Baby Boom Incoming?

New-fag here

Looking Back at History Baby Booms were caused after wartime,Diseases, Death,Recession or generally during times of societal Stress.
That's because when we are faced with events that make us think of death as a possibility, we start to think of life and what we want to live for. Hahaha but also get ready for a mustache man to appear for when Recession is announced.

Right Now we are under Societal Stress or more specifically a whole lot of us are experiencing Cabin Fever. And right now Girls are getting Really Really Horny being Quarantined and isolated at home.
Femoids Don't Even Realize What they're primitive estrogen bodies are signaling.
you can observe this rn on social media.
>Zoomers Rise UP and Get yourself a QT GF!!!
>inb4 the Leftover Millennial Losers catch the Drift

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Other urls found in this thread:

If this shit ends before summer, everyone's getting laid.

I've had all but the niggress gf.
The no self esteem gf and devout christian gf are the way to go.
Both need validation and a constant understanding of their needs to be met. Psych girlfriend will just leave because acid told her to.

That's some nice bait you got there, op

Words of wisdom, user.

The chaos that follows the pandemic will last at least a year, after which women will find husbands because their useless service/admin jobs won't exist and safety will be more important than empowerment. Especially if American businesses leave China and build in the US again, God willing


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I married no self esteem gf. Would recommend.

Also, no OP

A little quarantine won't allow Zoomers to have more babies. It'll likely have the opposite effect

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I too think this pandemic will lead to a variety of long term social consequences.
I just hope we don’t see an increase in government overreach once things start to return and the masses are still scared.

There will definitely be more births in dec/Jan just from isolation. More if it keeps going on and trapping people indoors.

It’s not about you and your neet friends fucking during/after this. It’s people with nothing to do but sit around and fuck for weeks.

You are still destined for wizardry

>tfw no gf

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Solid advice.

Theres always a baby boom in 3rd world shitholes

It's the opposite, retard.

People can't go out and meet someone to fuck. If you already had a girlfriend, you wouldn't just get her pregnant only because you're in a quarantine

Being stuck at your home lowers 99% of your chances to meet the girl who will give birth to your children

>tfw want a gf
>yet I know women are pozzed
>im a neet incel coomer
>any girl who meets my standards by default would be out of my league
>too much of a weak zoomer bitch to improve myself
>coronachan basically squashed my little business
>back to square one with no gf and still a coomer

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Except me

Remember the movie Osmosis Jones? There's a scene where the antagonist is talking mad shit about how ebola is nothing but a cold compared to him. Were I a media-savvy user, I'd pitch the voice up to female and track a Corona-chan face over his.

But I'm not, so I'm just gonna leave the idea here and hope someone is inspired to do it.

no government has ever seized emergency power and then handed 100% of it back

everybody's all
>muh lonely
>muh no gf
>muh birthspike
>muh divorce spike
but the important thing is
>increase in government overreach
be on the lookout!

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I didn't get a breeding partner in time

>Lol, I'ma just get laid like everyone else
not fooling me, You fucks will get fat. that goes for everyone that says that stupid shit.
people went into this as pussies,they'll come out as fat pussies

Psy gf pls

Let me guess. She turns a blind eye to you cheating and puts up with your abuse and toxic behavior? Men like you just want slaves. You don't deserve a gf

I screwed up I didn't pair up in time
I might if impregnated my friend
But with my car broken I can't get to any pussy to breed and im staying with relatives

I miss having my own place to fuck whores.

If it doesn't I'm raping bitches

Stop being a degenerate, get a decent job, date a single mother then marry and impregnate her, you fucking incel.
That or remain a porn addicted coomer forever

Is this your first apocalyptic experience? Most people have no idea how to productively spend their time like we do. So they're going to FUCK. HARD.

Incoming coronababies 9 months from now. And yes, people have been meeting in the soft quarantined areas, and there are quite a few couples living together.

I might breed a prostitute tomorrow see if I can talk her into sex without a condom and cream pie her pussy

And me.

IN general After an event of stress. in general, as a species we tend to experience baby booms.
after 9/11 as well as the Oklahoma City Terrorist bombings there was a marked baby boom.
you are a fag.
right after this quarantine is over mark my words people will be flocking for relationships.
they would not know where it comes from but it is an urge people feel and they just can't explain.

i provide links for evidence. try to refute me fag

condom shortage also looms, it's inevitable

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Youre disgusting.
Fucking loser

What is with normalfags and gorges? That's all my old group of friends could ever talk about.

Been planning to move and have a child in august.
Saved a lot of money but Corona chan might fuck over my savings account.
There is legitimate concern that Wife might not be able to conceive, so im putting a child in her in August despite whatever happens.
We are nearly middle class but live like poorfags because you dont need money to be happy.
T.making about 40k in a leftist shithole

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Good for them, I guess. Honestly, trading away my time and life for some "meh"tier american whore seems like a wrong trade.

I don't see a viable way to pass on and preserve my genes without kidnapping and raping a white woman until she's been made "good"

There are no possible circumstances under which I will get laid. I hope to die. Goodnight.

Damn, I was thinking the same scene yesterday... great minds think alike.

I hope so, but I still think it's unlikely.

All this virus is doing is fucking up the economy. We raise your children to live in the best standards, in standards higher than our own, and this isn't helping

But we can hope. It's not like America out of all places needs higher birthrates

Lol me too buddy. No gloves, no masks, going all over. I don't give a single fuck about my life, or yours.


>leftist shithole
Play the system and get public assistance. Do a little tax evasion if you have to. Niggers do it so why shouldnt you?

There will be a baby boom. It's going to be 99.9% shitskins.

is that your wife?

i want to start a family but women are so insanely vapid and boring. i get plenty that come onto me, but i don't see how people stay sane dealing with one 24/7. do i need to become an alcoholic to make their bullshit tolerable or what?

pretty much.

Being a porn addicted loser would be better than marrying a single mother.

garbage males attract garbage females.

Also the Low confidence gf can be a gift or curse.
It depends on how good you are at being a role model. They are most often depressed and degenerate as hell, but if you have the patience of a god, they will eventually model themselves on you
>gf was a degenerate emo landwhale , complete bottem of the barrel
>removed her from the source of the problem, took her to live with me
>5 years later she became a Yas Forumsack tier tradwife, makes jew and nigger jokes , still a whale but lost 60lbs or so
>married in October

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Yeah fucking MAN UP and date a single mother you fucking incels!

>tfw no hoodrat gf

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>date a single mother
>you fucking incel

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For me it’s light skins.

Not all are monsters with BPD like they're portrayed to be. You've read too many reddit horror stories. And many of those are larps to make single moms look bad anyway. Plenty just had bad luck or the relationship with their ex didnt work out. Many were abandoned or widowed. I know handsome and Chad tier men who've married single moms. Not many of you have that many options anyway. Unless you're wealthy. In which case, your relationship will be a transactional one with a teenage goldigger. Get real.

He’s saying that cause that’s the only option you Yas Forumsack cucks have.

Move to somewhere in Asia.
you could live cheaper and more comfortably here a lot of westerners are already calling Philippines home.

And ruin your genetic lineage.

gee I wonder whether or not you're a single mom

hahaha excuse you.
there plenty of QT White European girls here ^^
i got you ass beat boy!

Count me in, checked

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The boomers break the world Thus ensuring the next generation of boomers is born.

what about the tomboy gf that likes running around a muddy trail on a rainy day? how do I find a girl that enjoys that

Thia may be the best political compass ever.

I hope you die of cancer cunt

Tfw bot post isn’t wrong but its Mad Max on the streets.