Prince harry hate thread

fuck off mods this is political

this harry cunt was talking mad shit about trump on a call a few weeks ago, saying that he had some 4 year plan to take him out,
harry has just employed bill gates'es head stratigist, to help him create a new umbrella "humanitarian organisation" that we know is code for baby killing, fagotry and climate change. Im letting pol know now, Harry is the anti christ, and is positioning himself to be the face of the one world government. fuck this guy p.s you are never really broke when grannies face is on all the money

pol needs to start collecting intel on this cunt

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Lmao you pathetic plebs never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most royals will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

He embraced the multiculturalism meme so of course he's the anti-christ.

I think he's pretty funny tbqh.

the way all the people on this thread are acting is the reason he will get the power, no one sees it. he is so nice, races retards at invictus, svaes the 3rd wolrd with climat change shit, pushes abortion feminism and fagotry with his wife

Harry is working on becoming an airplane crash investigator.... He's looking for the black box right now!

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Did he survive some type of impalement as a kid?

I mean what’s the over under on how long that marriage lasts? I say 2 more years tops

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that nigress is hileries protege, she has been in training under hilldog from age 12, made ads change to be feminist friendly , gives talks to United nations, this cunt whore is above opera

somebody needs to do something

maybe impalement on the cocks of satanic pedophile priests

Doesn't qualify

>evil nigress
What do you expect? They were set up by a Jewish matchmaker...

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I think he doesn't matter anymore. He wasn't a (((bloodliner))) so the nobility scam is off limits for him.

your a fool,

This leaf is just happy that his taxes aren't paying for the happy couple's security bill anymore...

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The literal prince of England is more successful than some degenerates on a Tibetan cross stitch forum, who would of ever fucking guessed?

Taking money from the British taxpayer. Larping as someone with a brain. Hypocritically flying around the world lecturing us plebs to stop having holidays. Gives up on a commemorative service with his old army mates to go to a Disney movie opening and ask for a job for his wife
Speaking of, I wonder who her next husband's going to be? You just know she's picked him out already.

Yas Forums does not stand for politics you retarded chink bastard.

Ridiculous, Harry is a puppet of puppets, he has the IQ of a show horse if he's lucky, the kind his father used to train.

Harry isn't a threat to anyone, he's a weak, frightened, stupid little boy who ruined his life.

she will be assainated at some point, and yes all that shit he did is the reason he will rise to power, america got trump because they have a massive christian population, the rest of the world will go with the progressive new age bull shit, although there are many redpilled people it isnt enough , maybe 20% in most countries, the majority love the fagotry

sounds like the perfect puppet to be the face of nwo if you ask me. so approachable, so nonthreatening

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simpdom knows no bounds

It's definitely something to look into OP. I remember when he announced he was leaving the responsibilities of the royal family behind I always wondered wtf he was going to do with himself after.

It does look like it's all lining up doesn't it and he seems like the perfect one to choose for it. The forgotten runt of the royal family. The whole (((match maker))) setting him up with a mixed race mutt from Hollywood seens off to me. Now this thing? don't be discouraged OP, I think it's definitely worth looking into.

your a retard, Im fucking giving you the enemy on a platter. he is literaly creating an unbrella corperation right now to over see thousands of humanitarian charities, ie becoming head virtue signaler, he is using bill gates es resources to do it. and all you simple cunts think it nothing.

You're a faggot arry.

Circlejerking sociopaths is something I began doing recently, I do it out of need and I want to stop it ASAP.
If you want to masturbate those people, go ahead.

thanks brother, the whole world that isnt red pilled to the evils of abortion, faggotry, climate changeand the microchipping, literaly love this cunt and defend him like he is a demi god

Remember Military Harry? That guy was pure kino. This part of the act is booooring. Imagine how bored the queen must be l.

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fuck off retard, this cunt is evil and needs to be imprisoned or executed

yeah military harry used to get in is chopper fly to the front line and hunt humans like the psycopath he is. He wasnt a front line soldier doing it tough to feed a family, he is a pompous elite fucking cunt who was hunting humans for sport.

> 2 times
get out of here with your pasta, loose anus

Shut up bitch

it was copied from my own post last night, you need to wake up and realize the world is on the verge of some heavy shit



HAPPENING FAGS, nothing will happen, a silent war is way more valueble to them.

>pushes abortion
Yes, he's a doctor.
Pic related.

