curable by having sex with virgins.
The idea that Africa is surviving Covid is highl laughable. We're talking about a group of people that can't farm without white assistance.
About as fucked as they were, but Iluvatar smiles upon us. These corrupted beings, bastardized attempts at creation will sink back into the abyss.
>Doesn't believe in reincarnation and he wont be put back on this earth as a dirty African or a white minority in nigger world
Why do you think we subconsciously care about this stuff? Because we never leave. You're here for ever, in a never ending cycle.
They aren’t going to survive the next year lol.
I'm just gonna stop giving aid to Africa. Just let them die already.
The serbs waited until 2/3. Why wait kosovo now
Humanity has to decide what groups are worth saving,
Africans are at least a million years behind and certainly less quality than humans.
Resources will become more scarce and should be allocated to the best groups. Nothing different than triage, and the fact that whites are the minority means that 99% of all resources must go to them for that reason alone.
There is no benefit of having blacks exist for any reason. It is simple gardening. Eliminate the weeds that are overly abundant to preserve the important plants. Niggers are parasites.
of course you pathetic racists only read the headlines... there's photographic proof of him summoning an orb of dark magick in the bottom left of your pic
>there's photographic proof of him summoning an orb of dark magick
Planet of the apes was prophesy
Then stop the international welfare program
He's saying his fellow euro-cucks think highly of and put on a pedestal every nigger they say as if they are a unicorn and he is upset at this since there are more niggers than white people and it is stupid to think so highly of them.
I doubt it will be 1/3. They dont use factory farming, same with fishing, it's all small boats and nets.
We trade foreign aid for their minerals so when that ends they are left to fend for themselves. Right now one of their biggest markets is electronic waste, certain areas are literal garbage dumps dedicated to recycle every bit of scrap from junk electronics. It's sad but the land is fucked for anything.
Its to get their resources. What should be done is just taking them by force and driving the apes into the sea. You don't clear a jungle by feeding all of its predators.
I think nothing will be changed cause of that.