How much respect do you have for medical professionals?

these people, whom most are women are fighting for your countries and putting their lives on the line fighting against the virus, something none of us here have the balls to do.
do you respect them?

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i need her to suck my cock dress like that .

I respect the men.

All the women in these positions are just doing shit for attention.

Every job has its busy periods and its calm periods. Everyone going into medicine knows this kind of thing will happen, be it because an airplane wreck, an industrial plant explosion, mass chimpout, tornado, etc. It's part of the job and built into their compensation.

Attention whore

Same thread same photo different night yawn

They are dropping themselves to the level of waitresses with the amount of bitching they have been doing lately.

It's funny how yet another job that is female dominated comes out of the woodworks to complain about having to work.

This. Do your fucking job and stop bitching when you get a little uncomfortable.

Respect Level : ZERO

For decades, these scumbags were charging us $25 for Tylenol, $50,000 for a hip operation, $700 to plaster on a cast, $20 for a roll of gauze, $50 for a father to hold his child after birth for 1 minute....

Clearly, they never reinvested all those obscene profits into supplies or ever having an emergency plan, they never picked up a History book and read about Epidemics/Pandemics in the past, and maybe that one day they might actually need equipment in a storage room or to keep a storage container (pod) out in the parking lot full of supplies...

instead they blew it all on vacations and BMWs for themselves... and now after ripping us off for decades, they suddenly want free donated supplies sent their way, and they want all of us to view them as Superheroes without capes....

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When did all nurses start wearing scrubs? They used to wear professional uniforms and scrubs were reserved for the OR.

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I don’t

>do you respect them?

>Everyone wants to be a gangster, until it's time to do gangster shit.

She wants cock to suck , i'm happy to oblige .
All nurses need cocks to suck .

I love nurses, they are hard workers and they know how to look after you when you're sick.

If you get a chance to marry a nurse, look it down.

I know many nurses. Most of them are cunts who think they’re far more important and smarter than they are. They’re worse than teachers.

zero respect. Doctors are the most jewish profession and nurses are all coal burners.

I did until NPCs told me to respect them, then I stopped.

Give it a week, and the Nurses will be throwing Parades for themselves, just like the fat white women Teachers have thrown Parades for themselves, since they're all going to get an easy paid 5-Month vacation until September comes and they actually have to work again

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Teachers are way worse than nurses.

I've seen males attention whoring the situation

No one wants to come home after a long day at work and have to put in another hour of work.

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>apparently this is the most trying time in recent history all hospitals, a situation that calls for all hands on deck
>constant selfies being taken at work about how I should feel bad for them, people who made the conscious decision to go into the medical field
>>how much respect do you have for them
I have nothing but contempt for "nurses"

Yea it kind of annoys me how little supplies they really have. They couldnt even supply a 1 month crisus let alone this.

You’re a blathering retard if you actually believe this.

They killed my grand-pa.
I know, I was sleeping right next to him and the nurse came him to give him a shot and 10 minutes later he stopped breathing. You fucking bitch killed the greatest man in the world. A man with a will of thousand sun!

some, more respect for the guys and girls in supermarkets though.

I'm a nurse, ama. I've been sitting in the break room getting paid 40.08 an hour while shitposting and watching TV since 6:45, only 1 more hour and I can go home.

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how do you feel about being a parasite?

like any other person it really depends on the character of the individual, i've had a really good doctor that was genuinely concerned over the state of my broken arm and treated me like a person and with another doctor I was dismissed by a rude bitch that misdiagnosed a staff infection on my leg (which would've required amputation if I didn't seek out another physician) as a spider bite.

as i was leaving nasty cunt sarcastically asked me "why do you need a walker?"
"because it's to painful to walk without it, you stupid fucking bitch"

>I broke down and cried today
I'm beginning to believe they all have this as an autofill on their phones

They're doing an important and dangerous service to their communities but women can't stop pleading for attention as it is, if too much is rationed to them in this time then they will spend all their time taking social media selfies instead of helping dying people.