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doctor of fagotry, and child sacrifice

You need to look into who would actually be running it because Harry is not smart enough to do it, he's just not. Who cares if he's the face of it? That means nothing. We need the people at the top who are using him

that is exactly what i am saying, by getting intel on him we will have all the people around him.

i have just told you he is right now using bill gateses head stratigest to start a new movement, if you think thats a joke your an idiot, the gates foundation fucking powerfull and the people behind it are upscaling through harry

Shes buddies with baby soros. They go to all the spirit cooking parties.
Fuck these child killers. Lock em up Trump.

no royal, especially a british royal, should be allowed to make his permanent residence the USA

Yes, he's an oil-drilling product of an adulterous relationship and a complete (and literal) bastard.
Fuck that soulless ginger sack of excrement.

is there footage of them together? i will investigate but if you have a source would be great

>prince harry
his real name is Henry the Zero

>Harry is the anti christ,
i'm more likely to believe he is a symbol of the Edomites and the jews are destroying him and making him ridiculous on purpose.

agreed, I hope Trump exiles him, Im pretty sure he will end up in the eu\germany for a little, dancing around on the seat of satan

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You'll love this YouTube channel:

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Harry is betraying royalty and falling for a harlot.

dont forget most of the world dont see it as ridiculous, they see him as a progressive champion, and lover of the people

I think he's alright, leave him alone.

thanks will have a look through it

your faggot, and can rot in hell with him

>some 4 year plan to take him out
So by 2024 Trump will be on his way out?

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take your meds schizoid, this is just a spoiled rich kid who threw everything away for a nigger girl.

>the black box
And of course it's in the wreckage

Isn't he a cuck bastard baby?

not gonna lie, I had a crush on him when he was younger, but as soon as he turned into a simp and left the firm, I could see clearly that he is kind of dopey and undesirable.

To mess him up, portray him in an awkward, incompetent, weak sort of way. The less desirable he looks, the more embarrassed Meghan will be of him. She is so image conscious that she would split with him if she knew that others viewed him as undesirable.

That would put him in the awkward spot of having to decide whether or not to go back to the Royals or just keep being a goofy balding ginger in Hollywierd.

well i think it is more a move they are trying to make so only globalists can get into the seat of the presidency. more than just against trump, seams to be against american patriots

I don't wish him harm, but he needs to fuck off back to the UK, he has no place being a sjw in America. This is really the wrong place and the wrong time for him.

He's just some guy who thought too hard with his dick and fucked his life up for a gold digging status whore. The anti-christ does not try and shill his wife's voiceover talents to Michael Eisner at a cocktail party.

Is he ultimate royal simp?

yes he is a cuck, sounds like the perfect puppet to be the face of nwo if you ask me. so approachable, so nonthreatening

Let's see how many globalists survive the virus first.

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yes he does, thats what you dont get, he is the ultimate onions faggot, that is what the anti christ is, and every npc will love him for it

good point. meme him as a weird guy. Spitting Image used to do this in the 80s and 90s for the royal family and UK celebrities, but brits aren't as fragile as hollywood people.

imagine being a prince in the most important royal house on earth just to end up as the literal pet of some worn nigress cumrag

what an absolute failure as a human being

ment to be onions boy

onions boy

s---o----y wtf is wrong with Yas Forums

Whats Megan’s end game?

Why get to become a princess, agrueably what every woman dreams of, then go to traveling clown show with harry.

The pathetic saga of Henry the cuck

Why people still pay attention to this retard?

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it is the niglet feminist way, they must destroy the patriarchy, im pretty sure she will be assassinated soon, the royal family will only loose so much face. they have killed for much less, epstien didnt last long

Nah, it's Harry the Horse.

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im not riding his dick, Im telling you he is the enemy, and every one is sleeping on it. wake up cunt

What if the ultimate showdown for power in this world is Harry vs William?

>tfw the reality outside of the royal bubble kicks in

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Harry is a Hollywood ppl now. Memes of his awkwardness won't be so easy to cover up for the Royal PR

it will be harry vs Trump, ultimate alpha vs ultimate beta cuck

Unironically built for BBC

This. I dont get it. He could have chosen any virgin 10/10 aryan godess with a degree in medicine or science, any intelligent and beautiful woman on earth and he chose that c list actress which sucked dozens of dicks and worse just to get a movie part.

Fuck off newfag

The prick only wants attention, he’s brainwashed by his “creatura” wife and wants to jerk off leftists to get social points

he is a doofus. Girls he dated could see it and probably didn't want to marry him. Meghan hit the wall and needed to do something for her career and overlooked all his goofy incompetence.

just never typed s--o---y-- befor, have been here long enough

His brother on the other hand is very based tho, leftism must be a mental disease or something

it isnt mental, it is literally a spiritual disease, their souls are missing vital components