So no money to pay for rent, but money for earings, tattoos and bleaching hair. I think the Founding Fathers had it right when they said, "No land = No vote".
So no money to pay for rent, but money for earings, tattoos and bleaching hair...
if you don't have a land patent you don't own the land you're on
Tatts and body modifications always scream out a big message:
>I’m really fucking poor, and I take whatever small amounts of money I can gather as a poor fuck and pay an artist to mutilate me.
>So no money to pay for rent, but money for earings, tattoos and bleaching hair.
Sounds like my ex
Can't wait for houses to become affordable again.
Earrings, tattoos and bleached hair are not overhead recurring costs, you literal retard
if your worried about paying your mortgage then you don't own land either
This is one thing I never understood about most woman.
Constantly spending money on hair products that do essentially nothing.
Dyes that you can't tell are even in unless you you're shining a bright light directly on their hair.
I can understand having things looking/smelling nice, but they really do bring it over board.
this ferengi rule of acquisition. 11/10ths of the law is possessing the item in question.
The fact that that faggots vote cancels mine every time kind of pisses me off.
Where are his muscles?
you guys are going to look dumb when the virus starts dwlindling in a month
Hard to build muscle when you are a student, don't go to the gym, and eat onions.
Methinks he dost protest too much.
Am i? My state government already told me i cant get evicted for 90 days. And seeing how courts are closed and marshals who would enforce said evictions are busy / sick landlords are shit out of luck.
They'll be getting my rent payments on day 89/90 and theres nothing those money hungry kikes can do.
There is nobody gayer in the entire planet than people who use "methinks". That is the single gayest phrase in the history of man and you are gayer than even the gayest of thr gays. Remove that gay phrase from your fagcabulary and then remove yourself from existence. Fucking faggot.
>Every asshole takes advantage of not paying rent for 90 days
>"lol, take that you Jew landlords!"
>After 90 days, and when the virus subsides, every asshole starts to get evicted by their landlords and now can't pass a background check to rent a new place
Yeah, this sure is a winning strategy.
Listen to this man. He's a certified expert on gayerness,
wow! three whole months without rent!
How do you expect to rent a new place, finance a car, get good a insurance rates, or get a mortgage if you have shit credit? Some jobs even base hiring decisions based on credit ratings. Already have a job? I've gotten some former tenants fired by repeatedly subpoenaing their employers for wage garnishment purposes.
>muh background check
you don't scare us, dumb kike. there will always be places to rent.
>be useless loser
>expect everyone else to pay for you when your lack of preparedness effects your life.
>keep my trumpbux in mattress for 88 days
>day 89 pay rent
Are you retarded or just pretending? When courts open up they'll throw the case away seeing as i was well within the law and all debts have been paid in full.
Jokes on you, my credit is already shit and seeing how things are going everyone elses will be too.
Well, don't the americans have NEETbux?
Why even complaining, the government is paying if you're out of job anyway...
What's even the point of this?
Where are yours?
But if your rent is due and you money for either that sick back piece or the roof over your head, you have a decision to make you literal retard.
Rent isn't overhead you literal retard.
>Jokes on you, my credit is already shit and seeing how things are going everyone elses will be too.
90% of renters are going to make rent. Why? Savings, loans, and unemployment insurance. Soon the $600 per week Trumpbux and $1,200 stimulus will add to that. In my state, tenants are required to provide evidence of COVID-19-related financial problems 3 days before rent is due in order to be protected. Out of my 4 units, not one tenant sent me anything and rent is due tomorrow.
In California, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits replace up to 50% of lost income, up to something like $100K. Plus the Federal government just passed Trumpbux, which is a one time $1,200 check plus $600 per week for unemployed people in addition to state UI benefits.
>What's even the point of this?
They are literal commies.
All rent seekers are kikes.
Newfag get off my board REEEEEEEE
While tattoos and piercings are a waste of money I don't think these people are out spending their money on it now that they've lost their job due to coronavirus, I think they had income with enough to support themselves and one day used their surpluss to get one. Now that there's no cash flow they can't afford the rent.
