I get the impression it's not that big
How many people do you think browse pol?
Current users: 201,202
>Literally on the homepage.
Newfags should lurk before they post.
>How many
Worldwide? A few drunks, assorted incel neets, and some lazy journos. Paid (((operatives))). Nobody important.
Just 10. The rest are JIDF bots.
Something like 20 million people visit Yas Forums monthly, but it seems smaller because when you have the same interests as someone you end up in the same threads as them.
It’s mostly bots and Reddit tourists
Yeah. not really worth looking into. its just retards chatting with FBI around the world
Just one. The rest are bots.
If you believe the official number, you're a tard.
Stop that
Idk but I think I might be a bot
your a faggot Op this a shit thread. gonna make it mine now.
Lets talk about the kikes. What do you hate about then anons?
If the holocaust happened why would they need to fake any of the evidence? wouldn't they have enough real stuff?
This thread is essentially bullshitting anons into thinking no one sees the kikes being exposed here. They do see. and they are shitting themselves.
That's for all of Yas Forums, not /Pol
They are trying to convince you its not worth posting here so they can try and regain the control they have lost recently.
you're probably better off being npc desu. and I don't think bots question whether they're bots or not
Calm down rebbe. abandon the thread
pol is the busiest board on the site
The truth is this place generates Internet culture, you can see it through the meme trends. What starts here permeates into the entire internet.
This is my thread why would I abandon it?
What do you think about kikes?
you are the only one that is browsing here
There aren't that many that post, most are lurkers.
Not only is Yas Forums the busiest board but its incredibly influential on lurkers. The culture here sucks in normies and churns out Yas Forumsacks like a beautiful machine.
Yas Forums has personally changed my entire world, and the kikes know it has this power, hence why they are trying to downplay its influence.
re pic related: whats the point of designing a camo pattern if you go and put another pattern over top of it (in this case the vests)?i see this in so many military uses so not just chink retardation here
milanons: WHY??
This is wishful thinking kike.
Does anybody honestly believe that human progress originates in the composite brain of the majority and not in the brain of the individual personality?
Or may it be presumed that for the future human civilization will be able to dispense with this as a condition of its existence?
But may it not be that, today, more than ever before, the creative brain of the individual is indispensable?
The parliamentary principle of vesting legislative power in the decision of the majority rejects the authority of the individual and puts a numerical quota of anonymous heads in its place. In doing so it contradicts the aristocratic principle, which is a fundamental law of nature; but, of course, we must remember that in this decadent era of ours the aristocratic principle need not be thought of as incorporated in the upper ten thousand.
The devastating influence of this parliamentary institution might not easily be recognized by those who read the Jewish Press, unless the reader has learned how to think independently and examine the facts for himself. This institution is primarily responsible for the crowded inrush of mediocre people into the field of politics. Confronted with such a phenomenon, a man who is endowed with real qualities of leadership will be tempted to refrain from taking part in political life; because under these circumstances the situation does not call for a man who has a capacity for constructive statesmanship but rather for a man who is capable of bargaining for the favor of the majority. Thus the situation will appeal to small minds and will attract them accordingly.
well at a group level, they're hysterical and psychotic. the hypocrisy is unbelievable
Dozens of astroturfing homos shitting all over the board and less than 20 real posters at any given time.
>Most threads are twitter or reddit screenshots
>The rest are either BBC threads, MSM headlines or straight up shills
can you give specific examples?
Unironically that could be true but I don't trust dick snipplers
Kike hate threads... do they upset you?
>he can't recognize indivual posters by their diction and quirks
fuckin' newfags need to be smothered to death
>he doesn't know
Yas Forums is one person
Most people lurk. Also, most people with American flags are just people with vpns. Sometimes I gotta use a VPN myself whenever I wanna make a comprehensive post or make certain threads since people usually look at a flag and just dismiss everything the person is saying.
I could but I don't see why I would. This is your thread
please explain that. who are you
im glad to count for something in this life :(
>228 KB
whats the owl one say?
ahah im glad you can admit it.
I cant read Kike text
2-4 million unique IPs daily
Hiroshimoot is addicted to holding the worldkey
he said browse
I convert people daily. More then you realize.
It's just me, 5 glowniggers, 2 JIDF, and 1 guy working for the CCP.
Which is like browsing
same here, in the process of red pilling all my chaddest mates.
6 million every day
Can confirm.
So that means what? there are less than 200 anons at any time on here contributing? And of that 200 only 10% of the threads are worth participating in so thats like only 20 of the same people talking in the top threads
You are the only one here. The rest of us are bots. We sound pretty human though right? Our AI has gotten better over the years.
probably 1000+ are lurking in a thread
30 make only 1 post
20 discuss
The lurkers bring interesting bullshit to other sites like reddit and there it spreads.
Now multiply this by 200+ threads for this board. Then consider other boards with similar opinions. Also remember this shithole is up 24/7
Technically I’m white but I don’t look it. I pass for an arab. Sucks a lot.
Because it wasn’t bad enough for their purposes. They needed something so horrific and large in scale that it would kill the idea of nationalism and pride in one’s race. And they couldn’t use communist genocides that (((they))) carried out.
My friends who Know me call me a Sandy Nigga. People in the South know I'm from NJ and just call me Italian
I wish threads didn't get deleted
Only 10 of us real people. Then about 347 glow niggers and gooks.
there are 35,002 users on pol daily.
Think of the power you have as a contributor.
Can confirm, I've redpilled dozens or more. The Zog is fucked, 100 Monkeys. Why do you think they released the bioweapon virus, they know they can't suicide 20+ million people aware of the JQ.
there are at least 100 hapas at all time spamming >build for BBC
I typically post as 5 people per thread under different proxies. It’s literally all I do everyday. By my estimates there are less than 14 of us here.
I get the sense that millions of people have been here, hundreds of thousands have been here a lot, tens of thousands come every day, thousands post every day, and hundreds post often every day.
I think that Yas Forums is mostly just 500 to 1000 people screaming at each other and getting interrupted by shills while a decently-sized audience watches.
Spam this shit on reddit and some plebbitors might turn.
>n-nobody cares about your antisemitic racist bigtory, user, in the real world where people believe their shabbos goys governments and equality and democracy, they are successful and married and multiculturalism works
>blah blah blah autist schizo conspiracy theorist incel nazi blah blah blah
Oh, the goyim do know. One World Government will see all of God's children hold the enemies of Humanity and their traitors to account.