Because it seems to me Trump will lose to Biden in every scenario.
Convince Me Trump Can Win 2020
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Just killyourself right now if you really thought this and it isnt just a.bait post.
COUMO 2020
>Because it seems to me Trump will lose to Biden in every scenario.
Thats because you have an IQ of 85 and fpbp
Not bait. Explain it to me in the simplest terms. Trump is sabotaging his reputation.
The debates will be a disaster. Biden can barely put together a sentence.
Trump’s approval has only gone up from corona.
You're right OP. Frumpf is finished.
He’ll lose to Biden but refuse to leave office and purple hair commies won’t do shit.
Trump is building a legacy as one of America's greatest Presidents ever.
Joe Biden has a legacy of being in D.C. for 45 years and never accomplishing anything...and the guy is such a gaffe machine that the Media is terrified to even put him on the air.
Whats more, he's not even got the nomination YET and the Dems are begging for another candidate to replace him already.....there is no scenario where Trump loses. Period.
OP is probably on to something. Democrats will use this situation against him. You can't really blame them because politics is dirty. Enough people will fall for outlandish shit ( Bernie's student loan debt and Trump's wall)
Joe is senile. Not sure what else your scenario takes into account, but that's a pretty big strike against him.
I'm riden with biden nigga
He gets so much pussy!!
We all know America will just LOVE to elect a Pedophile who can't keep his hands off of ittle girls' nipples.
Why are u teasing these retards here?
You’re gonna make trump win by doing this
You gotta reach out to them not antagonize them retard
There won't be an election, the United States will have collapsed under this pandemic and the resulting economic damage and social unrest by November
who is this biden guy again?
>use this situation against him
Trump has already used it against him self. Bigly.
Trump cannot win. It's beyond obvious.
Sabotaging his reputation? Dude... His approval went up during all of this, and now he's getting everyone together to fight China, while Dems are having trouble to hide dementia biden, and when Bernie is out Trump will get his "Clinton's email" weapons. Plus all Bernie bros (which this time ARE A LOT) are not going to give in and they'll stay home.
There is literally no way for Trump to win, he just got fucking impeached dude, Trump supporters are NOT going to stay home while liberals are mad at the DNC so they won't go vote.
Lots of people will go for the "Evil I already know rather than Evil to know".
Okay Chapotard, back to Plebbit complaining about Landlords because you're a broke loser.
Convince me it matters.
Biden is Hillary policy without the "first woman president" hype. He has no chance. Sanders voters are going third party, even more than they did in 16, and that's half the Dems right there. You can't win an election with half of a party.
>imagining a world where the USA collapses but Australia hasn't turned into real life Mad Max months before that.
It’s not about who votes, it’s about who counts the votes.
>Sanders voters are going third party
Some of them voted Trump after the DNC betrayed them in 2016.
More of them will do the same in 2020...because the DNC's political fuckery simply never changes and now its just an every day thing, anyone with the ability to objectively review it will come to the same conclusion...the DNC doesn't care what its constituency wants at all. The DNC expects its constituency to follow and fall in line with the whims of the party.
Thats the difference between Trump and Biden, Trump expects the Republicans to fall in line with the will of the people. Biden and the DNC expect the Democrats to fall in line with the will of the party.
You're not wrong, we're facing the same fate. It's just Burgerposters seem to be in total denial about it, pretending there will still be an election at the end of the year. The whole world is facing collapse.
All Trump has to do is win either PA, MI, WI, or MN to win; any combo of a two or more, or even all of them could easily happen with a shit candidate like Biden.
I think this is what it'll be.
At some point Biden is going to have to prove that he can move around and think, that he's even fucking alive haha
Dems have already conceded 2020, look around they're trying to prevent an election from happening and if it does they want it to be entirely from "harvested" ballots with virtually no means to check validity. This is some 3rd-world shit.
Fuck these people
How much do you get paid to post this shit? Or do you do it for the keks?
You must be a fucking moron.
Have a drink, we'll make it.
I'm more worried about the war China is going to cause when they annex Taiwan than I am collapsing from this pandemic.
This really isn’t the place to gauge if media saturation is working.. btw, you’re obvious
He's going to win because I saw it in a dream. Lol. Nah he's going to win because he's loved by most people, if you believe otherwise it's because you fell for the MSM tricks of amplifying the voices of the haters.
