Leftypol Humor General

Get in here Comrades!

Attached: Leftypol humour.jpg (500x500, 83.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This whole thread is a Marcusian performance art piece. Behold the one-dimensional men.


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Delete this fucking thread right now

Attached: end this.png (1000x1000, 345.4K)

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Attached: commie leftist nigger future at least there isn't any private property.jpg (1000x914, 106.72K)

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Lmao, you pathetic commies never fail to make me laugh with your “leftypol humor threads”

Face it, the bourgeoisie will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it.

Attached: lose-weight-without-gym-618x381.png (618x381, 77.82K)

Poor little white boy

Wow so funny, did you made those by yourself?


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Attached: modern leftist versus Soviet conscript.jpg (768x768, 39.37K)


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cry about it faggot.

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Who was the USSR's best sniper that the White Death killed?
Honestly want to know, thanks

>when ur gay commie thread dies but u still gotta shill for CAPITALIAM

Attached: MarxHonk.jpg (640x405, 23.01K)

No i just collect memes

Attached: EHiFoZv-618x497.png (618x497, 186.06K)

Show your flag, queer

I want to know how much of your ass you're risking for your fucking lame-ass shitposts

BTFOd.... everytime


Attached: 1585610179188.jpg (1200x630, 31.84K)

the left can't meme

Shit memes, kys faggot

At least you didn't have to show people your private parts for them to think that you're funny. I don't think anyone wants to see your privates.

Attached: ClassyLady.gif (500x280, 946.85K)

Is there a risk to shitpoasting?

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what the hell are you talking about? Unfunny faggot.

Sometimes, I have an undying sensation that I could have done something, anything, better with my life.

It comes and goes, though.

> politically correct
> humor
Pick one.

I always have that feeling the question is what to do now? And why do I keep doing this?

Never go to jail, hombre.

You'd have a bad time.

This is true except that hill is much to tall to reflect reality.

> lefty
> humor
Hehehe nice joke, for once.

Attached: 1f27f92b9524987d52111d58ef38af131d0cd172.png (1711x1080, 688.74K)

>Ooooof.... eveytime


I Chinese.
I diseased.
My head 2 feet from my knees.
I say prease.
I rike breeze.
I spread virus when I sneeze.
Who am I?
I Chinese!

Attached: 1584329732746.jpg (905x1280, 66.09K)

Read Marcus Aurelius and start keeping a vegetable garden.

If you find no innate joy in that, die quietly, by yourself.


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go back to lefty pol you commie faggot

Attached: IMG_1451_edited.jpg (1014x1024, 252.97K)

Back to bu.nkerchan!

Attached: back off leftypol.png (515x581, 181.16K)

Attached: pyongyang-1950s-pyongyang-now-chicago-1950s-hopefully-trump-asked-for-43822650.png (500x652, 193.37K)

the fuck does cummunism have to do with gymnastics???

Attached: communist nigger fags.jpg (2662x2464, 1.88M)

This is a Merchant thread now. Post your merchants.

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rofl. pyongyang it's literally a ghost town

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>Wow! He's JUST like me!

Attached: this is legit what a slav looks like dying for jews just like amerimutts.jpg (414x416, 41.12K)

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go away retard

This proves leftest are just kikes play things

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that's so unfunny it aches.

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hail agenda 21 hail agi

Attached: hail agenda 21 hail agi.jpg (320x320, 24.62K)

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True lefty, reporting in.

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