Will this people always bitch about something?
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I dunno most of these SJW types are the same people that think Drag Queen Story Hour are a good idea so their messages are super mixed up.
SJW's still exist in 2020?
>Will this people always bitch about something?
Yes. You're just now figuring this out?
I don't think they're going to "cancel" shit. The people Square is counting on will buy this, regardless. No old fan of FF7 is going to bitch about Tifa being "hypersexualized". That is just fucking retarded.
Here's the 20,000 IQ take. They didn't reduce her tits because of flaming American faggots. They reduced her tits so she would be more in line with the average, uninteresting Japanese woman in an attempt to get the Japanese to breed.
Uh yes. It's their purpose in life. To bitch.
Keep doing what you do japan. God bless
She still has bigger than average tits than a normal Japanese girl, unless the girl is thicc.
Cutscene from the game, flashback of Tifa and barret
>Will this people always bitch about something?
Yes. In case you haven't noticed, the end goal of social justice is not to right wrongs or help people, but to assert control over something. Women worked in the game industry for decades, but it wasn't until the 2010's that fighting sexism became important to anyone.
This exact scene and choice is in the original game. What the fuck is wrong with people?
what's an SJW?
They gave her the black bra thing precisely for them.
Companies should stop listening to SJWs and their allies who do not even buy the product.
>put a bunch of fat dykes on video game development teams because muh diversity
>be shocked when they veto anything that portrays women as feminine or attractive in a non-masculine way
fuck letting women into men's hobbies. they destroy everything they touch.
SJWs hate women with big natural tits, and also tell you that every woman is beautiful.
Exactly what I was thinking.
>dont objectify women
>people should have sex with as many people as they like and YOU’RE all going to pay for our abortions
Cowardese for "Feminist."
I wanna bust a big nut in Tifa's pussy.
the funniest part about all of this. is if you go back to the recent reveal trailer and listen when Tifa appears, you hear many many women scream in joy over her appearance.
Thats the funniest part.
The SJWs hate tifa and want to essentially make her ugly, shrink her tits into raisins, and maker her a twig/hambeast that one-shots everything OR ELSE!!!! But actual women like tifa just fine and there's PROOF of it.
Its just hilarious at how far these people go just to shit on something.
So do is like like a choice? If i click something hard i get double D tits?
Yes, they will ALWAYS BITCH ABOUT SOMETHING. This is why it was pointless to reduce Tifa's breast size by 30% and give her a fucking workout bra underneath her white tank top. Legit Tifa fans didn't want her to be redesigned that way and want to see her like she was originally designed like all the other characters were designed as well. This is why no one cared about the Advant Children Cloud redesign. It was pointless and stupid. No one asked for it. We all asked for a fucking REMAKE of FF7.
Honestly they should just fire the entire "ethics committee" that was on FF7 and tell them their jobs are based on bullshit non-existent fan that were never going to buy the game, and bullshit politics. Send those poor bastards home and tell them to learn to fucking code.
I don't mind if they section the game into different releases,
I don't mind if they need time to pump it out as long as it is GOOD,
I don't mind if the do some minor changes as long as they don't fuck the Materia battle system design essentially.
But STOP FUCKING with the characters already. I'm already positive they are going to make sure Yuffie doesn't have her shorts and classic top because of these fucking social justice warriors.
Square deserves to lose money if they keep listening to them and making these changes. It also makes fans realize that Square won't be able to handle OTHER remake projects fans are hoping to see. Pic related.
tifa was always a disgusting blacked roastie whore and aeris was always the patrician choice. the romance between cloud and tifa was a massive cope from developers and the characters themselves and it made cloud the idubbz of the franchise.
Faggots are frightened by girl tits, film at 11.
doesnt even matter, feminists bitch about it when they wouldnt even buy it in the first place but they are the ones that push to get media attention, pushing them to change the game. They could retcon Cloud thirsting for Big Zack Cock and Tifa being blacked and the eternal Yas Forumsirgin is still going to buy it.
They're just programmed by Jews to make society as shitty as possible.
Omg she's going to be TFS' Tifa.
>Why does my mouth taste like paint??
Don't listen to this cunt. It's Social Justice Warrior. People that piss and moan about imagined social injustices in a self righteous attempt to inflate their ego and win brownie points with their fellow SJWs. Almost exclusively refers to leftists.
That's a hilarious point though
>Social justice lefists: How dare a non 3d ficitional depiction of a female be sexualized!
>Also social justice leftists: Tell they young boy to wear a short skirt and twerk on the stripping pole! In real life
The paradox is resolved here when you realize they're basically acting out of their own insecurities, jealousies and personal tastes. They get insecure seeing someone else be sexy so they want to find a way to drag them down and make them stop. But they want themselves and who they like to be seen as sexy instead, so they fluff them up.
They're trying to basically control perceptions of what's attractive and control sexuality for their own sake.
They already nerfed her tits. Fuck it mebe she just needs to be FtM
Oddly now the girl from the first scene, with the armor looks better, wish she gets to be playable in the game.
I'm pretty sure she is just wearing a sports bra and its compressing her tits.
If anything, they'll bitch she isn't MORE SEXUALIZED. Tifa's always been the sex-appeal character.
