Hypothetically, if a full blown race war started tomorrow, and you absolutely had to side with one race to fight the other: Which race do you side with?
Hypothetically, if a full blown race war started tomorrow...
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I guess I’ll have to side with the niggers since I have brown hair and eyes
It has to be a different race from yourself. White/niggers/yellow chinks
I'll just chill and smoke my weeds and wait for all you fuckers to Destroy yourselves then step in and claim what's left
You must pick us Hispanics. We have white DNA. 82% in my case. It’s the only rational choice
I usually just root for whicever side is whiter, so be whiter than your enemies and you have my support
Based and 3rdpartypilled.
As a half black half white mutt I'd side with the asians.
I'd get them to teach me karate maybe even how to craft superior steel folded no less than 1000 times and in time hopefully they would toss me a 5-6/10 qt 3.14.
I'd stay home because the race war won't involve whites, but every other race that has hated one another for time immemorial
What is Europe
White fascism is a slippery slope, if you help the blondes they turn on you after you helped them. You will be the new niggers
One drop rule
Glow harder faggot.
>race war between Asian chinks and niggers
I would choose the chink side
As opposed to what? Living among actual shitskins? No thanks
If you pick Hispanic that counts for both Iberians and Central Americans
Yes. After they kill the meds they will kill short blondes, ugly blondes etc
I don’t think they will
I live in Chinatown so I'd be like Tom Cruise and become the honorary samurai.
I guess I'd side with Slavs, they are not really white but pretty based and don't mind fighting
I'd pick the trees.
Put your faith in mortal men and watch they terrorize in trust
Not if you choose only those with significant Spanish blood who disavow their savage side. There’s plenty to go around
Are blacks going to rebuild and work? Fuck no.
The one that wants to kill the jews.
>After they kill the meds they will kill short blondes, ugly blondes etc
Are you fucking retarded? In MANY cases that would mean killing your own family, children etc. That would never happen.
fucking BTFO
Um, I'd go with latinos.
I'd fight for Trump. Even die for him.
You fool you don’t get to choose your side in a race war. When it hits the streets and your door gets kicked down by a raiding party you better hope it’s not the wrong side. Pacifism is a privilege of the protected
There won't be a race war. There'll be a slow decay.
But can you swim?
That’s not the point of this thread.
He’s saying hypothetically
I’m white but I have brown eyes and hair.
I’d have to side with the niggers cause of one drop rule.
The blondes might say they’re my friends at first but after we kill the niggers I’ll be the nigger for no being pure enough.
I’m 50% British and 50% Swiss-German ancestry. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Take a guess.
The blacks that are accepted into white society in the US are far better off than the ghetto trash. Do you really think blacks would be better off left on their own. History says no.
I stand with Israel
With sand niggers probably
The German side of my family has been in the US since the 1760s, nice try though.
You're a mutt. Hard to tell.
As a white person I would side with Italians because they at least have some white admixture even if they’re mixed with Africans and Arabs
I’ll take being a northwest euro-mutt over being polluted with mud genes.
the absolute cuckery displayed by willing to live your life as a second class citizen
I'd pick my family and friends which would happen to span across multiple races : )
Eh, that's your choice mate, still sad you try to play it off as "pure", when you're clearly a mix.
The Khanate will side with whites.
are mutts the same race as Krauts.
It's a race war. RACE war. Exactly HOW MANY sides are available for you to take on a RACE WAR?
hispanics have no stake here and will flee back to their countries as soon as any kind of civil conflict starts up in the states.
You don't get to choose, your skin color decides.
Gotta defend the Israel and the jews. It's in the Bible.
LMFAO What if I have a bunker no one even knows exists though? While you idiots are prepping for death, I was prepping for survival
Are you shitting me? Even non racist whites will side with the niggers
Nobody likes you incels
My own? What're you, fucking retarded? Do you even know how race wars work..?
blacks would not join the fight either but they would defend themselves. most of you own nothing except the clothes on your back, can't rely on you in a fight for the states.
Prison rules
They will be allowed to live. Just far away from us.
>That "dude weed" mentality
Spics are certainly better than niggers and usually don't act like chimps. Plus they're usually 50%+ european ancestry anyways
>skin color
jews aren't white
Ok then. I’ll side with the niggers.
U don’t own the non racist whites and wanna live right next to them
beaners, they are usually chill as fuck and respect white people unlike niggers and jews who openly hate white people
beaners make good food, are homogeneous and don't lust after other races womens like niggers and jews, own most of the western hemisphere (mobility), hate niggers, drink beer, understand eugenics and know it's a process that happens naturally and not (((forced))), are in tuned with nature (gardeners, agriculture workers, animal husbandry,), like rock and roll, like hamburgers, etc...
roof koreans
The only correct answer
Easy choice here
I am a spic so I don't choose I get chosen, I won't fight next to niggers, I'll consider moderate blax but they have to prove they're not feral, I'll also exterminate low IQ and feral spics
One drop rule mofo
Get over here with us niggers
Based cunny video :)
The idea that someone who sat around during the fucking helter skelterboo smoking weed will summon the willpower when it’s over to take over the survivors is laughable