How many boomers your team has killed today?

She’s so busy fighting on the front lines she’s got time to take a selfie. What the hell is wrong with her face. She’s more than likely an NWO sellout larping as a crisis actress.

"spider bite" is a colloquialism for staph infection. treatment is oral antibiotics and IV antibiotics and/or incision and drainage if that didn't work

you probably didn't need a walker

nurses take orders I don't know what they're so stressed about all the time it's just virtue signaling

Generally they're really trashy people with horrible personal lives who use a long houred job to escape from their degenerate out-of-wedlock families. At least from my experience with the younger ones.

>do you respect them?
Yes. Only people who disrespect nurses are can't-get-laid incels and edgy posers.

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actual surgeons, yes

not for posers.

I'm a former soldier and went to war multiple times over the past 20 years. Everyone outside of my profession told us that we all signed with knowledge of the possibility that you could die in combat. I say the same to those in the medical profession. Do the job that you signed up for.

Nurses have inferiority syndrome to the max. They think they're literally doctors when in fact they're basically janitors.

why are your hands little and your pinky red?

Feels good man. 24 and already getting paid 40.08 an hour without even 2 years of experience. And I work in the operating room so I spend like over half of my shift just sitting down on my phone in the break room or in an operating room while watching TV or surgery. I get to spend even more time now doing that now that our operating room is shut down for elective cases. Plus I only work 3 days a week which is nice too.


Girl or guy? Any patient ever hinted for or flat out asked for a sexual favor? Is corona bad there?

In UK if you do not clap Are NHS then it is off to gulag for you.

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Next to none. I was a navy corpsman. The base training to be a corpsman was 3-5 months when I went through depending on how quick you learned. If you went to be with the Marines you got another 3 months for field med and if you were lucky you got sent to a 3 week course for mountain medicine (i.e. extreme pressure limited supplies improvised trauma medicine). And ever since I got through my training one thing became abundantly clear to me: when ever I spoke to the average civilian doctor using medical terminology to describe symptoms or possible diagnosis'/treatment plans they had no fucking clue what I was talking about. Of course I am sure there are some doctors that take their jobs seriously and continually study their asses off but it seems to me that most of them simply data dump their way through med school and 100% depend on reference manuals for diagnosis'.

They obviously didn't know or didn't take it seriously because they all were relying on other people, their employer or the government, to keep them fully stocked in PPE. Their mistake.

Last time I was in the hospital, they blew my vein, slightly fucked up my surgery, incorrectly applied the dressing, and took an entire day to discharge me.
The level of incompetence in our hospitals in staggering.

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What is a cock dress?

my brother in law is a doctor and he puts in alot of hours dealing with peoples stupid shit, i'll give doctors respect.

nurses? meh


No, I spend maybe 3 minutes max interacting with a patient before they go to sleep.
It wasn't but it's getting worse fast.

For a couple of years I dated exclusively nurses who were in their 20s. This demographic is the most dirty, cock-hungry group of women you will ever know. They typically take good care of their bodies and are very clean. They don't play games and often cut straight to want they want, which is usually sucking cock or fucking your brains out. Highly recommended.

these are big gals

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these fuckers do not work hard. people that actually work hard do not take selfies of themselves ever.

We have a WinRAR

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I should add that that experience did not always play out with male doctors (although it sometimes did) but it played out 100% with women and all pajeet and shitskin doctors.

She needs to get on her knees in those scrubs and suck my cock .

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You in any of the hard hit states under stay at home?
Do drs and nurses really all fuck each other?
What has your hospital said about coronachan? Any official and unofficial notes?

I'm a painter. I often use an airless sprayer, and wear a respirator mask. A lot of these medical people posting sympathy-fishing pictures of themselves with those marks on their face are full of shit. You can get those pressure marks just from wearing a tightly sealed mask for a half hour or less, and when you take off the mask they go away after about five minutes.