Seriously, questioning this is so normie tier it's not funny and you're either a shill or got lost in your way to reddit
Biden wont even be the nominee
>Dems have already conceded 2020
2024 is the real election.
May as well have a guy with dementia in charge of a nation killing itself over the flu...
Biden is fine in the debates. He spoke eloquently and concisely compared to that orange showboat.
Everybody knows Trump thought this virus was a hoax and delayed a comprehensive response. 100k people infected in US and 2k civilian deaths on his watch.
Compared to what Trump has done, these kisses are nothing.
Trump is putting this country into another recession in large part because of this virus.
Joe is not senile; he is perfectly fine. He just has a stutter.
Trump is an actual pedophile.
Trump has destroyed this country and is the least popular president ever. People are turning out for Biden just because they know how messed up Trump is.
>Biden is Hillary policy without the "first woman president" hype.
Biden is a return to Obama's policies which have saved us from that Bush-era economic crisis. If Bernie supporters don't like Biden, it doesn't matter as centrists/moderates have more than enough people to beat Trump's cult.
Trump is sabotaging the entire country and everybody is pissed. Not a good look for an election year.
Florida is going blue but otherwise nice map.
Biden will be the nominee because the only people in the race are him and that commie nut Bernie.
>Trump thought this virus was a hoax
>that amount of cope and projection
Just fuck off redditor.
>>be me
>>minding own business in the sun
>>hairy legs turn blond
>>out of nowhere, Corn Pop!
>>asks why my son got paid $17 million by Burisma
>>i grab my trusty pool chain, it's whippin' time
>>swing chain with all my might
>>Corn Pop dodges and asks how me telling ukraine to shut down investigation into son is different than what we are trying to impeach orange menace for
>>now listen'ere fatso
>>Corn Pop is triggered, gets down on belly
>>oh shit, pushup contest to restore honor
>>Corn Pop pulls out Stanford-Binet
>>oh shit, iq test time
>>imma get you now Corn Pop!
>>try to do pushup, break blood vessel in eye
>>can't see shit and can't to do iq test
>>get up and sniff little girls head instead
>>corn pop gives up, must have friendship ritual
>>rubs hair on leg, mesmerized by the whiteness
>>I leave with my pride intact and go stack spaghetti sauce at the supermarket
>>Corn Pop dies
>>Damn you Corn Pop!
>Tfw all you can do is play out of context statements and hope for retards listening to believe it all.
Like fucking clockwork
>Yang drops out
>Bernie getting skullfucked in the primaries
Such blatant shilling. The country has been better than it's been for a very long time for a vast majority of the people and the only thing that disrupted that was a global pandemic that the majority of Americans think he's handling just fine. Even (((polling))) has him doing well in this regard.
Take your shareblue pennies and fuck off.
The only thing Biden is better at is grooming probably, and I don't mean his hair the dirty old bastard
>trump still dominating the narrative
>trump making policy
>could tack left or right causing uncertainty (and opportunity)
he's unpopular and making tons of mistakes but biden's not really capitalizing on any of it. we'll see how the voters react but incumbent advantage is huge and biden seems pretty out of it. don't trust social media to give you an accurate picture.
Neither will live to the election. Cuomo will fail to convince enough people and won't be on the ballots in enough places.
*BERNIE. Lose to BERNIE. Senile Biden and retarded drumpf won't win this.
Biden is going to be in an assisted living facility by November at the rate he's deteriorating.
> Convince Me
no, thanks.
Trump deserves them more for his incompetence.
Will be your President in 10 months.
Not a Bernie supporter or a Yang supporter.
Biden can win races without capitalizing on anything other than his position as Obama's VP.
This is the best we can do folks, this is what we have to offer
Biden literally has dementia and raped a woman in 1993. Democratic turnout is going to be shit and the Bernie bro crowd will vote for Jill Stein if they even bother showing up.
Yas Forums doesn't care who wins the election OP, they're both two flavors of the same shit, so why would we want to convince you of anything
super cuckold brainwashed redditor or just another larper?
I like Biden because he makes Trumptards seethe.
Get fucked
>listen'ere fatso
>not look, fat
you had one job
Maybe we will luck out and both of them will succumb to Carona Chan