Doing business in America is now forbidden by law
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>Doing business in America is now forbidden by law
Price gouging during a natural disaster or any state of emergency has always been against the law you tard.
I'd string him up for treason.
And whats considered price gouging? The american state sets the prices? Nice ”capitalism” and ”freedom” you got there bro
Actually it wasn't illegal to price gouge in new york until recently.
Most southern states had laws in place from hurricane disasters.
If it costs 10 dollars before the crisis and 100 during the crisis, that’s price gouging (also known as Judaism)
Gouging occurs after a state of emergency has been declared.
You can jack up prices all you want before that.
>And whats considered price gouging? The american state sets the prices? Nice ”capitalism” and ”freedom” you got there bro
Only during a declared state of emergency you can't charge $10 for a bottle of water that is normally a dollar, it's been the law for decades you stupid yid.
good thing those FBI are working on the important crimes. ignore those 4 senators and all their peers and family who sold millions of their stock after their intel briefings
>Most southern states had laws in place from hurricane disasters.
He also decided to start coughing on FBI agents when they came for him. He's a cunt.
So you read that image you posted and came up with this retarded post? Yup you belong here. Here's your diaper
Trust muh freemarket.
Sweden you are Europe's bitch you don't even have laws
Literally law that they can perform insider trading. They can only be shamed publicly.
>Coughing on FBI agents
Mask are expensive on amazon though
Ammo has gone up
What’s the difference between supply and demand and price groging
> Yas Forums: we hate jews because they exploit us by cornering markets and industries, and then bleed us dry
> also Yas Forums: wtf, you can't stop people cornering markets and industries so we can bleed people dry
This cunt can hang for all I care.
I heard the senate or house is investigating them, for what ever little that is worth
Getting caught.
why are FBI agents investigating this? a traffic cop could crack that case in about 10 seconds
>Baruch Feldstein
Yep. During Harvey some pajeets got in big trouble for jacking gas prices up to $10/gal
t. Moron libertarian
Search up Franklin County, FL. An FBI agent played some backwoods deputies at their own game during a police corruption probe. Video is 50 minutes long. Between snatching up jewish price gougers, crooked cops, and arrested mexican mafia members. I say the feds and FBI are finally doing their job. Next up is the crooked senators.
legal if ur jewish
filthy jew of course
OP is a cum guzzling Swedish faggot
>Coughing on FBI agents
Powerful people are exempt from the law
this has been a problem for literal fucking millennia
>Literally law that they can perform insider trading.
What the fuck
They should allow price gouging, as that would mean you could find gas stations with fuel during natural disasters. These laws just create shortages.
>high demand
>raise the prices
take a economics class faggot, how about the US print some more fucking magically money with their printers and buy supplies seeing they can dump 6+ trillion into the fed in 2 weeks
NYC (((man)))
>Capitalism only when it benefits me.
Laws are only for little people. Also, it does not take long for congressmen and senators to become wealthy. When you can define regulation and do insider trading, it does not take much imagination to see why.
What if I sell on eBay at an auction
A law against PROFIT?!? Who would do such a thing!
The guy is a hassidic jew
Nope, fuck the faggot middle men that buy up all the supplies DURING A CRISIS and create an artificial shortage in an area. It was the same bullshit with hand sanitizer, wipes, and lysol sprays.
yes it is. most of my city is shut down. i am going broke.i am essential, but have no non essentials with money to spend. this is destroying America with not one shot fired. very cunning, indeed!!!
Bottles of water at Yankees games are like $9.
Ebay and amazon are not letting you sell certain items like masks and Purell due to pressure from the government. You will have your account frozen.
If you don't believe me go ahead and try.
OH shit I forgot where I am...
Scalpers are some of the lowest forms of human life, right there with niggers. But then you add in scalping medical supplies during a state of emergency, and you deserve to be perforated with semi auto fire. Only scum tries to profit off of a crisis.
Who would you contact for that? Asking for a friend.
>Franklin County sheriff's deputy fixes a ticket for a political ally
>Feds get wind of it and FBI sents Agent Dipshit to investigate
>Agent Dipshit immediately gives the deputies shit, refuses to properly identify himself, and ends up cuffed in the back of the deputy's car
>FBI dispatch has to call down and get him cut loose
I hope your post was meant to be ironic
Being a coniving dirty jew is illegal, up yours Bernstein
As much as the Yankees playing constitutes a "disaster" and "state of emergency", the government doesn't deem it as such, so it's alright they charge out the ass as long as they don't start charging $90 after corona.
> What’s the difference between supply and demand and price gouging
That depends on what you mean by "supply and demand", in the sense that when people usually talk about supply and demand, the context is normal life - no disasters, no panic, no insecurity and instability. They don't just mean "what is available vs what is required", but they mean "what is available vs what is required with no extraordinary circumstances skewing the balance". You know, kind of like we usually say water is incompressible, because we're implying a context of normal use on planet Earth, not because water is actually incompressible.
Price gouging is when someone forces scarcity by injecting themselves in a supply chain that would otherwise have no need for them, in order to artificially lower supply for a period of time, temporarily jacking up the prices of goods and thereby extracting extra profit.
Why most societies tend to not allow this is because history taught us most people who do this kind of shit don't get to live long enough to enjoy the money, and the anxiety and distress they cause is definitely not worth the hassle.
Don't you have a nigger dick to be sucking somewhere Sven?
What do you call these "profit" brains? I like to just call them kikes.
I'm not really sure. Probably your states Attorney General's office, or possibly your Justice Department; at the very least, they should be able to direct you to whatever government department might oversee such matters (Weighs and Means, Energy, Agriculture, etc.)
or Chinese
You, sir, are an idiot. He's price gouging which is a crime.
'And what's considered price gouging? Does the American state set the prices? Nice ”capitalism” and ”freedom” you got there bro'
No, stupid. Its anything above 100 % of pre crisis. You dont get to make money of peoples need in crisis. Thats evil and you get a bullet through your skull for it.
If you think its ok, you also deserve one
It might vary state to state but in Virginia:
>Any suspected violations of [the anti-price gouging statute] should be reported to the Office of the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Section.
Just do a web search for "disaster" or "emergency" "price gouging" in your state
And then onlt those who have been vaccinated will be able to do business
The mark of the beast...
I bet you think the chinks that bought up all the medical supplies and sent them back to China are alright don’t you.
Pic is you op
>muh price gouging
God newpol is fucking irredeemable. Supply and demand, fuckers. If they’re in the market for a mask and their employer shit the bed on preparedness then tough shit. Price inelasticity. Nobody has a gun to their head forcing to buy from this guy.
The hospitals do it to patients every day. They charge $50 for NSID's, hundreds of dollars for blood tests, etc. Fuck them.
>You dont get to make money of peoples need in crisis.
So when are you going to start shooting doctors? They markup your healthcare cost the same way, brainlet. God damn newpol fags are going to get the rope.