I hope you mutts have good insurance. In advanced countries they do triage based on age and overall health. What's that, you don't have level 3 Premium Gold Deluxe insurance? Too bad, that respirator is getting passed on to 80 year old Bob Boomerton, he still has a good 5 years of life left in him to go on caribbean cruises and yell at the TV, and he will fill the hospital CEOs pockets! Too bad kid shouldn't have been so lazy, you should've looked them in the eye shook more hands.
Teen Dies From American Healthcare System
Other urls found in this thread:
>Noooo not much heckling spicarino!!!!
Who cares
What would an urgent care do for a covid patient? Call an ambulance or go to the ER.
So what? Urgent care couldn't do anything for him anyway. He should have contacted his local hospital, they have to treat him.
Just curious - in Democrat ran California, why is something like this allowed? Can't they pass state laws to not allow this? Aren't they also one of the richest states? Can they not set the examples they try and say that everyone should follow?
Tldr I have good insurance and it covers my wife and her son, too. Fuck off
>urgent care
>a hospital
nope. Urgent care isn’t a hospital. The kid was told to go to an ER and the retard didn’t. fake news
Already proven to be fake.
The nurse made a hard decision.
Public hospitals have to treat a patient. If you walk in through the ER they can't turn you away.
If you tell them you will pay cash, they will charge you the non-insurance rate which is much lower.
It is illegal for an urgent care to deny an emergency patient.
That's not the law's fault, it is the company's fault.
that's not how liberalism works and no state can go it alone. if california turned socialist and had generous social programs people all over the country would go there
hehe - bro, but they are going there - and their new laws that let ppl loot the shit out of stores and shit in the streets seem to be appealing to homeless.
Could they not do it similar like us - if you pay taxes or under a certain age, can seek treatment at a public health care facility?
I dunno. imagine when the parking lots are full and you have to go around checking for dead ones.
Why didn't he go to the doctors house and force him to free healthcare?
Stop going to America when you need medical care.
watch these dumbasses change their toon when they're affected
guy says we should abolish the media and we can't survive without the church
typical #rwnj. fucking idiot
This. The teen was a fucking brainlet.
If you go to a real hospital, they have to treat you regardless of your insurance status. It's not that hard to read the massive boards that they put up in the waiting room.
Insurance is for the weak, a real man doesn't need it.
Should have had better insurance maybe would have lived if his parents cared, what race?
How is this bad news
There is medicaid in CO
Bad for anyone who doesn't have health insurance, who catches the plague going around which many seasoned experts are predicting everyone will get.
It’s not that it’s allowed so much that California is full of the dumbest spics, even in all of Latin America. All of the retarded ones managed to get smuggled here whether through a coyote or their mother’s meatflap hole.
it could be the perfect storm for the idiocy republicans have cultivated for decades.
why are so self righteous that if you tell they not to do something because it's dangerous. they'll do it out of spite. the left should be telling them not to use infected masks
guess the chinese really are better
wait until it hits capitalist india
Fake news
Doesn't sound like that happened.
If the right can't do anything right... what is it for?
Urgent Care Centers are not Hospitals. There's a huge different. Hospitals are required to treat people regardless of if they have insurance or not. Urgent Care Centers/Walk-in Clinics have a completely different set of rules.
Urgent care is anywhere between 75 to 150 bucks to be seen by a doctor, if you can’t afford that, you’re a nigger.
Urgent Care wouldn't have been able to do shit for COVID anyways, he should have gone to the ER which can't turn you away for lack of payment, that's what Mexicans do.
>yeah this is a free clinic you need to go to the hospital asap
>waits a week
Hey, fuckwit. Urgent care facilities are nothing more than private practices that specialize in simple procedures.
The retard should've gone to the hospital ER, like an intelligent person.
Darwinism at its best.
Not even possible, you can not be turned away in the US. Take your liberal propoganda elsewhere.
Methinks Obamaleaf has forgotten getting his ass handed to him over and over here, and why he left in shame and despair before.
Its either a lie or something else is a foot, you can not be turned away from a hospital, if you show up you must be treated to the best of their ability... everything everyone has told you about american health care is a lie... let that sink in, litterally everything every democrat and outsider has ever told you is a lie. You get treated no mater what, and if you cant afford it, its free.
I dont want gross homeless people in my hotel room, gross... but litterally get a real image if this is true not a photo shopped one.
How's that Mueller thing going?
Yas Forums jannies allow this fake trash but delete threads about chloe middleton
>maxine waters
Are you legit retarded? lol.
I suppose that explains how dumb your takes are: you're reading fucking *Newsweek*! That's like CNN in print.
Based Idahoan!
it was reported by others too
Fake news.
Oh fuck off retard, ignore the fact the WHO gave people a false impression of this virus when they were spreading Chinas propaganda that it was non-transmitable to humans. I watched people from both sides and almost every country not take this seriously enough. I fucking hate partisan fags like you.
Because New York and California are known for hardcore conservatism.
Fake news
there 1 sure way to know. as time passes we'll see
if rightwing states/ provinces do better, the same, or worse
well you can certainly see the priorities of the left and right
someone was talking about the holdout states. the ones who refused to take the medical community's advice are now getting scared and doing what they recommended.
fucking fake, it is illegal to turn anyone away, including non-citizens and criminals