Christchurch shooter

This retard ruined the internet. When will these Wignats fucking learn? He gave the left everything they needed to increase censorship. Press S to fucking spit!

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Other urls found in this thread:

U don’t have to be racist to have friends on the internet
I’ll be your fren :)

We lost in 1945, tarrant is a good boy

>This retard ruined the internet.
I think you would be talking about James Fields. He did far more damage to internet freedom of speech than any kike patsy could ever wish to achieve. And also, it was Crusius who got 8 chan shoah'd, not Tarrant.

>The mag glitch

Fake and gay

>I want to appease the left.
Fuck off.

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Exposing Yas Forums to normies was a fucking mistake.
Wignats are also retarded and want to larp as fucking revolutionaries. Most of these kids are 18-21yr retards who don't have a clue about how anything works. The idea that you're going to go out and shoot up random number of civilians and start a revolution is absolutely retarded. These guys have never read books in their fucking lives, man

All of these Wignat shooters were retarded. Tarrant was too rash. Earnest was a brainwashed neonazi. Crusius was a cringey incel. Fields was an autist.

Tarrant did nothing wrong. you mad nigger? you mad newfag?

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>Only cucks fight back

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he did nothing wrong except love too much

He led to censorship, retard. He hurt us more than he helped us.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is Jewish
Enjoy your echo chamber, Wignat.

He led to censorship, retard. He hurt us more than he helped us.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is Jewish
Enjoy your echo chamber, Wignat.

Maybe he should've used that money to get married, have kids, and support nationalist groups instead of being a cringe shooter. Now he's spending the rest of his life in a cage like an animal.

>Exposing Yas Forums to normies was a fucking mistake.
I've been using Yas Forums since I was 13 (in 2011). I only started to frequent this site until I was 18/19 in 2016/17 and I can tell you this site was already flooded with normies and redditors before Tarrant ever appeared on the scene. The only thing that Tarrant affected as far as the internet goes is getting his video/manifesto banned in New Zealand to the point of arresting people over owning/distributing it and leading to a post-Dunblane style crackdown on guns there. But if you don't live in New Zealand, then chances are, it doesn't affect you. His impact was mainly catered to some literally who island in the South Pacific.

>He gave the left everything they needed to increase censorship.
That was the point you fucking retard, he is an accelerationist. He wanted his actions to have ripple effects, because he thought most people were already willing to surrender their rights. He knew that doing so would get that sort of reaction.

I don't know OP, seems like he ruined 51 sand niggers a lot harder than anything else. That seems pretty based.

brenton didnt have a mole

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>He hurt us more than he helped us.
>double post

ok nigger

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You don’t understand what point in history you’re in

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[spoiler] Stop arguing with shills, soldier.

kill yourself cuckservashit
Censorship increased steadily without a hitch before Tarrant, you dumb retard.
You think they'd have left you alone, you imbecile cocksucker?

And what exactly did that shit accomplish? All it did was make it so the right cannot spread their message.

You obviously don't
Also, Hitler was a retard who destroyed Europe. If you're an unironic nazi, you're retarded.

He made the right look bad. Wtf did making the right look like unreasonable killers accomplish?

Nigger, it works better if you don't sperg 8 replies in 23 posts.

Why did he plead guilty? How did that benefit him?

Ot is always the young idealists. Revolutions start with grounded people at the helm.

Cool battered wife syndrome argument, OP.

>you can't ever rise up against the kikes and their brown golems, just play nice and hope they don't use state power to crush you

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>Anyone who disagrees with me is Jewish
You sound like a limp wristed leftist when you say this shit jew boy.

He realized what a retard he was for even doing it to begin with. He probably realizes that he was a retard living in an echo chamber.

Digits say that's not the real ISIS logo

Are you intentionally trying to sound like a kike shill or does it just come naturally?

Nigger get paid the more he post, still mad about the collosal shitpost you should kill yourself nigger

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More than any so-called conservative political party has, before or after.

Everything looks bad to brainwashed normies. If it wasn't him, it would be something else (even a false flag like the dude that killed the land whale a few years ago).
Normies rationalize child murder, I hardly give a fuck what they think is morally right and wrong.