None. Fuck Nurses and fuck the medical industry.

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This. Most people could be a nurse if they put in the effort. It's tough to become a doctor and most of the NEETS here would drown if they tried. I imagine most of the people here would struggle with anything beyond chem 1.

Attention Whore.

How many hospital employees have inserted part of themselves into one of your openings?

It's their job lol they do it for money, they are not fucking martyrs doing it for free

I have the balls just not the education or skill to change the diaper of granny asphyxiating from corona chan. So im doing other work. Suck my dick mutttttt

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Anyone who posts shit like this just wants attention, fuck them

white people are soulful as hell. hats off to this nurse. lmao

t asian bugmaj


They save people's lives and that's a good thing. However, posting selfies everyday and begging for attention is getting a bit annoying. Why cant people just put their heads down and do their work?

Everyone passes chem one its organic chemistry that separates the men from the boys.
That being said nearly all of modern medical education is designed to induce artificial scarcity.
The bulk of the profession is following already established procedures and being able to memorize enough garbage to diagnose. Which can no be replaced with a computer if necessary.
What I am saying is a good mechanic is about as skilled as most in the medical profession

What did he mean by this? Is it the final evolution of the bugman!

Sounds based, good for you. I’ve heard OR can get rough but you’re young so ride that shit. Plenty of time to fuck with radiology or whatever in ten years. Invest your money and get free from the capitalist rat race.

A LOT and nurses are currently showing the assholes on Yas Forums that women perform crucial work and society would collapse without them!


>whom most are women
you have to go back

For those of you who show disrespect towards medical professional, I hope when you catch coronavirus the last thing you see before you take your last breath is one of these people saying, "this one's gone..." and walking away slowly. Then you die. Enjoy.

Says the one with free healthcare

Poopoo Peepee Diarrhea.

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I'll make sure and let you drown in your secretions when the Ching Chang Voodoo comes for you, faggot.

>Validate me!!!!

Not much. They apparently don't even know that acetic acid kills viruses.

There is literally NO reason for anyone to be infected with anything. Acetic acid is inexpensive and kills all germs. What are these people collecting paychecks for? Not for curing easily curable diseases, that's for sure. smdh tbph

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I went to basic with a few medics in the Army.
I think I'm retarded for going CBRN vs medical

A whole lot.

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Why do females do these pay attention to me and I do a lot of work posts but you dont see many male nurses and male doctors doing this?

Why aren't you healing everyone and becoming wealthy then retard?

I'd say a good engineer is more comparable. Drs are generally at the top with their knowledge of anatomy and a mechanical engineer could run circles around a mechanic. I have a cousin who is a mechanic and he is about as dumb as it gets.

This. Worked in a hospital and it's soon made clear the only people who work there are nurses and doctors. Nurses are far worse behaved though because female

These toasties want people to think they personally are 9/11 firefighters, they really just change bedpans for a living.

Well given the current situation you should be happy.
At least you will be able to decontaminate your equipment properly

Damn right, I used to work on ships doing dockside and shipyard painting and we used way heavier gear than what you see in hospitals. I used to get chewed out if I let the guys on my crew wear n95 masks, they don’t do shit for particle contamination. On the bright side, I have a half face respirator and some cartridges at home to wear for when shit gets worse. Awkward to wear walking into a liquor store but that’s life.

*roasties. wtf.

Those uniforms are not practical or as hygeinic as scrubs

Most of the SOCMs I train are butt fucking retards, no wonder sand niggers killed so many of you.


MD here. Keep in mind 99.9% of medical staff aren't insufferable non-professionals that take to the internet seeking attention for doing exactly what they signed up to do. We just do our jobs, come home, and don't expect recognition or praise.

God I hate this new generation of overly-emotional "activist" medical care providers.

I dont respect fragile cry babies. Stop taking selfies and do your job, you stupid whore.
My mom is a nurse ahd she doesnt cry like a little bitch.

Imagine thinking you should share your personal struggles with other people.

How self centred.