And before anyone says "hurr durr save up for 3 months extra rent" even still the money would be better spent on food and supplies since no one knows when they're getting money back.
I'm all for paying what you owe but landowners are generally kikes who don't do any real work and just have literal free money for investing in land. And nothing wrong with that if I could have any job in the world it would probably be that since it's just sit back and collect and ignore any issues people have with the house, or pay a landlord to do all the actual work for you and then you literally just collect.
Shut up boomer. Youre gonna die soon regardless you old faggot ahahahahha
t. Old boomer kike in faggot california
Ahahahahahahahahaha at your """"""""""""""""life"""""""""""""""
Still going to be homeless when your landlord forecloses.
Evictions will take years
Faggot. Bet you dont even have 100 year subsurface mining rights to your property
I'm 34 years old and Catholic. My """life""" is very swell right now, minus the statewide stay at home order
> not having funds for rainy day
Fucking pathetic.
When are the $600/wk coming? I have some savings but am filing for state partial-unemployment soon (still have hours but reduced) should I wait to file state unemployment?
Underrated post
>tfw neither rent or own, just live with parents for free
>employment was not negatively affected by the corona virus
>will enjoy reading all the threads about seething communists getting evicted after the courts open
That's crazy that unemployed people are going to make more than some of us still working
nobody knows but you have be get approved for state UI benefits to get it. Why are you losing money by not filing?
Is that a stock faggot photo or is that the actual guy and he went out and posed for them
Well I am still getting hours at work albeit they were cut by about 30%, I know you can only get a certain amount of weeks of unemployment so I was thinking of waiting to see if they get cut more (like completely). I know you need to file state to get federal so I don't know if I can still get federal after my state runs out
my employer would sue you until you fit inside a flower vase
UI has been extended to four months by the Federal government. UI is a Federal program run by the states.
>34 year old boomer
enjoy your stone lungs
>that motherfucker has enough money to bleach his hair!!! string him up and hang his ass now!!!
Land of the free everyone
In the USA, a judgment creditor is legally permitted to do these things to collect.
>I think the Founding Fathers had it right when they said, "No land = No vote".
Well, goy, the land isn't for sale. I can offer you a very generous lease though.
This, fuck property requirement. If anything makeca net worth requirement. If you're a debtor you get no vote.
and in canada my employer would legally assrape you for wasting their time.
although im getting the feeling that youve had some dead beat renters.
fucking retard. you had so many legitimate criticisms to make of the faggot in the pic, yet you chose the ones that he probably spent money on years ago, and so your whole point is 100% invalid. you are a failure op.
There's a reason why I'm not a landlord in the Land of Trudeau. If I couldn't go after deadbeats, then I wouldn't rent to possible deadbeat. I would raise my rent and only rent to people who have good jobs they won't leave.
I’m not hear to excuse tattoos and other stupid shit but if you don’t understand cash flow I can help you
Back in the 1940s and 50s, apartments, and apt. dwellers, had a reputation for immorality.
I remember driving with my Dad, a low-life drove by with chrome wheels, jacked up rear end, etc., he says, "That turd can afford that BS, but probably doesn't know where his next meal is coming from."
This was about the time I realized that I, in fact, did not know everything.
Shut up you old faggot. You are literally gonna die in the next few weeks and you are spending your time itt ahahahahahahah you faggot
Yeah, a 35 year old Yas Forums guy with no underlying conditions, yep.
You're probably fat or have asthsma. You're the one that's gonna die.
Does this mean pol is going to refuse to pay their mom and dad their dues of "walking the dog and putting away the dishes" ?
dont worry, people under 25 have the lowest turnout of any age group.
This. Why give power to a bunch of people with no vested interest in the country? I can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard some whinging onions say they want to move to another country because real estate prices are too high here. Do you think I want those people so willing to bail and full of spite dictating the direction of this country? Sorry champ, but if you don’t own real estate you’re not a 1st class citizen. Get invested or get fucked.