I don’t get this, they REEEE about anime tits but somehow they love the shit out of a show like NigFlix’s Sabrina which show underage sex, drinking, violence and nudity
Damn. She looks like she’s built for BBC, Big Boomer Cock.
Good. The character remodels look like shit anyway.
What happens when some people go nuts over trap cloud? SJWS gonna bitch, claiming LGBT people perpetuate rape culture for not liking god awful looking american women?
Jessie does look good. But Jessie was always fully clothed.
Good. Tifas tits weren't nearly big enough. It was a disgrace to the legacy and deserved to be cancelled.
>Hacks electronic systems
>Stays up all night making bombs that murder thousands
>Actually wears armor
Jessie was always the best girl.
You're going to be really disappointed though.
Take that ableist "humor" somewhere else. Where are the jannies to delete this kind of thing? I'm literally shaking rn this isn't okay.
Your entire post screams niche retard
I don't even know what the fuck you are babbling about.
>Tifas tits weren't nearly big enough
that is the purpose of leftists
They have no reason to be alive other than to destroy
Super Jewish Woman
>Jessie was always the best girl
>Jessie was
I have to agree. It's gonna hurt. And then Aeris. Man all my faves are the collateral damage.
>people are dying and losing their jobs but SJWs still find time to bitch about anime tiddies
Only the dead know real peace
Stingy Jew, just like "bump" means cocaine
Yuffie was hotter anyway.
based CCP shill
Get yo ass out there and tow those cars nigga!
They'll applaud his "coming out trans" and the "stunning and brave" scene where he's raped by a man as "destroying stigma" then bitch that he took the dress off later and didn't spend the rest of the game on his knees begging for hot loads to swallow.
>every body is beautiful!
>Women should be allowed to wear what they want. Stop slut shaming
>These videogame characters are far too sexy. You need to tone it down
What this is really all about is a load of uggoes are salty that women in video games are prettier than they are and are stealing male attention. So they demand the game women be less good looking so they feel less intimidated.
It's all extremely pathetic.
Exactly. Before the trans garbage it was body positivity. The fatties and confused alphabet people should not be the norm
Can you explain to me the aerith fandom? She’s just a random street urchin that gets plowed by hundreds smelly sweaty cock to pay the bills
Lol. Best risky click ever
>>people are dying
That is until he possibly becomes more popular. I work with lgbt people, women do resent them because at least where I work they tend to look/dress better and have more money. Nothing an american woman hates more than when there's an attractive meal ticket and she can't get it. The guys I know at work exploit their bisexuality because most of the women where I live have shit bodies, a ton of debt and bastards, hard pass if you can swing it. The hate i've seen is literally worse than the hate a white woman has for a hot asian woman.
Japanese girls have the biggest tits in asia what are you on about?
I mean massive milkers compared to the rest of asia.
She was the innocent girl all the faggots liked. Everybody else liked Tifas tits and wanted to marry Yuffie because the tomboypill is the best pill.
Why’d they make Barrett into a nigger?
>SJeWs still can't censor the most racist video game series
Except Aerith wasn't innocent, tifa was the relatively innocent one while aerith was more outlandish and tomboyish despite appearance and character build.
>it's a hoax, everyone is just going to yell surprise on April 30th
okay fag.
Her tits were bigger in the original and yet she was still your favorite then.
Literally absolute retards programmed by Jews to destroy anything healthy, stable, good and pure in society. That is their purpose. Once you understand this, all becomes clear.
>inb4 Yavin or Kantbot talk about how the categorical imperative is actually responsible for this
People like her because she dies and you loose your goddamn materia and rings if you don’t see it coming
Pretty sure right wingers complain about sex in games too.
>cancelling FF7 RE
I wish. The remake is dogshit.
It's one of those "personality" things.
Remember even if what you said is true (and yes, it is) she is a bubbly, kind, and feminine character towards Cloud/Player. She's cheerful, flirts, and cheers you on. If you didn't want a girl that had a meat train ran on her, you don't look to Tifa or Aeris, you look to Yuffie. You also can't pair up with Jessie either.
>implying japs give a shit about what sjws say
>implying tifa wasnt already sexualized
>implying there is anything wrong with that
Also, make Parasite Eve 3
To be honest Tifa does look like shit compared to the original.
Just have Tifa identify as a male that way EVERYONE wins. Well. The perverts and the SJWS win. People who like video games lose I guess.
>and you loose your goddamn materia and rings
Oh God I'm fucking crying again.
That’s pretty hilarious
Tits or gtfo
People also really liked the song that played when she died.
>Her tits were bigger in the original
They were really bad about complaining about the violence when I was younger.
I hate stuff like this, you guys never talk about based games but you cry 24/7 about SJW shit, it's demoralizing, all gaming blogs with news about games are all "oh this game is sjw, oh this game hates white men, oh this game is full of trannies", etc.
WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO NEGATIVE!? TIFA'S TITS WON'T BE NERFED, THEY ALREADY WERE, and you should be more worried about the homophobic musical about Cloud being transgender.
>>it's a hoax, everyone is just going to yell surprise on April 30th
>okay fag.
So no sauce then?
Because I have this:
green eyes and long brown hair does it