Go away, Wignat. The grown up are talking. Go larp as a revolutionary on gab, or something.

He knew he's wasnt going to be allowed to use his trial as a pulpit, he's telecommuting to the prison from his cell and they can just turn off his monitor if he gets uppity. Plus he's been in solitary with minimal interaction with the guards and his lawyers. That fucks people up after a couple of days, and he's been doing it for a year. They probably promised him better conditions and he just accepted it because there wasn't anything he could do anyway.

It still doesn't serve the interest of the right strategically.

>He says, larping as someone who is going to do anything at all about the problems we face

What message? The "right" is a bunch of faggots.

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Imagine thinking the censorship wouldn't increase annually regardless.

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Someone obviously doesn’t understand accelerationism and didn’t read anything he wrote. Lurk moar

Again, that was part of the point, I'm not saying I agree, I'm saying that censorship and the removal of rights will eventually lead more people further away from those trying to censor them along the political spectrum. Piss off an average normie conservative in that way, it increases the chance he will vocally oppose those restricting him. All Tarrant did was hit the gas pedal.

Anyone who praises this fagot is worse than a nigger. That makes you one of two things.

Those who publically support Mr. Tarrant are either 1) retards: in which case , we don't want you anyways.


2) shills
Yes, white nationalist do, indeed, think that senselessly killing dozens of women and children is a cowardly, chickenshit thing to do.

Standing in the same spot is a lot more helpful in reaching your destination than walking backwards, bong.

Accelerationism is retarded

You're a literal faggot shilling like a hook nose. And one day you're going to get your jew skull cracked open. It's coming.

Ight so you are a shill/glownigger. Yea bro let’s just keep sitting in the same place, things will change eventually Bro’s!

Sage and move on

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>killing dozens of women and children
Better do some more reading before you post here kike shill.


Unironically kill yourself and take your faggot spic Fuentes with you, cuckservative

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Lol. You Wignats are absolutely retarded gorrillas. Seriously, go read a book, meatbag. You're good for Canon fodder, not much more. You need people like me to think for your trailer trash ass.

No, like every other person that put a video on the internet he did it for personal attention. I don't think many people debate that. He did it because he thought it was funny and the left used it as an excuse. If they didn't have Tarrant to blame, it would be someone else.

Been doing that since 2017...

Try harder, woman.


Y'all subscribed to pewdiepie, right?

As much as they may have deserved it shooting up the terrorist recruitment center didn't cause enough damage to the (((agenda))) to make it a net gain. Practically nothing will at this point short of high-profile assassinations and the few people who have bothered to try have all failed because those people know exactly what they're doing and have the security to shield themselves from violent interjections. I get why Tarrant did what he did, but it was a bad idea.

So the answer is to go out in the street and shoot random people???

S lmao multiple Yas Forums's btfo

Of course

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Based Nick is building a movement and nationalist infrastructure for the first time since America First of the 20th century. Wignats are literally just coping because they are utterly irrelevant at this point

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Fair assessment. Still not mad at him.

god bless you brenton tarrant

Wignats are too low iq and don't know how to move pieces on the chess board. They have a hammer and everything looks like a nail. Totally grug-brained.

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We passed the point that this was going to be all happy and clean a while ago.

If you can come up with a viable, peaceful solution then I am all ears, but so far all you seem to have is "just let it happen. Doing anything about it makes us look bad".

Hope he gets ass raped by a negro. Fucking piece of shit

>Women and children
You realized he didn’t kill any of those right? Just sand-creatures of the deep


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A nationalist movement of mutts, retards and niggers

But whatever, it's America, so do your thing

Very fucking based.

here's no point in arguing with these retards who praise brenton, you'll see so many of them in one off post say ingnothing of substance because a lot of them don't actually care about furthering the cause of a white ethnostate, they have nothing else going on in life and want to bring everyone down to their level of misery so they cheer on degenerates like brenton who bring on some level of catharsis from their otherwise boring and mediocre lives

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“Support nationalist groups”

Brenton Tarrant is a Hero and it's sad they are starving and torturing him.

Pretty much this. Men who have things to lose (careers, wives, children, social standing) aren't the ones going off doing this stupid shit. It's always these antisocial incel types.

How many towelheads have you expelled from our country today?