Pastor says God sent coronavirus to kill Jews

Is he right? Is God based?

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Wouldn't be the first time God got tired of the Jew's shit.

God sent Corona chan to kill the vampire jew pedos and the chinks.


I mean... we're at peak degeneracy, peak atheism, peak muslims everywhere, etc.

Why wouldn't he send a plague to erradicate them all? Plagues turn people racist and nationalists. And nobody wants to die so everyone turns to prayer.

One of the first people in the USA to die was a pastor, although he belived everything was a hoax, so either God is killing everyone without any distinction (Christians will go to heaven anyway) or he wasn't a good pastor.

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Is there any doubt left at this point?

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Why do the Italians die and not the Jews than?

Have you seen what these people are doing?

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Based Rick. I sure hope he is right

If I'm supposed to believe in their god, how in the world could I NOT think that at this point?

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I've considered this a whole lot... The shit seems to only be bad in degenerate areas.

This is the party that Booed the name of the entity they claim made them special.
You tell me.

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damn right.

>Rick Wiles of the website TruNews has continued his far-right conspiracy theories around coronavirus, now saying that coronavirus is God’s way of “dealing with people who oppose his son, Jesus Christ.” That is, Jews.

This is why media headlines are retarded. "People who oppose his son, Jesus Christ" does not translate to "That is, Jews" but the people who don't read the actual details and take the title seriously will ruin this guys life.

Ironically this is exactly what Jews do. They smear your name, drag you through the dirt, go after your name, then your job, then your privacy, family, livelihood as many times as they can. Ironically it's evangelical boomers who think Jesus will be reborn in Israel and that it must remain the Holy Land is the reason the far right loves Israel so much.

I can't judge, I will say that, but if the question is open ended, perhaps there are things to be considered.
How about,
>we defend everyone of our blood line, no matter what they do that violates the laws of our god...
How could that even start to make sense by the claims their god makes in their written texts?

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not really

Time will tell if he sent it specifically to kill jews, but he’s right that it was sent.

Jew coup, Jew flu

who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

He's the best pastor ever. Love that man. Also, Jesus loves YOU.

trunews w/ rick wiles is fairly based

>60 KB
>Pastor says God sent coronavirus to kill Jews
So God sent it to China first?

Chinks are yellow jews, so yes

What will the jews do when God eventually takes New Babylon from them like he did Babylon and Sumeria and Jerusalem and Sodom and Gomorrah?

God has been trying to kill the jews for several thousand years.

Jews are already doing a great job themselves. They don't need g_d's help.

>Oy vey the goyim tell us that we shouldn't congregate during a viral pandemic!
>This is very anti-semetic!
>We're going to continue practicing our satanic blood libel and nobody's gonna stop us!

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Why would the lgtb community be triggered by that I wonder?
It's almost as if lgtb and Jews are interchangeable.

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Get slaughtered as the last verse of Revelation 19 says.

Revelation 19:21 KJV
>And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

fuck that was funny

You tell me.

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>or he wasn't a good pastor.
From what I understand is the pastor was knowingly and willingly using a Jew edited version of the Bible.
I think it was a NIV or Scofield bible or something like that. You know, those ones that say Jews are God's chosen when the exact opposite is true.

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Here's the clip

Check this one out

This guy is immensely BASED

Why does it matter that he's credentialed by the White House? The jew york times is credentialed and they push daily blood libel against whites

Here's the Pastor's take on abortion



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Who the hell has a Hillary Clinton avatar in 2020? It's been like 4 years since she ran. Get over it

Nah, it to kill the whitey. Jews are white too

if this is true, I'll be a believer

Its fake, never trust a Globohomo rainbow avatar

The Plague absolutely wiped out one of the most pious generations of man that ever walked the earth. People of the middle ages were hardcore Christians and true believers. God didn't save them. When he comes to punish the Earth, he doesn't discriminate.

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>60% of Corona cases in America comes from Jew York

It checks out.

God sent the Messiah to do that. The virus just sets the stage.

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And that feeling is mutual.

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I would like to think so

>god sent coronachan to kill gods chosen people
what did god mean by this?

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Lucifers' children...the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares...look it up...wheat and tares look a lot alike until harvest time....think (((Kenites, Old Testament))), (((Khazar converts 700sAD in Khazaria)))...LARPing and deceiving up until this very day...

/our pastor/?


is only kill amerifats

>Is he right? Is God based?

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>we're at peak degeneracy,
We just hit it with your post. Go back.

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1300 was the devil being loosed for 1000 years

he's a fucking retard from CBN no he not right he's a stupid fake christian faggot

So... The tower of Babel all over again?

I don't know where to post this but 100's of ventilators were stolen out of a Michigan hospital and a Chinese man was arrested with them. They were all children-sized ventilators too. What is this world coming to and how low-down can someone ever be?

God works in mysterious ways.